Профессиональный английский язык Учебное пособие
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку

Пособие структурно состоит из основных тематических циклов строительной направленности и предназначено для обучения английскому языку обучающихся по профессии СПО 08.01.08 Мастер отделочных строительных работ.

Скрупулезно подобраны тексты по основным видам отделочных строительных работ, что, соответственно, определяет лексическое наполнение учебного пособия.

Словарь определяется содержанием ситуаций профессионального общения и удачно зафиксирован в заданиях.

Цель пособия– развитие навыков коммуникации и технического перевода в условиях будущей профессиональной деятельности.



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Предварительный просмотр:

государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Магнитогорский строительно-монтажный техникум»


английский язык

Учебное пособие


Одобрено и рекомендовано:

Предметной цикловой комиссией социально-гуманитарного профиля

Протокол № _____от _________ 2022 г.

предметной (цикловой)

комиссии:_______________Г.В. Карташова

Разработчик: Карташова Г.В.   – преподаватель ГБПОУ МСМТ, первой категории



Пособие структурно состоит из основных тематических циклов строительной направленности и предназначено для обучения английскому языку обучающихся по профессии СПО 08.01.08 Мастер отделочных строительных работ.

Скрупулезно подобраны тексты по основным видам отделочных строительных работ, что, соответственно, определяет лексическое наполнение учебного пособия.

Словарь определяется содержанием ситуаций профессионального общения и удачно зафиксирован в заданиях.

Цель пособия– развитие навыков коммуникации и технического перевода в условиях будущей профессиональной деятельности.

Рецензент: Е.И. Кенарь, зам. директора по научно-методической работе




Тема: Masonry                                                                                                            

Тема: Plasterer                                                                                                            

Тема: Types of Plastering Tools                                                                              

Тема: Plaster types                                                                                                    

Тема: Plaster of different surfaces                                                                                   

Тема: Decorative plaster for interior                                                                        

Тема: Original ways of decorating the walls using plaster                                      

Тема: Health and Safety when using plaster                                                          

Тема: History of the trade in England (painters)                                                    

Тема: Tools for the Job                                                                                            

Тема: Surface Preparation Methods                                                                        

Тема: Modern Building Materials                                                                            

Тема: History of building materials                                                                        

Тема: Paint types                                                                                                      

Тема: Technology of painting                                                                                  

Тема: Painting of various surfaces.                                                                          

Тема: Painting of various surfaces                                                                          

Тема: The Ultimate House Painting Tips Guide                                                      

Тема: Painters’ uniforms                                                                                          

Тема: Safety Tips for Painting                                                                                

Тема: Using Step-Ladders Safely                                                                            

Список литературы                                                                                                

























Современный мир настолько быстро меняется, что те, кто не поспевает за требованиями, которые он предъявляет, оказываются на обочине жизни. В трудные времена человек обязан мобилизовать все свои знания, умения, навыки и выйти победителем в кризисных ситуациях!

Владение иностранным языком является еще одним инструментом выживания. Знание иностранного языка сегодня уже не является преимуществом или просто ценным качеством - оно стало необходимостью.

При равных возможностях у человека, владеющего иностранным языком, повышается шанс получить хорошую работу. И, уж, тем более, этот шанс повышается, если человек владеет профессиональным иностранным языком.

Данное учебное пособие разработано в целях оказания помощи при освоении профессиональной лексики в сфере отделочных строительных работ.

В соответствии с рабочей программой общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» в результате изучения данной дисциплины обучающийся:

должен знать/понимать:

  • значения новых лексических единиц, профессиональных терминов, связанных с тематикой данного этапа и с соответствующими ситуациями общения.
  • новые значения изученных глагольных форм (видо-временных, неличных), средства и способы выражения модальности; условия, предположения, причины, следствия, побуждения к действию;
  • лингвострановедческую, страноведческую и социокультурную информацию, расширенную за счет новой тематики и проблематики речевого общения;
  • тексты, построенные на языковом материале профессионального общения, в том числе инструкции и нормативные документы по специальности;

должен уметь:


  • читать аутентичные технические тексты по профессиональной тематике, используя основные виды чтения (ознакомительное, изучающее, просмотровое/поисковое) в зависимости от коммуникативной задачи;
  • определять структуру простого и сложного предложения, устанавливать логические, временные, причинно-следственные, сочинительные, подчинительные и другие связи и отношения между элементами предложения и текста.
  • пользоваться контекстом, прогнозированием и речевой догадкой при восприятии письменных и устных текстов.
  • определять происхождение слов с помощью словаря.
  • пользоваться толковыми, двуязычными словарями и другими справочными материалами, в том числе мультимедийными, а также поисковыми системами и ресурсами в сети Интернет.

- фиксировать основные сведения в процессе чтения или прослушивания текста, в том числе в виде таблицы, схемы, графика.

 - составлять развернутый план, аннотацию  печатного текста, в том числе для дальнейшего использования в устной и письменной речи (например, в докладах, интервью, собеседованиях, совещаниях, переговорах).

При выполнении заданий данного пособия формируются ОК:


ОК 1        Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес

ОК 2        Организовывать собственную деятельность, исходя из цели и способов ее достижения, определенных руководителем.

ОК 3        Анализировать рабочую ситуацию, осуществлять текущий и итоговый контроль, оценку и коррекцию собственной деятельности, нести ответственность за результаты своей работы.

ОК 4        Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач.

ОК 5        Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6        Работать в команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, клиентами.

Пособие состоит из 21 темы. В каждой теме вашему вниманию будет представлен текст для обязательного прочтения. Каждый текст сопровождается комплексом упражнений. Перед выполнением этих упражнений вам  рекомендуется прочитать текст, понять, о чем он, опираясь на данный к каждому тексту  словарь, так как содержание заданий непосредственно  связано с текстом.

При выполнении данных заданий вы освоите понятийный словарь, научитесь различным приемам работы с текстом. Часть упражнений следует выполнять в письменной форме, что позволит вам улучшить лексические навыки, составлять аннотации к прочитанному тексту, выражать свое мнение по поводу прочитанного.

Для более глубокого изучения темы вам предлагаются дополнительные тексты для самостоятельного перевода со словарем. Выполняя данные задания, вы научитесь переводить оригинальные профессионально-ориентированные тексты.

Тема: Masonry.

Задание1. Прочитайте текст.

Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова.

Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


masonry- кладка

bound – связывать

mortar – строительный раствор

travertine – известковый туф

limestone – известняк

cast stone – бетонный блок

concrete block –бетонный блок

cob – глыба

durable – прочный

quality – качество

workmanship – квалификация

pattern – шаблон

weight-bearing – несущий

veneer – шпон, облицовка

hollow cores – полые ячейки

compressive strength – прочность на сжатие

transverse  - поперечный

reinforcement  - укрепление

rebar – арматура

tensile – растяжимый

lateral – боковой, горизонтальный

non-combustible – невоспламеняющийся

projectiles – снаряды

debris – развалины, обломки

expansion – расширение

contractions – сжатие

reinforced concrete – железобетон

lend itself – быть пригодным, поддающимся

loose components – сыпучие компоненты

oscillation – вибрация,  колебание

Masonry is the building of structures from individual units, which are often laid in and bound together by mortar the term masonry can also refer to the units themselves. The common materials of masonry construction are brick, building stone such as marble, granite, travertine, and limestone, cast stone, concrete block, glass block, and cob. Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and workmanship, and the pattern in which the units are assembled can significantly affect the durability of the overall masonry construction. A person who constructs masonry is called a mason or bricklayer.

Masonry is commonly used for walls and buildings. Brick and concrete block are the most common types of masonry in use in industrialized nations and may be either weight-bearing or a veneer. Concrete blocks, especially those with hollow cores, offer various possibilities in masonry construction. They generally provide great compressive strength, and are best suited to structures with light transverse loading when the cores remain unfilled. Filling some or all of the cores with concrete or concrete with steel reinforcement (typically rebar) offers much greater tensile and lateral strength to structures.


  • The use of material such as bricks and stones can increase the thermal mass of a building and can protect the building from fire.
  • Masonry is non-combustible product.
  • Masonry walls are more resistant to projectiles, such as debris from hurricanes or tornadoes.


  • Extreme weather, under certain circumstances, can cause degradation of masonry due to expansion and contractions forces associated with freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Masonry tends to be heavy and must be built upon a strong foundation, such as reinforced concrete, to avoid settling and cracking.
  • Other than concrete, masonry construction does not lend itself well to mechanization, and requires more skilled labor.
  • Masonry consists of loose components and has a low tolerance to oscillation as compared to other materials such as reinforced concrete, plastics, wood, or metals.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке следующих словосочетаний.

отдельные блоки; строительный камень; высоко прочная форма строения; промышленно развитые страны; различные возможности в каменной конструкции; структуры с лёгкой поперечной нагрузкой; ячейки остаются незаполненными; удельная теплоёмкость здания; невоспламеняемый продукт; каменные стены более устойчивы к снарядам; разрушение кладки; циклы замораживания и оттаивания; прочный фундамент; избежать оседания и растрескивания; не поддаётся механизации; низкое сопротивление вибрации.

Задание 3.  Определите, соответствуют данные предложения содержанию текста, или не соответствуют. (True or False).

  1. The common materials of masonry construction are brick, building stone such as marble, plastic, sand and limestone, cast stone, concrete block, glass block, and cob.
  2. A person who constructs masonry is called a mason or bricklayer.
  3. Masonry is commonly used for interior walls and buildings.
  4. Glass blocks, especially those with hollow cores, offer various possibilities in masonry construction.
  5. Masonry is non-combustible product.
  6. Masonry walls are more resistant to projectiles, such as debris from hurricanes or tornadoes.
  7. Masonry tends to be heavy and must be built upon ground without strong foundation.
  8. Other than concrete, masonry construction lends itself well to mechanization.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What is masonry?
  2. What are common materials used in masonry construction?
  3. Is masonry a durable form of construction?
  4. What affects the durability of the overall masonry construction?
  5. What offers greater tensile and lateral strength to structures?
  6. Masonry is non-combustible product, isn’t it?
  7. What are some disadvantages of masonry construction?

Задание 5. Напишите аннотацию к данному тексту, опираясь на следующий план.

  1. The text is headlined…..
  2. The text is about….
  3. The author starts by telling the reader that….
  4. Much attention is given to….
  5. The text gives a detailed analysis of…..
  6. I found the article interesting (important, useful) because….

Задание 6. Переведите следующий текст, пользуясь словарём.

Bricklayers build and repair walls and other parts of buildings

This page has information on the role of a bricklayer in the NHS, including entry requirements and skills needed. 

Working life

As a bricklayer in the NHS, you may work on

  • new buildings
  • extensions to existing buildings
  • repairing or refurbishing existing buildings
  • restoration of historic buildings

You'll keep the outside walls of NHS buildings in good condition by doing repairs when necessary. You may also work on major construction projects lasting several months.

Who will I work with?

