Стартовая контрольная работа для 6 класса (базовый уровень)
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

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Стартовый контроль

Главной задачей стартового контроля является установление соответствия знаний учеников требованиям государственных общеобразовательных программ, глубины и прочности полученных знаний, их практическому применению. Контрольная работа проводится в соответствии с Законом Российской Федерации «Об образовании», федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами. Контрольная работа обучающихся проводится с целью повышения ответственности общеобразовательного учреждения за результаты образовательного процесса, за объективную оценку усвоения обучающимися образовательных программ 6-ого года обучения в общеобразовательном учреждении, за степень усвоения обучающимися федерального государственного образовательного стандарта, определенного образовательной программой в рамках учебного  курса. 

Стартовый контроль по английскому языку ставит своей целью определение уровня усвоения обучающимися основных знаний и умений к началу обучения в 6-ом классе. Задания направлены на контроль сформированности знаний по следующим темам: 

- Лексика: продукты питания, глаголы действий, школьные объекты и предметы, порядковые и количественные числительные, предлоги, описание внешности, название зданий и профессий, эмоции и чувства, предметы обихода, времена года и погода, одежда;

- Грамматика: неопределенный артикль, глагол to be, глагол have got / has got, конструкция there is / are, глагол “can”, “Present Simple”, “Present Continuous”, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные, употребление some/any/much/many/a lot of, Possessive case, Possessive Pronouns.

- Чтение: умение понимать и анализировать содержание небольшого текста. 


Количество вариантов – 2

Количество заданий - 5

Система оценивания.

Каждый правильный ответ оценивается 1 баллом.

Максимально возможный балл за всю работу – 56

Таблица перевода баллов в отметки по пятибалльной шкале


Отметка по пятибалльной шкале














На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 45 минут. 


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Стартовая контрольная работа для 6 класса


Задание 1. Соедини слова.

  1. Ruler

  1. Пекарня
  1. Zoo

  1. Линейка
  1. Dress

  1. Зоопарк
  1. Camera

  1. Платье
  1. Armchair

  1. Камера
  1. Kitchen

  1. Кресло
  1. Kind

  1. Кухня
  1. Twins

  1. Добрый
  1. Tiger

  1. Аптека
  1. Elephant

  1. Хлопья
  1. Garlic

  1. Сыр
  1. Have breakfast

  1. Зонт
  1. Winter

  1. Июль
  1. Summer

  1. Лето
  1. July

  1. Зима
  1. Umbrella

  1. Завтракать
  1. Cheese

  1. Чеснок
  1. Cereal

  1. Слон
  1. Chemist’s

  1. Близнецы
  1. Baker’s

  1. Тигр

Задание 2. Грамматика. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.

  1. He ……. my brother.
  1. Is b)are
  1. This is …… apple.
  1. an b) a
  1. ………they got a cat?
  1. Has b) have
  1. There …..four chairs in the kitchen.
  1. Are b) am
  1. This is …..camera.
  1. her b) hers
  1. Can they swim? – Yes, they ……..
  1. Can b) do
  1. ……… she like animals?
  1. Do b) Does
  1. What is ……favorite subject ?
  1. Yours b)her
  1. I ……… to the cinema every day.
  1. Goes b) go
  1. What …… Jane doing now?
  1. Is b) are
  1. He usually ……….to school by bus.
  1. Goes b) going
  1. That car is not ……
  1. my b) mine
  1. There are …… eggs in the fridge.
  1. Some b) any
  1. How ……. sugar have you got?
  1. Many b) much
  1. Ben and Bob are ………………. brothers.
  1. Mike b) Mike’s

Задание 3. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ на вопрос.

1)What is the weather like today?

  1. It’s sunny b) I’m fine, thanks

6)What time is it now?

  1. It’s six o’clock b) It’s July

2)Is this your new dress?

  1. No, it isn’t. b) Yes,thanks.

7)What are your favourite subjects?

  1. I love winter b)Biology and PE.

3)Is there an armchair in your room?

  1. Yes, there are b) Yes, there is

8) What nationality are you? ?

  1. I’m Russian b) I’m from Russia.

4)Has your sister got any friends?

  1. Yes, she has. b) She’s 30

9)How much is your dress?

  1. It’s blue. b) It’s 20.

5)Do you like ice cream?

  1. Yes, I do b) Yes, she does.

10)What would you like to do?

  1. I like to play computer games b) I like ice cream.

Задание 4. Прочитай текст. Напиши true / false.

Alfred is an American boy. He lives in Los Angeles, California. He lives with his

family in a modern house. He is eleven years old and he has got an older

brother, David and a younger sister, Emma.

He starts his day at about half past seven. He gets up, goes to the bathroom, takes a

shower, brushes his teeth and get dressed. Then he has breakfast and at a quarter to

eight he leaves home and catches the bus to school. Classes begin at half past

eight. He usually has lunch at the school canteen at half past twelve. After school, at

a quarter past five, he goes home. There he does his school homework and when he

finishes it he helps his Mum laying the table. At half past seven the family dines


Alfred is a very helpful boy, so he helps his mother cleaning up everything after

dinner. He usually watches TV for a while after dinner and at about ten o’clock the

most he brushes his teeth again, puts on his Spider Man pajamas and goes to

bed. His parents always kiss him good night before he gets asleep. Alfred is a very

happy boy!

II. True or False?

lives in a modern flat……………………………..

has got two brothers……………………………….

classes begin at half past eight……………………………..

and his family have dinner at half past seven…………………………

walks to school ……………………………………………..

Задание 5. Заполни анкету.





Your favourite fruits………………….

Your favourite sports……………………………………………

Стартовая контрольная работа для 6 класса

Вариант 1.

Задание 1. Соедини слова.

  1. Pencil

  1. Театр
  1. Cinema

  1. Карандаш
  1. Trainers

  1. Кинотеатр
  1. Watch

  1. Кроссовки
  1. Sofa

  1. Часы
  1. Kitchen

  1. Диван
  1. Friendly

  1. Кухня
  1. Baby

  1. Дружелюбный
  1. Giraffe

  1. Ресторан
  1. Elephant

  1. Чеснок
  1. Cabbage

  1. Курица
  1. Wake up

  1. Штаны
  1. Spring

  1. Июнь
  1. Summer

  1. Лето
  1. June

  1. Весна
  1. Trousers

  1. Просыпаться
  1. Chicken

  1. Капуста
  1. Garlic

  1. Слон
  1. Restaurant

  1. Ребенок
  1. Theatre

  1. Жираф

Задание 2. Грамматика. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.

  1. She ……. my sister.
  1. is b) are
  1. This is …… egg.
  1. an b) a
  1. ………they got a computer?
  1. has b) have
  1. There …..two windows in my room.
  1. are b) am
  1. The painting is …….the wall.
  1. under b)on
  1. Can they talk? – Yes, they ……..
  1. can b) do
  1. ……… they like animals?
  1. do b) does
  1. What is …… address?
  1. yours b) her
  1. She ……… to the cinema every day.
  1. goes b) go
  1. What …… Sam doing now?
  1. is b) are
  1. I usually ……….to school by bus.
  1. go b) going
  1. That book is not ……
  1. my b) mine
  1. There are …… apples in the fridge.
  1. some b) any
  1. How ……. rice have you got?
  1. many b) much
  1. Sue and Kate are ………………. sisters.
  1. Janets b) Janet’s

Задание 3. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ на вопрос.

  1. How are you?
  1. Thank you b) I’m fine, thanks

6) What time is it now?

  1. It’s half past eight b) It’s August
  1. Is this your new scarf?
  1. Yes, it is. b) Russia.

7) What’s your favourite season?

  1. I love winter b) Biology and PE.
  1. Is there a TV in your room?
  1. Yes, there are b) Yes, there is

8) What’s the weather like today?

  1. It’s hot and windy. b) Yes, I know
  1. Has your mum got any sisters?
  1. No, she hasn’t b) She’s 30

9) How much is your T-shirt?

  1. It’s green. b) It’s 10 dollars.
  1. Do you like tigers?
  1. Yes, I do b) Yes, they are.

10) What would you like to eat?

  1. One hamburger, please b) A glass of water.

Задание 4. Прочитай текст. Напиши true / false.

Dear John,

How are you? Here we are at my grandma and grandpa’s country house and we’re having a good time. The house is old, but very beautiful. There’s a kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. All the bedrooms have got a beautiful fireplace and their own bathroom.