For small repairs, you may work on their own. For larger projects, you'll usually work in a team with other bricklayers or with other estates staff such as carpenters, plumbers, tillers, painters and decorators or electricians.

You might work on new buildings, extensions to existing buildings or repair or refurbishing existing buildings. 

Bricklayers need to be

  • interested in construction
  • physically fit for lifting, standing and carrying
  • neat and methodical
  • health and safety aware
  • willing to work outside in all weathers
  • able to read plans
  • able to work alone or in a team
  • practical skills
  • good manual (hand) skills
  • organisational skills

Тема: Plasterer

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


plasterer – штукатур

a layer – слой

moldings – лепнина

ancient - древний

handicrafts – ремёсла

employed - применяемый

dwellings - жилища

mud –грязь

lasting and slightly – долговечный и легкий

slime – тина

perfection – совершенство

compounding – смешивание

remote – удаленный, далекий

undisturbed – неразрушенный

excels - выделяется

executed – выполненный

ascertained - установлено

purpose – цель

calcined gypsum - штукатурный гипс

reeds - тростник

lath – дранка

float and set - трёхслойная штукатурка

hair – ворс

lime stucco – известковая штукатурка

temples – храмы

marble – мрамор

A plasterer is a tradesman who works with plaster, such as forming a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings  on ceilings or walls. The process of creating plasterwork, called plastering, has been used in building construction for centuries. 

Plasterwork is one of the most ancient of handicrafts employed in connection with building operations, the earliest evidence showing that the dwellings of primitive man were erected in a simple fashion with sticks and plastered with mud. Soon a more lasting and slightly material was found and employed to take the place of mud or slime, and that perfection in the compounding of plastering materials was approached at a very remote period is made evident by the fact that some of the earliest plastering which has remained undisturbed excels in its scientific composition that which we use at the present day.

The pyramids in Egypt contain plasterwork executed at least four thousand years ago, probably much earlier, and yet existing, hard and durable, at the present time. From recent discoveries it has been ascertained that the principal tools of the plasterer of that time were practically identical in design, shape and purpose with those used today. For their finest work the Egyptians used a plaster made from calcined gypsum just like plaster of Paris of the present time, and their methods of plastering on reeds resemble in every way our lath, plaster, float and set work. Hair was introduced to strengthen the stuff, and the whole finished somewhat under an inch thick.

Very early in the history of Greek architecture we find the use of plaster of a fine white lime stucco, such has been found at Mycenae. The art had reached perfection in Greece more than five centuries before Christ, and plaster was frequently used to cover temples externally and internally, in some cases even where the building was of marble. It formed a splendid ground for decorative painting, which at this period of Grecian history had reached a very high degree of beauty.

Задание 2. Найдите в первом и во втором абзацах текста эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

внутренняя стена; декоративная лепнина на потолках или стенах; строительство зданий; самое раннее свидетельство; жилища первобытного человека; оштукатурены грязью; более долговечный и легкий материал; очень отдалённый период; остался неразрушенным.

Задание 3. Переведите данные словосочетания с английского языка на русский язык (третий и четвёртый абзац текста).

The pyramids in Egypt; at the present time; were practically identical in design, shape and purpose with those used today; a plaster made from calcined gypsum; their methods of plastering on reeds resemble in every way our lath, plaster, float and set work; inch thick; in the history of Greek architecture; plaster was frequently used to cover temples externally and internally; decorative painting; a very high degree of beauty.

Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют данные предложения содержанию текста, или не соответствуют. (True or False).

  1. The process of creating plasterwork, called plastering, has been used in building construction for centuries.
  2. Plasterwork is one of the most modern of handicrafts employed in connection with building operations.
  3. Perfection in the compounding of plastering materials was approached at a very remote period.
  4. The principal tools of the plasterer of that time were practically different from these of our time.
  5. For their finest work the Egyptians used a plaster made from mud.
  6. Their methods of plastering on reeds resemble in every way our lath, plaster, float and set work.
  7. In Greece plaster was frequently used to cover temples externally and internally, in some cases even where the building was of wood.

Задание 5. Найдите подходящие по смыслу концы предложений.

  1. A plasterer is a tradesman who works with plaster, such as forming a layer of plaster ….
  2. Soon a more lasting and slightly material was found and employed….
  3.  The pyramids in Egypt contain plasterwork executed …..
  4. Hair was introduced to strengthen the stuff, …..
  5. Very early in the history of Greek architecture we find the use of plaster of a fine white lime stucco, ……
  1. and the whole finished somewhat under an inch thick.
  2.  on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls.
  3. such has been found at Mycenae.
  4. at least four thousand years ago.
  5. to take the place of mud or slime.

Задание  6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя данный план.

  1. The article is headlined……
  2. The text is about….
  3. The author starts by telling the reader that…..
  4. According to the text ….
  5. It is spoken in detail about….
  6. The author comes to the conclusion that….

Тема: Types of Plastering Tools

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


tools- инструменты

to evolve – развиваться

prominent – известный

evidence – свидетельство

to change – меняться

plastering float – штукатурная тёрка

applying – нанесение

smoothening – разглаживание

stainless steel – нержавеющая сталь

 rust – ржавчина

hawk – сокол

rectangular tray – прямоугольный лоток

amounts – количество

a 5-litre bucket – пятилитровое ведро

requirements – требования

need to ensure – необходимо удостовериться

flexible – пластичный

unwanted dirt – нежелательная грязь

contaminate – загрязнять

the bucket trowel – мастерок

spade – лопата

absence – отсутствие

messy - неаккуратный

Plastering is one of the ancient handicrafts that have evolved over the last few decades. Even during the Egyptian rule, the process of plastering was prominent in the construction of the great Pyramids and other building. There is also evidence of the use of plasterwork and plastering tools in Greek architecture including the use of a fine white lime stucco plaster at Mycenae. The plastering tools have not changed since the ancient time - it's just been modified for ease of use in the modern times.

There are different types of plastering tools used for different types of plasterwork. Some of the most important plastering tools used commonly today by plasterers include:

Plastering Float: The plastering float is an important tool and every plasterer should possess one. A plasterer will not be able to do plasterwork without a float. The main use of a plastering float is for applying and smoothening out of the plaster on the wall's surface or the surface of the ceiling. The best type material for plastering float is stainless steel as it will not rust and provide durability and long life to the float. This is therefore one of the most important plastering tools for a plasterer.

Plasterers Hawk: The plasterers hawk is a plastering tool shaped like a small rectangular tray. It is mainly used for holding small amounts of plaster so that it can be used on the walls and ceilings.

A 5-litre bucket: A plasterer will require a 5-litre bucket or even larger bucket depending on their requirements. This is one of the essential plastering tools and is used for creating a good quality plaster mix. The plasterers need to ensure that the bucket is dry, clean, and flexible before starting the work of mixing. Unwanted dirt can easily contaminate the plaster mixture.

The Bucket Trowel: The bucket trowel is another important tool that is in the shape of a small spade and is mainly used for loading up the plasterer's hawk from the bucket. The absence of this tool can make plasterwork a lot harder and messy.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты на английском языке  данных словосочетаний.

древнее ремесло; процесс оштукатуривания был известен в строительстве великих пирамид; тонкая белая известковая штукатурка; различные виды штукатурных работ; самые важные штукатурные инструменты; для нанесения и разглаживания штукатурки на поверхность стены или потолка; она не ржавеет и обеспечивает прочность; по форме похож на маленький прямоугольный лоток; может быть использован на стенах и потолках; в зависимости от их требований; используется для создания штукатурной смеси хорошего качества; необходимо удостовериться, что ведро сухое; в форме маленькой лопатки.

Задание 3. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова из рамки.

Plasterwork        messy     modern          plastering tools        durability       contaminate

  1. The plastering tools have not changed since the ancient time - it's just been modified for ease of use in the ……..times.

  2. There are different types of ………used for different types of plasterwork.

  3. A plasterer will not be able to do ……..without a float.

  4. The best type material for plastering float is stainless steel as it will not rust and provide……… and long life to the float.

  5. Unwanted dirt can easily …….the plaster mixture.
  6. The absence of this tool can make plasterwork a lot harder and…….

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. Plastering is one of the ancient handicrafts, isn’ it?

  2. In what times did people use plastering tools?

  3. What is the best material for plastering float?

  4. What is plasterers hawk used for?

  5.  Why must the bucket be dry and clean?

  6. What tool is necessary for tidy plasterwork?

Задание 5. Заполните таблицу, опираясь на содержание текста. В первой колонке укажите название инструмента, во второй колонке укажите его функцию, т.е. для чего он применяется.



plastering float

for applying and smoothening out of the plaster on the wall's surface or the surface of the ceiling.

Тема: Types of Plastering Tools

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


plasterer's beads – угловая защитная накладка

flat – ровный

sharp edges – острые края

drill – дрель

paddle – лопатка

a level – уровень

even – ровный

commencing – начало

drywall jobs – работы с гипсокартоном

scarifier – скарификатор

a hair comb – гребень для волос

a second coat – второй слой

strokes – мазки

the base layer of plaster – нижний слой штукатурки

a straightedge - правило

splash brush – разбрызгивающая щётка

dampening – увлажнение

lath – дранка

fir – ель

thicknesses - плотность

The Plasterer's Beads: The Plasterer's Beads are used as a guide for creating flat vertical surfaces as well as sharp edges and corners. It is one of the important plastering tools and are used only for creating plaster walls and not on dry walls.

Mixer drill: A mixer drill is a necessary plastering tool especially if plasterers are using high amount of plaster for mixing. The mixer drill makes the entire process easier by creating smooth and even plaster. A paddle can also be used but only in cases where smaller amount of plaster mixing needs to be done.

A level: A Level is a plastering tool that has to be used with the plasterer's beads. The job of the plasterer's beads is to keep the ceiling or wall even; the level is used to ensure that the plasterer's beads are vertically set up before commencing on the plastering job. Plasterers will not require a level for drywall jobs.

Scarifier: The scarifier is an important plastering tool and looks almost like a hair comb except that it is much longer and bigger. The job of the scarifier is the same as that of a comb. This type of plastering tools are mainly used for preparing a second coat on any plastered wall. Plasterers can create diagonal comb strokes using the scarifier on the base layer of plaster on the wall and this will help in preparing the wall for additional layers. A scarifier will not be required for drywall plastering.

Straightedge: A straightedge is a plasterer's tool that is used only on plaster walls and will not be required on a drywall. The straightedge is most commonly used to even off any plastered surface.

Splash Brush: The splash brush is used for splashing water onto a freshly or newly plastered wall. The splashing of water will help in dampening it so that any imperfections can be worked out. This is one of the most important plastering tools for plaster walls.

Lath: The most common type of lath used for plastering are the wooden laths, which are mostly made from American fir or Baltic fir. The most commonly used laths are the ones that are at least an inch lathing-wide, and have 3 different types if thicknesses.

The single lath: this has a thickness of 1/8 to 3/16 inch.