It’s a bit windy and cold in here, but the sun is shining. In the morning, my grandpa makes us breakfast then we all go for a walk. Sometimes we feed the ducks in the river. After lunch we sometimes play board games like Monopoly or chess, or we talk. My grandpa is very funny and clever and tells a lot of good stories.

At the moment, my grandma is decorating the living room with yellow and green balloons. It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow. We’ll have a party for him.

See you soon!


house isn’t new …………

are two living rooms in the house ………

3. There isn’t a fireplace in the bedroom .……..

4. Jessica’s grandfather usually makes them breakfast ..……..

5. It’s Jessica’s sister’s birthday tomorrow .……..

Задание 5. Заполните анкету.





Your favourite animals………………….

Your favourite subjects……………………………………………

Стартовая контрольная работа для 6 класса

Вариант 2.

Задание 1. Соедини слова.

  1. Copybook

  1. Зоопарк
  1. Maths

  1. Тетрадь
  1. Cap

  1. Обувной магазин
  1. Kitchen

  1. Математика
  1. Bathroom

  1. Кухня
  1. Cooker

  1. Лук
  1. Clever

  1. Кепка
  1. Sister

  1. Ванная
  1. Monkey

  1. Плита
  1. Parrot

  1. Умный
  1. Cow

  1. Сестра
  1. Go to bed

  1. Корова
  1. Work on the computer

  1. Попугай
  1. Spring

  1. Обезьяна
  1. July

  1. Сосиски
  1. Shoes

  1. Обувь
  1. Sausages

  1. Июль
  1. Onion

  1. Весна
  1. Shoe shop

  1. Работать на компьютере
  1. Zoo

  1. Ложиться спать

Задание 2. Грамматика. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.

  1. This is …… atlas.
  1. An b) a
  1. They …… my friends.
  1. Is b) are
  1. ……… you got a watch?
  1. Have b) has
  1. This bag isn’t mine. It’s my ………
  1. mother b) mother’s
  1. ...there a chair in the living room?
  1. Is b) are
  1. This big house over there is ……
  1. their b) theirs
  1. Can Tony and Steve paint? Yes, …can.
  1. She b) they
  1. This is …… mother.
  1. Me b) my
  1. Bill and Brian are ….. friends
  1. his b) mine
  1. …….. Monica eat fruits?
  1. Does b) do
  1. The children …… watching TV now.
  1. Are b) am
  1. …… you having breakfast now?
  1. Is b) are
  1. I usually ….. gloves and a jacket in winter.
  1. Wearing b) wear
  1. There isn’t ….. cheese on the table.
  1. Any b) some
  1. How ….. potatoes have we got?
  1. Many b) some

Задание 3. Прочитай и обведи правильный ответ на вопрос.

1)How old are you?

a)I’m 13 b) I’m fine, thanks.

6)Can Bill dance?

a)Yes, he does b) Yes, he can.

2)Is she your mother?

a)No, it isn’t b)Yes, she is.

7)Where do tigers live?

a)In Africa b) in the river

3)Where’s the lamp?

a)It’s on the desk b) Yes, there is.

8)What time do you wake up?

a)I’ve got a cat b) At seven o’clock

4)Is there a fridge in the kitchen?

a)Yes, there is b) Yes, I can cook.

9)What’s her favourite season?

a)In the evening b) Summer

5)What’s your sister like?

a)She’s clever and funny b)She can sing.

10)How much rice do you need?

a)That’s great b) Not much.

Задание 4. Прочитай текст. Напиши true / false.

Dear Jessica,

How are you? Here we are at my aunt and uncle’s country house and we’re having a good time. The house is new and very comfortable. There’s a kitchen, a living room and three bedrooms. All the bedrooms have got their own bathroom.

It’s warm and sunny in here and the sun is shining. In the morning, my uncle makes us breakfast then we all go for a walk in the park. Sometimes we feed birds in the park. After lunch we often watch films or talk. My aunt is very funny and clever and tells us a lot of good stories.

At the moment, my aunt is decorating the living room with red and blue balloons. It’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow. We’ll have a party for her.

See you soon!


1. The house is very old ……

2. There are two bedrooms in the house ……

3. The weather is not very good …….

4. John’s aunt usually makes them breakfast ……..

5. John’s aunt is watching a film now ……..

Задание 5. Заполните анкету.





Your favourite animals………………….

Your favourite subjects……………………

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