The lath and a half: This has a thickness of 1/4 inch.

The double lath: This has a thickness of 3/8-1/2 inch.

Задание 2. Переведите с английского языка  на русский язык следующие словосочетания.

creating flat vertical surfaces; are used only for creating plaster walls;  high amount of plaster for mixing; smaller amount of plaster mixing needs to be done; before commencing on the plastering job; looks almost like a hair comb; this will help in preparing the wall for additional layers; will not be required on a drywall; a freshly or newly plastered wall; any imperfections can be worked out; the wooden laths; 3 different types if thicknesses.

Задание 3. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. It is one of the important plastering tools and are used only ……
  2. The mixer drill makes the entire process easier ……
  3. Plasterers will not require ……
  4. The splash brush is used for …..
  5. The most common type of lath used for plastering are the wooden laths, which are mostly made …..
  6. The double lath: This has a thickness of ……..
  1. splashing water onto a freshly or newly plastered wall.
  2. 3/8-1/2 inch.
  3. by creating smooth and even plaster.
  4. for creating plaster walls and not on dry walls.
  5. from American fir or Baltic fir.
  6. a level for drywall jobs.

Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют данные предложения содержанию текста, или не соответствуют. (True or False).

  1. The Plasterer's Beads are used as a guide for creating flat vertical surfaces as well as sharp edges and corners.
  2. The mixer drill makes the entire process more difficult by creating smooth and even plaster.
  3. Plasterers will require a level for drywall jobs.
  4. The job of the scarifier is the same as that of a mixer drill.
  5. The splashing of water will help in dampening it so that any imperfections can be worked out.
  6. The most commonly used laths are the ones that are at least an inch lathing-wide, and have 5 different types if thicknesses.

Задание 5. Определите название инструмента по данному описанию. В левой колонке даётся описание инструмента, в правой – его название.

  1. They are  used as a guide for creating flat vertical surfaces as well as sharp edges and corners.
  2. It is used to ensure that the plasterer's beads are vertically set up before commencing on the plastering job.
  3. They are mostly made from American fir or Baltic fir.
  4. It is a necessary plastering tool especially if plasterers are using high amount of plaster for mixing.
  5. it  is an important plastering tool and looks almost like a hair comb except that it is much longer and bigger.
  6. It is used for splashing water onto a freshly or newly plastered wall.
  7. It  is most commonly used to even off any plastered surface.

  1. laths

  1. mixer drill

  1. a level

  1. the plasterer’s beads

  1. splash brush

  1. scarifier

  1. straightedge

Задание 6. Переведите данные тексты с английского языка на русский язык, пользуясь словарем.

        Plastering is a difficult enough job to do without having the proper tools and equipment. It is not just enough to have a good selection of tools at your disposal, you must also know when to use the right tool. Professional plasterers use a greater variety of tools to ensure perfect leveling and a smooth finish, but you should be able to do a more than adequate job with fewer tools.


A hawk is a square piece of softwood or satin-finish aluminum that comes with a handle placed in the center of its underside. Look for a hawk that measures 12-by-12 inches and offers a detachable handle so that it can be set down on a surface. The hawk is used to hold the plaster mortar.

Plasterer's Trowel

A plasterer’s trowel has either a metal or wooden handle attached to a flat, rectangular sheet of metal. This trowel usually measures around 4-by-10 inches or so. This trowel's large size allows it to be used to spread a plaster scratch coat or give a smooth finish to the top coat. This trowel can also be used for shaping mortar.


A float is another tool for spreading the plaster onto the wall evenly. Floats can be useful for smoothing out the plaster that was applied using a trowel. Floats are rectangular pieces of wood, plastic, or metal that has a bottom made of rubber or sponge. A bull float is very large version that used for finishing spacious areas quickly and efficiently.

Pointed Trowel

A pointed trowel that is smaller than the plasterer’s trowel is useful for spreading the plaster in spots where the larger trowel cannot reach. The pointed edge of this trowel will also come in handy for scraping off mortar from other tools.

Margin Trowel

The margin trowel is another alternate tool to have on hand when the plasterer’s trowel is too larger. The margin trowel is rectangular and has a flat end so it can be used to apply a larger amount of plaster than the pointed trowel.


A very effective tool for plastering goes by a variety of names. It may be called a slicker, a rod, or a jointer. The slicker is simply a strip of aluminum about four feet long and six inches wide. It is drawn across the plaster vertically and horizontally to evenly smooth the surface.

Stippling Brush

A stippling brush can be used to texture your plaster. A round stippled brush is good for creating swirled texture effects. Stippling brushes also come in rectangular shape to create a more even effect. Best results are achieved by applying overlapping bands when using the rectangular stippling brush.

Wallboard Knife

A wallboard knife can be used for applying plaster when you are just repairing holes. The wallboard knife can be used for scraping away loose plaster as well as applying new plaster into the hole.

Тема: Plaster types

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


available –  доступный

backing plaster – прокладка

browning – полуводный гипс

bonding – связующий слой штукатурки

renovation – ремонт

dry lined - облицован

plasterboard – штукатурная плита

reasonable – приемлемый

suitable  - подходящий

damp – влажный

add – добавить

sealing agent – материал для заделки швов

dilute – разбавленный

cracking – растрескивание

absorbent – поглощающий

dense – плотный

set in –устанавливаться

board finish – отделочная доска

a float – тёрка

to go off – соскакивать

an undercoat plaster – грунтовая шпаклёвка

impact resistance – ударопрочный

        There are many different types of plaster available. Backing plaster such as browning or bonding is normally only used in renovation projects as new built houses are nearly all dry lined with plasterboard. Plasterboard has significant advantages over backing plaster (especially for DIY projects).  Browning and bonding plaster are "wet" trades and if this finish is applied to walls then it takes months for them to dry out properly, skill is also needed to plaster a full wall with backing plaster, whereas dry lining with plasterboard can soon be done to a reasonable standard with little experience.

Plaster is only suitable for use indoors, where there is no damp!

All plaster should be mixed with clean cold water and always add the plaster to the water, not the water to the plaster.

PVA bonding is a white liquid, this is a common glue and has been used in schools for years. This product is often used in DIY and building, it's uses are numerous and can be used for a sealing agent or can be mixed with paint. Plasterers dilute it to the recommendation on the container and brush it onto the wall, this creates a barrier and helps the plaster stick to the wall, it also prevents the plaster from drying out too fast and so helps prevent it cracking. You cannot normally plaster over finishing plaster without it cracking, using a coat of PVA means that you can plaster over finishing plaster without it cracking.

Browning plaster is a backing coat plaster, this is normally grey or pink in colour. Browning is suitable for use on surfaces such as common bricks and building blocks, or other surfaces which are absorbent. This should be applied in layers of about 10mm in thickness. Browning sets in about 1 1/2- 2 hours.

Bonding can be used on dense, not very absorbent materials such as engineering bricks or surfaces that have been treated with PVA. This should be applied in layers of about 8mm in thickness. Bonding sets in about 1 1/2- 2 hours.

        Finishing plaster is applied over the top of either bonding/browning or over plasterboard. This multi finish from British Gypsum is probably about the best around as it is suitable for most surfaces. Board finish is also available, this is only for use on plasterboard and cannot be used on browning or bonding plaster. Finishing plaster is normally applied as a final coat and is about 2mm thick. Drying time will depend on the room temperature, finishing plaster needs polishing with a float when it has started to go off, so don't leave it too long before polishing!

An undercoat plaster with high impact resistance and quicker drying surface. Suitable for application by hand or mechanical plastering machine to most masonry backgrounds.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

Облицованы штукатурной плитой; им нужно месяцы, чтобы хорошо высохнуть; с небольшим опытом; внутри помещения; где нет сырости; всегда добавляйте штукатурку в воду, а не воду  штукатурку; общеупотребительный клей; может быть смешан с краской; штукатуры разводят его согласно  рекомендациям на контейнере; помогает предотвратить растрескивание; обычно серого или розового цвета; обычный кирпич; плотные, не очень поглощающие материалы; финальная штукатурка; она подходит для большинства поверхностей; отделка правилом; финальный слой; примерно 2 мм толщиной; время высыхания будет зависеть от температуры комнаты; с высокой ударной прочностью.

Задание 3. Вставьте вместо пропусков слова из текста. Первая буква каждого слова дана.

  1. Backing plaster such as browning or bonding is normally only used in renovation projects as new built houses are nearly all dry lined with p_____________.
  2. Plaster is only s__________ for use indoors, where there is no damp!
  3. Plasterers dilute it to the recommendation on the container and brush it onto the wall, this creates a barrier and helps the plaster stick to the wall, it also prevents the p______from drying out too fast and so helps prevent it c_______________
  4. Browning plaster is a b__________coat plaster, this is normally grey or pink in colour.
  5. This should be applied in layers of about 10mm in t____________
  6. Bonding can be used on dense, not very a___________ materials such as engineering bricks or surfaces that have been treated with PVA.
  7. B___________ finish is also available, this is only for use on plasterboard and cannot be used on browning or bonding plaster.
  8. An undercoat plaster with high impact r___________ and quicker drying surface.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. Where is backing plaster used?
  2. What advantages has plasterboard over backing plaster?
  3. Where is plaster suitable for use?
  4. How should plaster be mixed with water?
  5. What is PVA bonding?
  6. How is it used?
  7. For which surfaces is browning plaster suitable?
  8. In what way is finishing plaster applied?

Задание 5. Переведите данный текст, пользуясь словарем.

Mixing plaster

               Plaster mixing can be done by hand with a suitable bucket and a piece of wood to do the mixing, however it is much easier to mix plaster using either a plaster mixing machine or a suitable drill with a mixing paddle. This kind of work is tough on drills and can easily burn out small power drills in no time at all.

               When mixing plaster or dry wall adhesive always put the water in the bucket before adding the plaster! If you try adding the plaster then the water it goes lumpy and has to be thrown away.

                Add clean cold water to the mixing bucket and ensure that the bucket has been cleaned sufficiently from the last time it was used.

                Now add some plaster, you can add large amounts to begin with but it's better to use a gauging trowel for adding plaster later. Try not to make a lot of dust when doing this as it could irritate.

                Here we are using a mixer drill and paddle to mix the plaster, this makes it so much easier. If you have no mixer drill a smooth piece of wood can be used to mix the plaster.

                Here the plaster has been mixed to the correct consistency and it is completely lump free! This can now be used.

Тема: Plaster of different surfaces

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.



plasterboard – гипсокартон

alignment – выравнивание

impact resistance - ударопрочность

roughing – черновая обработка

sediment – грунт

curvature – кривизна

insulation – изоляция

valuable – ценный

applicable – подходящий

mounted  - монтируемый

soil seams – заполните швы

irregularities – нарушения

grip – сцепление

concrete – бетон

aerated concrete – ячеистый бетон

vapor permeability –паропроницаемость

conventional  -обычный, традиционный

mandatory – обязательный

tiles –плитка

implemented - применяемый

Plastering drywall

Plasterboard paneling - an alternative alignment of the walls with plaster. That is applicable for roughing - or finishing drywall or plaster. Which is better - drywall or plaster - a philosophical question. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages.

             Plaster differs durability, impact resistance, low cost. At the same time, as the sediment at home it gives a crack at the greater curvature of the walls can be costly, lengthy process of plastering walls.

             Plasterboard is good that its installation is faster, easier and cleaner, it has a good sound insulation between them and the wall can be laid insulation, from it you can create different shape design. However, it is less durable than plaster - it can not hang heavy objects, it takes valuable space in the room and just needs finishing. But it does not make it less popular.

              If saying "drywall plaster" refers to decorative plaster on plasterboard, then this option is certainly applicable. Plaster plasterboard with your hands, like any plaster, begins with the preparation.

  1. Mounted drywall sheets are cleared of dust formed when they are installed. This can be done with a sponge or cloth, but it is much faster to use a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Soil seams and joints sheets of drywall and possible surface irregularities.
  3. Special primer is applied, which will provide a good grip with the surface of the plaster.
  4. Serves a decorative plaster walls plasterboard.
  5. Implemented finishing - plaster coating with paint, wax, etc.

Plaster concrete walls

Plaster concrete is chosen according to its kind. Plaster on aerated concrete chosen specialty. The main advantage of aerated concrete - its vapor permeability. Finishing material can either reinforce or neutralize it’s good property. Therefore plaster for aerated concrete must also be vapor permeable. It is not recommended to use polymer solutions. A conventional plaster walls of aerated concrete with time starts to fall behind.  Inside possible gypsum plaster walls - suitable for aerated concrete or plaster stucco.

Plaster concrete blocks - is desirable but not mandatory. Interior decoration can be carried out without plaster - hang wallpaper or tiles can be directly on aerated concrete. For aerated concrete absolutely fine no plaster on the outside - it can stand perfectly true, but for aesthetic reasons many still performed stucco on concrete.

Задание 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

an alternative alignment of the walls; low cost; it gives a crack; its installation is faster, easier and cleaner; can create different shape design; it is less durable than plaster; it does not make it less popular; it is much faster to use a vacuum cleaner; possible surface irregularities; to use polymer solutions; starts to fall behind; is desirable but not mandatory; for aesthetic reasons.

Задание 3. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. Plaster differs durability, …..
  2. Each material has its advantages …..
  3. However, it is less durable than plaster - it can not hang heavy objects, ……
  4. Soil seams and joints sheets of drywall …….
  5. Finishing material can either reinforce or neutralize ……
  6. A conventional plaster walls of aerated concrete with time…….  
  7. Interior decoration can be carried out without plaster - hang wallpaper or ……
  1. and possible surface irregularities.
  2. and disadvantages.
  3. starts to fall behind.

  1. it takes valuable space in the room and just needs finishing.
  2. impact resistance, low cost.

  1. tiles can be directly on aerated concrete.

  1. it’s good property.

Задание 4. Найдите подходящие по смыслу пары слов.

  1. impact
  2. low
  3. plastering
  4. shape
  5. decorative
  6.  aerated
  7. concrete
  1. concrete
  2. resistance
  3. plaster
  4. walls
  5. blocks
  6. design
  7. cost

Задание 5. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных предложений на английском языке.

  1. Отделка гипсокартонном – это альтернатива выравниванию стен штукатуркой.
  2. Штукатурка отличается долговечностью, ударопрочностью, низкой стоимостью.
  3. Тем не менее он менее долговечен, чем штукатурка – на него нельзя вешать тяжелые предметы, он занимает ценное пространство в комнате и просто нуждается в финишной отделке.
  4. Главное преимущество ячеистого бетона -  это его паропроницаемость.
  5. Обычная штукатурка от стен из ячеистого бетона со временем начинает отставать.
  6. Штукатурить бетонные блоки желательно, но не обязательно.

Тема: Decorative plaster for interior

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


leveling – выравнивание

ceilings – потолки

upcoming facing – предстоящая отделка

cladding – облицовка

residential – жилое

playback – передавать, воспроизводить

artificial aging – искусственное старение

the filler – наполнитель

the binder element – связующий элемент

stone chippings – каменная крошка

lime – известь

drawbacks – недостатки

exposed to dynamic impacts – подвержен динамическим воздействиям

robust – крепкий

reliable – надежный

lining – облицовка

dispersion – распыление

expensive – дорогой        

convenient – удобный

A few years ago, the plaster in our country was used only for leveling of walls and ceilings, getting them ready for the upcoming facing. But there was not universal — for example, already many centuries ago in Greece multi-colored plaster has adopted for cladding of wall surfaces in residential and public buildings. Now in our country became popular to apply plaster in the role of the final decor is getting a very stylish finish. Decorative plaster in the interior — it playback

numerous decorative fantasies, artificial aging, adding both historical and ethnic influences (textured plaster used in the decoration of rooms in a Moroccan style , and so on).

                There are a number of types of decorative plaster for interior. They are classified by various indicators: the filler, the method of applying, the binder element.

                Filler often stands a stone crumb, and in addition, synthetic particles or cellulose, nylon fiber. Of course, the most popular plaster with stone chippings as a filler.

Types of decorative plaster on the basis of the binding element

Mineral plaster. The role of foundations playing lime or cement. A similar plaster is used everywhere. It is simply diluted with water. Mineral decorative plaster has several drawbacks. If wall constructions exposed to dynamic impacts, like plaster cracks quickly.

The main advantage of mineral plaster is a very small cost.

Silicate plaster. This decorative plaster is the most robust and reliable. The function basis in a similar type of decorative plaster performs liquid glass.

Acrylic plaster. This type of plaster is most multipurpose. Acrylic decorative plaster can be used for lining external and internal walls. Here, as the base acts as a water dispersion.

Acrylic stucco most appropriate for use in rooms with high humidity and in areas with big temperature rise. This flooring is tolerate wet cleaning. In General, acrylic stucco will be the most beneficial option.

It is also necessary to take into account that acrylic plaster dries much faster, which speeds up the repair process. In addition, acrylic decorative plaster is not as sensitive to surface preparation.

Silicone plaster. Base — binding polymers. This is the most expensive type of decorative plaster. This plaster is very convenient to apply — it is maximally elastic. Even without the skills of the plasterer, it’s easy to work with her. Walls are finished simply wash.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

для выравнивания стен и потолков; многоцветная штукатурка; жилые и общественные здания; очень стильная отделка; воплощение многочисленных декоративных фантазий; метод применения; нейлоновое волокно; она просто разводится водой; штукатурка быстро трескается; очень низкая стоимость; жидкое стекло; многоцелевой; наружные и внутренние стены; помещения с высокой влажностью; напольное покрытие выдерживает влажную уборку; самая выгодная опция; ускоряет процесс ремонта; подготовка поверхности; очень удобная в применении;

Задание 3. Вставьте в предложения вместо пропусков данные слова, подходящие по смыслу.

the final decor            acrylic plaster       elastic      drawbacks      popular plaster       beneficial

for lining        plaster           the method of applying


  1. Now in our country became popular to apply plaster in the role of ___________ is getting a very stylish finish.
  2. They are classified by various indicators: the filler, _______ the binder element.
  3. Of course, the most ________ with stone chippings as a filler.
  4. Mineral decorative plaster has several _______.
  5. This decorative _______is the most robust and reliable.
  6. Acrylic decorative plaster can be used ______external and internal walls.
  7. In General, acrylic stucco will be the most _________ option.
  8. It is also necessary to take into account that ______ dries much faster, which speeds up the repair process.
  9. This plaster is very convenient to apply — it is maximally_______.

Задание 4. Заполните следующую таблицу, используя информацию, данную в тексте.

Types of decorative plaster

The binding element

What is it used for?



Тема: Original ways of decorating the walls using plaster

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


bark beetle – жук-короед

textured plaster – текстурированная


worm – червяк

marble chips – мраморная крошка

grooves – канавки, бороздки

treated soil – загрунтованный

a spatula – шпатель

to grind – растирать

spread – паста

moisture resistance – влагонепроницаемый

damp – сырой

crumb – крошка

noble breeds – редкие породы

thickness – толщина, густота

viscous mass – вязкая масса

overlaps – перекрывать (внахлёст)

wax – воск

multiple layers – многослойный

eventually –  в конечном счете

to stack up – складывать один над другим

bottom – нижний

Decorative plaster “bark Beetle” for the interior

This is the most famous at the moment, textured plaster for the interior. Wall surface, decorative plaster bark Beetle, is associated with the wood eaten by worm. Decorative plaster “bark Beetle” is well suited for both interiors and exteriors. Not bright, the uneven surface allows you to make a room cozy.

The decorative plaster bark Beetle binder can be various, but the filler is usually marble chips. Actually this filler in plaster and forms those famous grooves.

How is the texture “Bark” applied ? On well prepared smooth and treated soil surface with a spatula spread the plaster in the form of a paste-like substance. Plaster is leveled on the wall and a little dries, about 15-25 minutes.

Then you need to start decorating. Almost any motion, straight or circular, both horizontal and vertical need to grind the same spatula slightly dried material. Thus, the texture of the surface on which the grooves are formed.

Decorative Venetian plaster

This type of decoration spread from the ancient ages, but the greatest popularity he had acquired in Venice during the Renaissance. The material in that era was made from marble, which had excellent moisture resistance. This plaster was then decorated the rooms with a damp environment. At the moment the plaster is almost not changed.

The main material of this filler – crumb, which is produced from noble breeds of a natural stone.

The finish version of the ornament on the wall surface due to the size of crumbs. In general, Venetian plaster gives you the opportunity to do an imitation of natural stone, in other words, to create a chic and visually “rich” interior.

The function of a linking element in the manufacture of Venetian plaster is lime more often, which introduce synthetic or natural colors, and in addition filler. All the elements of the plaster mix to the desired thickness, that is, before the formation of viscous mass.

The application of Venetian plaster. For starters wall surface line and ground. Then, after a final drying of the primer, overlaps the initial layer of plaster. After a while, dry it, apply the following layers of plaster of a different color. At the finish applied to the wax surface of multiple layers.

So, layers of pale and deep shine combined with each other, and eventually formed a beautiful ornament, and is associated with marble pattern.

In total on the wall it is possible to stack up to ten layers of plaster. Of course each successive layer of material is applied after full drying of the bottom. At the finish of the surface is carefully polished. As a result, it becomes shiny – like natural stone.

Задание 2.Найдите эквиваленты на английском языке данных словосочетаний в разделе текста «Decorative plaster “bark Beetle” for the interior».

декоративная штукатурка для интерьера; дерево, изъеденное червем; неровная поверхность; хорошо подготовленная, гладкая и загрунтованная поверхность; пастообразное вещество; необходимо растирать тем же шпателем слегка подсохший материал.

Задание 3.Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык. Раздел текста «Decorative Venetian plaster».

excellent moisture resistance; the plaster is almost not changed; noble breeds of a natural stone; an imitation of natural stone; visually “rich” interior; the function of a linking element; desired thickness; for starters; overlaps the initial layer of plaster; layers of pale and deep shine combined with each other; to stack up to ten layers of plaster; full drying of the bottom; like natural stone.


Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют данные предложения содержанию текста, или не соответствуют. (True or False).

  1. Decorative plaster “bark Beetle” is well suited only for interior.
  2. The decorative plaster bark Beetle binder can be various, but the filler is usually lime.
  3. Plaster is leveled on the wall and a little dries, about 1 hour.
  4. Venetian plaster spread from the ancient ages, but the greatest popularity he had acquired in Ancient Greece.
  5. The main material of this filler – crumb, which is produced from noble breeds of a natural stone.
  6. Then, after a final drying of the primer, overlaps the initial layer of paint.
  7. So, layers of pale and deep shine combined with each other, and eventually formed a beautiful ornament, and is associated with natural wood.
  8. At the finish of the surface is carefully polished.

Задание 5. Найдите в каждой строчке лишнее слово.

  1. plaster “bark Beetle”, Venetian plaster, brick.
  2. plaster, a spatula, filler, brush.
  3. wood, marble, natural stone, crumb.
  4. interior, a roof, a room, a floor.
  5. wall,  ceiling, surface, filler.

Задание 6. Выберите из предложенных слов подходящее по смыслу.

  1. Not bright, the uneven surface allows you to make a room _______ (beautiful/ large/ cozy).
  2. Actually this________( filler/color/thickness)   in plaster and forms those famous grooves.
  3. The material in that era was made from__________ ( stone/marble/lime) which had excellent moisture resistance.
  4. The finish version of the ornament on the wall surface due to the size of _______________( room/ wall/ crumbs).  
  5. In general, Venetian plaster gives you the opportunity to do an imitation of ____________(natural stone/glass/laminate).
  6. Then, after a final drying of the primer, overlaps the initial layer of __________(paint/plaster/cement).
  7.  In total on the wall it is possible to stack up to ___________(ten/one/three) layers of plaster.
  8. At the finish of the surface is carefully ___________(cleaned/painted/polished).

Задание 7. Переведите данный текст на русский язык, пользуясь словарём.

The Marseilles wax

The material used to simulate natural stone, tree bark, cork with texture plane, followed by processing with high-gloss paint. This type of plaster has high strength and can be used in buildings with a maximum permeability.

This decorative plaster fits perfectly into the interior of Provence style.

As a filler this decor stands do not rock dust, and nylon fiber. Consequently, the surface topography is original: it is as if loose.

Many masters say that this type of plaster does not need to most smooth wall surfaces. But the walls still need to prepare is to generate some alignment and primer. Saturation palette of this coating is acquired by processing the surface of the tinted wax. This is the final finish. The base layer is created using a spatula smear plate. Together with this layer receives the desired texture, losing the smoothness. Then the plaster is coloured using wax, which is applied with a sponge in circular strokes to clean the surface manually.

Then the resulting surface is sanded and re-waxed Kohler. By the way, this time you can use other shade — this gives the wall the final result is a beautiful contrast.


Тема: Health and Safety when using plaster

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


properties – свойства

responsibly – ответственность

available – доступный

rinsing off – промывать полоскать

splashes –брызги

goggles – защитные очки

dust masks – маски от пыли

gloves  - перчатки

cast – прикасаться, подвергать

raw skin – поврежденная кожа

dipped – пропитанный

prolonged – длительный

shrinkage upon setting– усадка, усушка после схватывания

increase – возрастать

set plaster – засохшая штукатурка

Plaster is a useful mineral material with several particular properties. It is not dangerous if worked responsibly and should be used with great respect but not fear.

Make sure that a bucket of fresh cold water, a sponge and towel is available all the times for rinsing off plaster splashes.

Always wear goggles. If plaster is in contact with eyes, first rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then go to a doctor.

Always wear dust masks while mixing dry powder indoors.

Always wear gloves when using plaster.  

Never cast body parts with raw skin or allow hair to be in contact with the plaster.

Never cast faces using plaster.

Always use a cloth dipped in plaster rather than a direct bath of raw plaster (the latter can heat up to a dangerous temperature).

Do not leave plaster in prolonged contact with skin – temperatures as low as 45°c can burn. There is also slight shrinkage upon setting which can increase pressure and temperatures as high as 60°c can be achieved.

Always use flexible containers in which to mix and carry plaster so that they can be easily separated from set plaster.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

с несколькими особыми свойствами; должен быть использован с большой осторожностью; смывание брызг штукатурки; промойте большим количеством воды в течение нескольких минут; смешивание сухого порошка внутри помещения; быть в контакте со штукатуркой; тряпка, промоченная штукатуркой; опасная температура; может повысить давление; гнущиеся контейнеры.

Задание 3. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. It is not dangerous if worked responsibly …..
  2. Always wear dust masks …….
  3. Never cast body parts with raw skin or allow hair to be ….
  4. Always use a cloth dipped in plaster rather than a direct bath of raw plaster ….
  5.  Do not leave plaster in prolonged contact with skin – ……
  6. Always use flexible containers in which to mix and carry plaster so that they can ……….
  1. (the latter can heat up to a dangerous temperature).
  2. and should be used with great respect but not fear.
  3. be easily separated from set plaster.
  4.  temperatures as low as 45°c can burn.
  5. in contact with the plaster.
  6. while mixing dry powder indoors.

Задание 4. Вставьте в предложения вместо пропусков данные слова, подходящие по смыслу.

properties       prolonged       pressure     a doctor       a sponge      wear

  1. Plaster is a useful mineral material with several particular _________
  2. Make sure that a bucket of fresh cold water, _______ and towel is available all the times for rinsing off plaster splashes.
  3. If plaster is in contact with eyes, first rinse with plenty of water for several minutes (remove contact lenses if easily possible), then go to _______
  4. Always ________ gloves when using plaster.
  5. Do not leave plaster in _________ contact with skin – temperatures as low as 45°c can burn.
  6. There is also slight shrinkage upon setting which can increase _______and temperatures as high as 60°c can be achieved.

Задание 5. Переведите данное объявление на русский язык, пользуясь словарем.


Тема: History of the trade in England (painters)

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


trade – профессия

stainer – маляр

merged – слились

craft – ремесло

plasterers – штукатуры

apprenticeship – ученичество

mold – плесень

rust – ржавчина

penalty – штраф

enshrined – хранить, устанавливать

enforcement – введение в силу

a journeyman – подмастерье

instigate – побуждать

worshipful – уважаемый

superseded – вытеснены

overturn - запретить

house painter and decorator is a tradesman responsible for the painting and decorating of buildings, and is also known as a decorator or house painter. The purpose of painting is to improve the aesthetic of a building and to protect it from damage by water, rust, corrosion, insects and mold.

1) In England, little is known of the trade and its structures before the late 13th century, at which painter  guilds began to form, amongst them the Painters Company and the Stainers Company. These two guilds eventually merged with the consent of the Lord Mayor of the City of London in 1502, forming the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers. The guild standardized the craft and acted as a protector of the trade secrets. In 1599, the guild asked Parliament for protection, which was eventually granted in a bill of 1606, which granted the trade protection from outside competition such as plasterers.

2) The Act legislated for a seven year apprenticeship, and also barred plasterers from painters, unless apprenticed to a painter, with the penalty for such painting being a fine of £5. The Act also enshrined a maximum daily fee of 16 old pence for their labor.

 3) Enforcement of this Act by the Painter-Stainers Company was sought up until the early 19th century, with painters gathering irregularly to decide the fees that a journeyman could charge, and also instigating an early version of a centre in 1769, advertising in the London newspapers a "house of call" system to advertise for journeymen and also for journeymen to advertise for work. The guild's power in setting the fee a journeyman could charge was eventually overturned by law in 1827, and the period after this saw the guild's power diminish, along with that of the other guilds; the guilds were superseded by trade unions, with the Operative United Painters' Union forming sometime around 1831.

4) 1894, a national association formed,  as the National Federation of Master Painters and Decorators of England and Wales, then changing its name once again to the British Decorators Association before merging, in 2002, with the Painting & Decorating Federation to form the Painting & Decorating Association. The Construction Industry Joint Council, a body formed of both unions and business organizations, today has responsibility for the setting of pay levels.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

цель окрашивания; защитить от разрушения; гильдии маляров; эти две гильдии впоследствии слились; секреты ремесла;  защита профессии от внешних конкурентов; семилетнее ученичество; максимальная ежедневная оплата труда; реклама в Лондонских газетах; гильдии были вытеснены профсоюзами; национальная ассоциация; перед слиянием; организации профсоюзов и бизнеса; уровень оплаты.

Задание 3. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых говорится, какие события произошли в указанные годы.

1502, 1606, 1827, 1831, 2002.

Задание 4. Вставьте в данные предложения вместо пропусков слова, подходящие по смыслу.

system           Parliament       a building      a maximum      London           apprenticeship     Association

  1. The purpose of painting is to improve the aesthetic of_________
  2. The Act legislated for a seven year_________ and also barred plasterers from painters.
  3. In 1599, the guild asked ________for protection.
  4. The Act also enshrined ___________daily fee of 16 old pence for their labor.
  5. advertising in the________ newspapers a "house of call"_________.
  6. then changing its name once again to the British Decorators ___________before merging.

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What are a house painter and decorator responsible for?
  2.  What is the purpose of painting?
  3. When did painter guilds begin to form?
  4. What were the functions of the guilds?
  5. A maximum daily fee for their labor is  16 old pence, isn’t it?
  6. Who set the fee a journeyman could charge?
  7. Who is responsible for setting  of pay levels today?

Тема: Tools for the Job

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


cloth - ткань

plastic sheeting – пластиковая пленка

screwdriver - отвертка

drywall patch – гипсокартонная накладка

sandpaper – наждачная бумага

bucket - ведро

sponge - губка

painting tape – малярный скотч

roller - валик

tray -  лоток, желоб

brush - кисть

extension handle – удлиняющая ручка (удлинитель)

stucco - штукатурка

Every year, millions of homeowners redecorate their space by adding a fresh coat of paint. It’s easy to achieve professional results that will freshen up your mood as well as your room.

Before you can begin, you need to get all the tools for the job. Selecting a new shade for your room will be the hardest part, but paint manufacturers have lots of inspiring photography and color ideas. Let’s focus on the tools needed to make sure the final results are just as attractive as the paint color.

  • Drop cloths and plastic sheeting – To avoid drips on the floor and spots on the furniture. Some plastic sheeting even comes with adhesive strips to quickly and easily secure to walls and floors.
  • Screwdriver – For the best paint job, don’t paint around switch plates, doorknobs and window latches. Remove them.
  • Drywall patch and sandpaper – No amount of paint will cover holes and cracks in walls. Take time now to patch holes with drywall compound and sand them out to ensure a clean, smooth surface.
  • Bucket and sponge – Surface preparation is key for professional results. Clean walls and other surfaces to ensure great looking results. Use water with a mild detergent and spend extra time around air returns/intakes and anywhere that is touched often.
  • Painting tape – A long-held secret of professional painters, painting tapes make painting projects easier and ensure professional results such as razor straight lines and few or no touch-ups later. A great tape, like Painter's Mate Green painter's tape, is made from premium paper and backed with a one-of-a-kind adhesive with the strength to create a tight seal, while still easy to remove when the painting is done.
  • Paint roller, tray and brush – The essential painting tools for an amateur or professional. Choose the right roller for the surface (drywall, stucco, etc.) and the job. Different types of paint (latex vs. oil) need a different roller. A quality brush applies paint smoothly and evenly. Better yet, choose one that’s comfortable, too. Whatever you do, don’t skimp on the brush. Use a one-to-two-inch, nylon/polyester, angled brush because they can be used with all coatings.
  • Extension handle for the roller – Not for every project, but perfect for ceilings and other high, hard-to-reach areas.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

капли на полу; пятна на мебели; липкие полоски; щиток переключателей; дверные ручки; оконные шпингалеты; обеспечить чистую, гладкую поверхность; моющее средство; вентиляция; давний секрет; линии, прямые, как бритва; подкрашивания;    герметичное уплотнение;  легко удалить; наносит краску гладко и равномерно; ещё лучше; не экономьте на кисти; одно-двух дюймовая угловая кисть; поверхности, которые трудно достать.

Задание 3. Определите названия инструментов по их описанию:

  1. A tool for removing doorknobs and window latches.
  2. A tool perfect for hard-to-reach ears.
  3. A tool with bristles used for painting the surfaces.
  4. A thing used after patching holes in walls for ensuring a smooth surface.
  5. A thing used to avoid spots on the furniture while painting.
  6. A tool used for painting large, flat surfaces rapidly and efficiently.

extension handle         brush         roller          sandpaper          plastic sheeting     screwdriver

Задание 4. Переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык:

a fresh coat of paint, professional results, remove them, holes and cracks in walls, surface preparation, spend extra time, professional painters, a tight seal, the essential painting tools, whatever you do.

Задание 5. Переведите два первых абзаца текста в письменной форме.

Задание 6. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1.  What does a painter need for the job?
  2. What for do painters use plastic sheeting?
  3. Why do painters use drywall patch and sandpaper?
  4. What do they use to clean the walls and other surfaces?
  5. They use painting tapes to make razor straight lines, don’t they?
  6.  Why don’t you skimp on the brush?
  7. What tool is used to paint hard-to-reach areas?

Тема: Surface Preparation Methods

Задание1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


substrate – основа

to cure – высохнуть

dryness- сухость

a weighted rubber mat – плотный резиновый коврик  

underside – нижняя сторона

moisture – влага

damp – сырой

acid etched – травленая поверхность

abrasive blasted – очищенный шлифованием

penetration – проницаемость

to soak – впитываться

to bead up – пузыриться

treatment - обработка

grease – жир

wax – воск

loose - сыпучий

contaminants – загрязнения

deteriorated – испорченный

abrading – трущийся

adhesion – прилипание, сцепление

glossy - глянцевый

mildewed – заплесневелый

mold – плесень

alkaline – щелочной

bleach - отбеливатель

Concrete, plaster and wood (floors or walls)

New or Uncoated: Allow new substrate to cure thoroughly before coating. This requires 30 days under normal curing conditions. If there is any doubt about the dryness of the substrate, conduct a test by placing a weighted rubber mat, plastic sheet, or other non-porous material on the substrate for 24 hours. Then, check the underside of the mat and the substrate for signs of moisture. The substrate will be darker if damp. If moisture is found, substrate is too damp to coat with solvent-based coatings. Allow additional drying time of 10 to 14 days. Repeat test. If moisture persists, substrate cannot be coated.

Very dense, non-porous, or finished concrete must be acid etched, or abrasive blasted, to assure proper coating penetration. Determine porosity by pouring about one ounce of water onto the substrate. If water soaks in, the concrete is porous enough for coating. If it beads up on the surface, the concrete is not porous enough, and treatment is warranted. All surfaces must be free of grease, oil, wax, salt, dirt, and other contaminants. Remove with one of the chemical cleaning methods.

Uncoated Wood

Remove all loose dirt, dust, etc., by sweeping or vacuum cleaning. Remove floor compound or wax by appropriate method. The surface must be thoroughly dry before coating.

Coated Concrete and Wood

Remove loose dirt, dust, etc., by sweeping or vacuum cleaning. Remove grease, oil, floor compound, or wax by chemical cleaning. Scrape or sand carefully to remove deteriorated coatings. On concrete, deteriorated paint is best removed by abrading surfaces.

If remaining coating is glossy or very hard, sand it lightly for good adhesion of subsequent coatings. The surface must be thoroughly dry before coating.

Mildewed Surfaces

Surfaces with mold and mildewed areas should be cleaned with an alkaline cleaning solution and rinsed with water. If any mold or mildew remains on the surface, clean further with one quart of household bleach added to a gallon of water. Rinse with clean water. Severely mildewed areas should be cleaned with a chlorinated cleansing powder and thoroughly rinsed with water.


Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык следующие фразы из текста.

conduct a test, non-porous material, signs of moisture, solvent-based coatings, chemical cleaning methods,  appropriate method, to remove deteriorated coatings, remaining coating, subsequent coatings, rinsed with water, Severely mildewed areas.

Задание 3. Дополните предложения из текста пропущенными словами, подходящими по смыслу.  Первая буква каждого слова дана.

  1. Allow new substrate to cure thoroughly before c___________.  
  2. Then, check the underside of the mat and the s_______ for signs of moisture.
  3. If m__________ persists, substrate cannot be coated.
  4. Determine p_________  by pouring about one ounce of water onto the substrate.
  5. All surfaces must be free of grease, oil, wax, salt, dirt, and other c________________.
  6. R________ floor compound or wax by appropriate method.
  7. On concrete, deteriorated p_________ is best removed by abrading surfaces.
  8. The s______ must be thoroughly dry before coating.
  9. Surfaces with mold and m_________ areas should be cleaned with an alkaline cleaning solution and rinsed with water.
  10. Rinse with clean w_______.

Задание 4. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. This requires 30 days under …
  2. The substrate will be darker….
  3. Allow additional drying time …..
  4. Determine porosity by pouring about one ounce of water …
  5. Remove with one of the ……
  6.  Remove all loose dirt, dust, etc., by …..
  7. Scrape or sand carefully to remove …
  8. The surface must be thoroughly dry …..
  9. Severely mildewed areas should be cleaned with …

a) if damp.

b) chemical cleaning methods.

c) of 10 to 14 days.

d) a chlorinated cleansing powder and thoroughly rinsed with water.

e) deteriorated coatings.

f) sweeping or vacuum cleaning.

g)normal curing conditions.

h) onto the substrate.

i) before coating.

Задание 5. Определите, соответствуют следующие предложения содержанию текста, или нет. (True or False).

  1. If there is any doubt about the dryness of the substrate, don’t conduct a test by placing a weighted rubber mat, plastic sheet, or other non-porous material on the substrate for 24 hours.
  2. Very dense, non-porous, or finished concrete must be rinsed with water, or abrasive blasted, to assure proper coating penetration.
  3. If water soaks in, the concrete is porous enough for coating.
  4. Allow additional drying time of 10 to 14 days.
  5. Remove all loose dirt, water  by sweeping or vacuum cleaning.
  6. On wood, deteriorated paint is best removed by abrading surfaces.
  7.  The surface must be thoroughly dry before coating.
  8. If any mold or mildew remains on the surface, clean further with a gallon of water.

Задание 6. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. How to conduct a dryness test?
  2. How to remove contaminants from concrete surface?
  3. Wooden surface must be thoroughly dry before coating, mustn’t it?
  4. What should you do if remaining coating is glossy or very hard?
  5. What should be cleaned severely mildewed areas with?

Тема: Modern Building Materials

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


timber  - древесина

stone  - камень

brick  - кирпич

concrete - цемент

 steel  - сталь  

 light metal   - легкий металл

glass  - стекло  

plastics   - пластик  

iron  - железо

clay   - глина  

Portland cement   - портланд цемент

reinforced concrete - бетон

Timber is provided by different kinds of trees. It  is  divided  in  two groups: softwoods and hardwoods. Timber is employed in the form of boards. For the interior of buildings plywood and veneer serve a number of purposes.


A  brick  is  best  described  as  a  ― building  unit. It  is  made  of  clay  by molding  and baking  in  kilns,  of  concrete,  of  mortar  or  of  a  composition  of sawdust and other materials. In shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 6½ to 9lb.There exists variety of bricks for different purposes: ordinary, hollow or porous, lightweight, multicolour bricks for decorative purposes, etc. Bricks are usually laid in place with the help of mortar.

Natural Stone

Natural stone is used for foundations and for the  construction of dams. The main varieties of building stones are basalt, granite, marble, sandstone and limestone.  Marble,  granite  and sandstone  are  widely  used  for  decorative purposes as well especially with the public buildings.


Aluminium, principally in the form of various alloys, is highly valued for its durability and especially for its light weight, while brass is frequently used for decorative purposes in facing.

Steel finds its use in corrugated sheets for roofing, for girders, frames etc. Various shapes are

employed in construction.


Plastics  are  artificial  materials  used  in  construction  work  for  a  vast number of purposes. Nowadays plastics are used everywhere. They have some good advantages: plastics are lighter then metals, not subject to corrosion, can be easily machined, they are inflammable, can take any colour and pattern and they are good electrical insulators. Moreover plastics are resistible to

chemical reaction. A lot of decorative plastics are used in modern building.


Laminate is the strong material made of many layers of paper or textile impregnated  with thermosetting  resins.  Then  it  is  pressed  and  subjected  to heat. Laminate  has been developed for both inside and outside use. It resists severe weather conditions for more than ten years without serious deformation and can be used in exterior work.

Foamed Glass

Foamed  glass  is  a  high-porosity  heat  insulating  material.  It  is  widely used in prefabricated house building, to ensure heat insulation of exterior wall panels and industrial construction.

Foamed  glass  has  a  high  mechanical  strength,  is  distinguished  by moisture,  vapour  and  gas  impermeability.  It  is  non-inflammable,  offers resistance to frost, possesses a high sound adsorption, and it is easily sewn and nailed.

Задание 2.Прочитайте слова. Что их объединяет? Какое слово лишнее?

Materials, metal, cement, industrial, building, antiquity.

Задание 3. Заполните таблицу в соответствии с содержанием текста по образцу.

name of the material

What is it made of?

What is it used for?




different  kinds  of  trees

the interior of buildings



Тема: History of building materials

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


timber  - древесина

stone  - камень

brick  - кирпич

concrete - цемент

 steel  - сталь  

 light metal   - легкий металл

glass  - стекло  

plastics   - пластик  

iron  - железо

clay   - глина  

Portland cement   - портланд цемент

reinforced concrete - бетон

All the buildings  erected  nowadays are of  two  main types: they  are intended either for housing or industrial purposes. The main building materials are timber,  stone (brick), concrete,  steel, light metals, glass and plastics. Timber was one of the first materials to be used by man for constructional purposes. It is highly probable that it will be one of the  last.  Timber  is  unique  among  the  materials  of  construction.  It  will  be available when the earth's  capital deposits  of iron,  coal,  clay and  the rest have been consumed.

The buildings made of stone or brick are durable  and  fire-proof,  they have a poor heat conductivity. Concrete made with natural hydraulic  binders  was used in  antiquity, particularly by the Romans. After the decline of the Roman Empire the art of making concrete has been forgotten, and the revival came much later.

Portland  cement  was  produced  more  than  a  century  ago.  From  the time of its first production there was a steady and  gradual improvement  in its compressive strength. Reinforced  concrete  is  hardly  100  years  old,  but  its  practical application  in building began only 90 years ago.

Today reinforced concrete is used in all civilized countries as one of the most important building materials. One of the essential properties of concrete is its compressive,


Задание 2. Подберите синонимы из текста к следующим словам.

Wood, house, aim, use, firm (adj), upgrade, main.

Задание 3. Подберите антонимы из текста к следующим словам.

Destroyed, last, usual, inaccessible, flammable, to remember.

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык данные слова, используя лексику текста.

1.  долговечный  ____________________________________

2.  огнеупорный  ____________________________________

3.  слабая теплопроводность  ______________________

4.  прочность на сжатие  _____________________________

5.  практическое применение  ______________________

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1.  What are buildings intended for?

2.  What are the main building materials?

3.  When was Portland cement produced?

4.  When was concrete first used?

What are the earth’s capital deposits?

Тема: Paint types

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


purpose - цель

appeal – привлекательность

impact- воздействие

termite – насекомое

durability – прочность

interior - внутренний

exterior – наружный

distemper – водоразбавляемая краска

washable - моющийся

plaster – штукатурка

plastic paint – пластиковая краска

durable – долговечный

regular – обычный

capability – способность

nice finish – хороший результат

textured plaster – фактурная штукатурка

wood  - древесина

varnish  - лак

wood grains – неровности на древесине

enamel – эмаль


There are many purposes for using paint in building construction. These includes increase the visual appeal of building surface, protect surface against weathering impact, make the surface water proof, protect surface from termite attack and increase the surface durability. In building, you will find four types of places to paint on. Such as –

1. Interior wall and ceiling

2. Exterior wall surface

3. Wooden surface

4. Metal

1. Interior wall and ceiling

To increase the visual appeal and smoothness of wall surface and ceiling interior paint is done. Following types of paints can be used as interior paint.

Distemper: Distemper is common type paint used in interior wall and ceiling for protecting and decorating brick wall, concrete and plastered surface. Variety of distemper are available in the market. Such as acrylic distemper, synthetic distemper, dry distemper etc. Acrylic distemper is washable and can be applied on plaster, wall and asbestos. Synthetic and dry distemper are not washable.

Plastic paint: It is also called plastic emulsion paint or interior emulsion paint. It is water base paint. This paint is durable and can be washed. They are available in three categories -regular emulsion, economy emulsion and premium emulsion.

2. Exterior

Exterior paint must have weather resisting capability. It can be oil based or water based. But oil based paint is not generally recommended for exterior painting. Following types of exterior paint are available in market

Cement paint: It is water based paint. It gives nice finish to newly constructed building.

Acrylic emulsion: It has high capability to withstand against weathering impact. It gives surface a nice and durable finish.

Textured plaster: It is also emulsion based paint. But the surface protection capability of

textured plaster is much better than other emulsion paint.

3. Wood

Traditional paint for wood is varnish. But in our days many people choose modern version of varnish "polyurethane and melamine" for wood finishes. It allows wood grains to see through it unlike varnish.

4. Metal

Enamel paint is commonly used for metal. This is oil based paint

Following types of enamel paints is used on metal surface in building construction

a) General purpose enamel paint b) Synthetic enamel paint c) Premium enamel paint

a) General purpose enamel paint: This type of enamel paint's protecting capability is lower than other two. But using two coat of this paint can give long protection to metal surface.

b) Synthetic enamel paint: This type of paint gives metal surface a good finish with atmospheric protection. Synthetic enamel paint can also be used on wooden surface.

c) Premium enamel paint:  It has excellent protective capability against atmospheric attack on metal. It also gives glossy effect with nice surface finish

There are also some other places in building construction where special painting is needed. Such as water proofing paint, anti-termite paint etc.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте  эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

Строительство зданий, визуальная привлекательность поверхности здания, воздействие погоды, интерьерная краска, бетонная и оштукатуренная поверхность, краска на водной основе, обычная эмульсия, экстерьерная краска, способность сопротивляться воздействию погоды, краска на масляной основе, доступно на рынке, она даёт хороший результат, два слоя краски, металлическая поверхность, деревянная поверхность, глянцевый эффект, гидроизоляционная краска, краска против насекомых.

Задание 3. Определите, соответствуют следующие предложения содержанию текста , или нет. (True or False).

  1. In building, you will find four types of places to paint on.
  2. To increase the visual appeal and smoothness of wall surface and ceiling exterior paint is done.
  3. Distemper is common type paint used in interior wall and ceiling for protecting and decorating brick wall, wood surface.
  4. Synthetic and dry distemper are not washable.
  5. Plastic paint is oil based pint.
  6. Plastic paint is durable and can be washed.
  7. But oil based paint is not generally recommended for exterior painting.
  8. Acrylic emulsion gives surface a nice and durable finish.
  9. But the surface protection capability of textured plaster is much better than other emulsion paint.
  10. Traditional paint for wood is varnish.
  11. Using one coat of general purpose enamel paint can give long protection to metal surface.
  12. Synthetic enamel paint can also be used on wooden surface.
  13. There are also some other places in building construction where special painting is needed.

Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. Name the purposes for using paint in building construction.
  2. How many types of places to paint on can we find in building?
  3. How many types of interior paints do you know?
  4. What is distemper used for?
  5. What kind of distemper is washable?
  6. What is plastic paint?
  7. How many types of exterior paints do you know?
  8. Exterior paints can be oil based and water based, can’t they?
  9. What is a traditional paint for wood?
  10. Name the types of enamel paints.
  11. Compare protecting capability of all these types of enamels.
  12. Which type of enamel paint can be used on wooden surface?

Задание 5. Составьте схему видов красок на основе информации из текста.

Тема: Technology of painting

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


coat – слой

primer – грунтовка

beneath – под

available – возможный

masonry – кладка

diluted – разбавленный

flaky – слоистый

powdery – рассыпчатый

tile – плитка, черепица

melamine – влагоустойчивое покрытие

first – первый

opacity – непрозрачность

required – необходимо

pale – светлый

suitable – подходящий

exposed to the elements – подвержен воздействию стихии

an even coverage – равномерное покрытие

to rinse – промыть (водой)

versatile – универсальный

flat – матовый

dead-flat matt – супер матовый

eggshell – полуматовая

formulation – состав (краски)

hardwearing – износостойкий

moisture – влага

slight sheen – легкий блеск

gloss – глянцевая

satin – атласная (краска)

prone – предрасположенный к чему-либо


Used on new, uncoated surfaces, primer protects the material beneath and provides a good base for further coats. Most paints can be sprayed with the right sprayer. Oil-based and water-based primers are available. Traditionalists prefer to use oil-based primer before oil-based paints, especially on exterior woodwork. Plaster and masonry are usually primed with a coat of latex paint diluted with 10 percent water, although a stabilizing primer or solution may be needed if the surface is very flaky or powdery. Special primers for other surfaces such as tiles or melamine are also available, and can be over painted with normal paints.

First Coat

A specially formulated paint used to build up opacity beneath finish coats, one or two coats of first coat paint are usually required before the decorative finish coat is applied. Use pale first coat beneath pale finish coats and a dark first coat beneath dark finish coats. Although most oil-based first coat is suitable for interior or exterior use, exterior first coats are available that will last longer when exposed to the elements. Water-based paints are usually applied in as many coats as are required to provide an even coverage.

Finish Coats

Once you have applied the base coats, or washed down previously painted surfaces and rinsed them thoroughly, you are ready to apply the decorative finish.


A latex-based, versatile paint type, flat is normally used for walls and ceilings. Many types of finish are available: dead-flat matt, matt, a water-based eggshell and silk. Some formulations contain vinyl to make them more hardwearing. Flat is also best used on siding materials. It can help the material cope with moisture. Exterior flat is available with a smooth or rough texture. Apply all flat using as many coats as are necessary for even coverage. For use in a sprayer, dilute flat with 10 percent water.


More durable than flat, eggshell has a slight sheen. Always check the exact finish because the degree of sheen varies between manufacturers. It is most commonly used on interior wood surfaces as an alternative to semi-gloss, although some manufacturers will specify that the paint may be used on exterior surfaces. Eggshell can also be used on wall surfaces where a hardwearing finish is required as it is easier to clean. Two coats will usually give an even color; use primer and first coat as required.

Gloss and Satin

A very hardwearing finishing paint, gloss is used mainly on wooden and metal surfaces. Satin is used in the same way as gloss but is slightly less shiny and is increasingly popular, especially for interior woodwork. Both solvent-based and latex-based versions of gloss and satin paints are available. Latex-based paints are easier to apply and less prone to “yellowing” with age, but do not provide as high a shine or hardwearing a finish as solvent-based paints. Almost all gloss and satin paints are suitable for interior or exterior use. Some glosses are formulated especially for exposed exterior surfaces. Gloss is generally applied as a single coat over one or two coats of primer.

Задание 2. Найдите  в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний на английском языке.

Неокрашенные поверхности; хорошая основа для последующих слоев; соответствующий краскораспылитель; масляная краска;  краска на водной основе; слой латексной краски, разбавленной 10% воды; слоистая поверхность; ровное покрытие; смыть ранее окрашенные поверхности; универсальный тип краски; некоторые составы содержат винил; выдерживать влагу; гладкая или шероховатая текстура; столько слоев, сколько необходимо; это легче мыть; ровный цвет; очень износостойкая финальная краска; деревянные и металлические поверхности;  немного менее блестящая; краска, содержащая растворитель;  менее склонна к пожелтению с годами; выступающие внешние поверхности; единственный слой.

Задание 3. Вставьте в данные предложения вместо пропусков слова, подходящие по смыслу.

siding,       oil-based primer,    sprayer,       a single coat,     an even color,       dark finish coats,    matt,     are required,     satin paints,         surfaces

  1. Most paints can be sprayed with the right________
  2. Traditionalists prefer to use_________ before oil-based paints, especially on exterior woodwork.
  3. Use pale first coat beneath pale finish coats and a dark first coat beneath_______
  4. Water-based paints are usually applied in as many coats as________to provide an even coverage.
  5. Flat is also best used on________ materials.
  6. Many types of finish are available: dead-flat matt,_________, a water-based eggshell and silk.
  7. Two coats will usually give________; use primer and first coat as required.
  8. Both solvent-based and latex-based versions of gloss and ________are available.
  9. Some glosses are formulated especially for exposed exterior__________
  10. Gloss is generally applied as _________over one or two coats of primer.

Задание 4. Найдите соответствия и выпишите пары слов.

  1. oil-…..
  2.  exterior …
  3. 10 percent …
  4. a slight …..
  5.  semi-….
  6.  dead-flat ….
  7.  exterior ….
  8. an even …
  9. increasingly …
  10. a single ….
  1. sheen
  2. surfaces
  3. gloss
  4. woodwork
  5. water
  6. popular
  7. coverage
  8. matt
  9. coat
  10. based

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What is primer?
  2. What kind of primer is used on exterior woodwork?
  3. How many coats are required before the decorative finish coat is applied?
  4. Are water-based paints used to provide an even coverage?
  5. When should you apply the decorative finish?
  6. What type of paint is used for walls and ceilings?
  7. Can eggshell be used on wall surfaces?
  8. What kind of paint is used mainly on wooden and metal surfaces?
  9. What are advantages and  disadvantages  of  latex-based paint? 

Задание 6. Переведите следующий текст с английского языка  на русский язык в письменной  форме, пользуясь словарем.


Prime bare wood with an alkyd paint, then paint it with two or more coats of eggshell, or one or two coats of a suitable shade of first coat and finish with a semi-gloss finish coat

Walls and Ceilings

These are usually painted with flat paint. Paint with a latex sealer. Use a mist coat to prime bare masonry walls and ceilings or apply good-quality flat directly onto the surface. Use eggshell for a hardwearing finish


If you want to paint the floor, use specially formulated, hardwearing floor paint.

Recommended Application Methods

Although latex- and oil-based paints can be applied with rollers or pads as well as brushes, cleaning them after using oil paints is difficult and will require lots of white spirit or thinner.

Primer: Use a brush, roller or pad.

First Coat: Use a brush, roller or pad.

Flat: Use a brush, roller, pad or sprayer.

Eggshell: Use a brush, roller or pad.

Gloss: Use a brush.

Floor Paint (on Wood): Use a brush.

Floor Paint (on Concrete): Use a brush or roller.

Metal Paint: Use a brush.

Тема: Painting of various surfaces.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


set-up - подготовка

brick - кирпич

a wire brush – проволочная щетка

grime – сажа

mortar – раствор

masonry – кладка

a long-nap roller – валик с длинным ворсом

grout lines – швы

crevices – щели

drips – потеки

heads-up – предостережение

pressure-washer – мытьё под давлением

gouging out mortar – отковырять раствор

concrete block  - бетонный блок

loose particles – сыпучие частицы

efflorescence – выцветшие частицы

a bleach solution – отбеливающий раствор

 non-residue cleaner – очиститель без осадка


Set-up and Prep: Clean brick with a wire brush to remove dirt and grime; be careful not to dig out any mortar. Scrub the masonry with soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Let dry for 48 hours.

Painting: Use a first coat of quality latex primer. When the primer is dry, apply top-quality latex paint that's formulated for use on masonry. Use a long-nap roller to cover most of the surface, and a brush to get into grout lines and crevices. Watch for drips – there's a lot of texture to a brick surface, so keep an eye out for runs. A second coat is recommended.

Heads-up: Don't use a pressure-washer to clean your brick; the risk of gouging out mortar is too great. Note that painting brick is a one-way decision — it's almost impossible to remove paint from brick surfaces.

Concrete Block

Set up and Prep: Remove any loose particles and mortar, using a wire brush. Remove efflorescence with a bleach solution made from 1 cup bleach in 1 gallon of water. Clean the entire surface with TSP or other non-residue cleaner. Let everything dry 48 hours before painting.

Painting: Prepare raw block with a masonry sealer. Let dry thoroughly, then apply a high-quality acrylic latex primer. Finish with acrylic latex paint.

Heads up: For new concrete and block installations: Wait 90 days before applying paint.

Задание 2. Переведите данные словосочетания с английского языка  на русский язык.

soapy water, quality latex primer, top-quality latex paint, to cover most of the surface, brick surface, a one-way decision, 1 cup bleach in 1 gallon of water, raw block, before applying paint.

Задание 3. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. Clean brick with a wire brush to …
  2. Scrub the masonry with soapy water …
  3. A second coat ….
  4. The risk of…
  5.  Note that painting brick …
  1. gouging out mortar is too great.
  2. to remove dirt and grime.
  3. is recommended.
  4. is a one-way decision.
  5. and rinse thoroughly.

Задание 4. Вставьте в предложения вместо пропусков слова, подходящие по смыслу.

the masonry     a pressure-washer     a long-nap roller     primer       finish      applying   48 hours

  1. Scrub_________ with soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Use a first coat of quality latex_________
  3. Use________ to cover most of the surface, and a brush to get into grout lines and crevices.
  4. Don't use_________ to clean your brick.
  5. Let everything dry _________before painting.
  6. __________.with acrylic latex paint.
  7. Wait 90 days before ___________ paint.

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. How many hours must brick surface dry before painting?
  2. What kind of primer should you use for brick surface?
  3. Is a second coat recommended?
  4. Is it possible to remove paint from brick surfaces?
  5. What kind of brush should we use for cleaning a concrete block?
  6. What kind of paint should we use for painting  a concrete block?

Тема: Painting of various surfaces.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь  понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


drywall – гипсокартон

dust – пыль

sanding – шлифовка

a damp rag – сырая тряпка

spackling compound – шпаклевочный состав

stain - пятно

blotches – отметины

sheen- блеск

rust – ржавчина

flaking – хлопья

sandpaper – наждачная бумага

exterior-grade – стойкий к воздействию окружающей среды

formulated for – предназначенный для…

residue – осадок

sticking – прилипание

fine sandpaper – мелкая наждачная бумага

a tack rag – обтирочная ткань

to make sure – чтобы удостовериться

knots - сучки


Set up and Prep: Make sure the drywall is free of dust (there's usually a lot of it from sanding). Wipe the surfaces lightly with a damp rag. For painted drywall, repair any cracks and holes with spackling compound.

Painting: Use a top-quality acrylic latex primer. For previously painted drywall, use a stain-blocking primer to cover any marks or blotches. Finish with a good-quality acrylic latex paint.

Heads up: The higher the paint sheen, the easier it is to wash and clean the surface. Semi-gloss is good for kids' rooms and kitchens.


Set up and Prep: Remove any rust and flaking with a wire brush. Sand with 220-grit sandpaper. Rinse with plain water, let dry.

Painting: Use an exterior-grade primer and paint that are formulated for metal.

Heads up: The method is the same for steel, aluminum and iron.


Set up and Prep: Sand lightly with 320-grit sandpaper. Wash with TSP or other non-residue cleaner, and rinse thoroughly.

Painting: Use a spray paint formulated for plastic. Alternative: Use exterior-grade acrylic enamel.

Heads up: After prep, don't touch the plastic with your bare hands — you'll leave oil residue that keeps the paint from sticking.

Wood (Bare)

Set up and Prep: Sand with progressively fine sandpaper until the surface is smooth. Remove dust with a tack rag.

Painting: Coat entire surface with a stain-blocking primer. Finish with high-quality latex or oil-based paint. Sand between coats with 320-grit sandpaper.

Heads up: After priming, check to make sure any knots aren't showing through. If they are, spot prime.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных слов и словосочетаний на английском языке.

удостоверьтесь; заделайте щели и дыры шпаклевочным составом; предварительно окрашенный гипсокартон; акриловая латексная краска хорошего качества; промойте чистой водой; предназначена для металла; краска, которая наносится при помощи распылителя; акриловая эмаль, стойкая к воздействию окружающей среды; не трогайте пластик голыми руками; неотделанная древесина; сотрите пыль обтирочной тканью; грунтовка  против пятен;  удостоверьтесь, не проглядывают ли сучки.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. How should you clean the surface of drywall before painting?
  2. What kind of paint is used for painting drywalls?
  3. How should you clean the metal surface before painting?
  4. Why shouldn’t you touch the plastic with bare hands before painting?
  5. What kind of sandpaper should we use to sand bare wood?
  6. What should you do if knots are showing through?

Задание 4. Составьте таблицу, используя информацию, данную в тексте.




Wood (Bare)

Set up and Prep: 


Heads up: 

Тема: The Ultimate House Painting Tips Guide

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


blending –  смешивание

ownership- собственность

improvement – улучшение

ensuring - обеспечение

tips – советы

working station – рабочее место

to loosen the paint chips – убирать кусочки краски

costly – дорогой

tiresome – утомительный

thickness –  толщина

paint spatters –  пятна краски

canvas - холсты

rip-resistant – не рвущийся

to absorb –  впитывать

bleeding through – проступающий

coverage - покрытие

adhesion – прилипание

scraping – выскабливание

sanding - шлифовка

requirement – требование

Painting should be a creativity thing. A good choice on paints and the blending speaks volume about personality and decors the room.

Painting brings out a sense of home ownership and gives a home improvement.

Preparation for the paint job is the most important step in ensuring a good outlook. There are tips to guide on both interior and exterior painting.

Set working station; this is the first step to any work. Get the working area covered with plastic since it is easy to loosen the paint chips. This step is needed because it helps to protect any item around the paint ground that can be affected by the paint.

Prepare the painting surface: painting can be costly and tiresome when the surface is not cleaned. Cleaning of the surface involves scraping, sanding, patching and filling of holes and cracks.

No amount of paint, thickness can help to hide the surface imperfection. Get drop-clothes; drop -clothes helps in absorbing paint spatters off your furnishing floors. Professional painters advise on use of canvas since they are durable and rip-resistant. They are easy to fold around the corners and doorways. Make sure you have all the working tools and get easy with painting.

Get coat primer. Once the surface is cleaned, get to prime it. A good coat of a primer allow the first coat of the paint to absorb evenly. You can get paints with primer or buy a primer on its own. It is important to prime for its three main functions; helps to block stains from bleeding through, gives paint coverage and improves the paint adhesion. Once the primer coat is applied you are good to go on painting.

The above procedures can make your painting work easy and fun. Less time, prefect look. If you are looking for an expert painter for your home, hire a painting professional as per your requirement. 

Задание 2. Найдите  в тесте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

обеспечение хорошего вида; внутреннее и наружное окрашивание; подготовьте рабочее место; накройте рабочую территорию пластиковой пленкой; замазывание и заполнение отверстий и трещин; дефекты поверхности; ветошь помогает впитывать капли краски;

их легко обернуть вокруг углов и дверных проемов; вам легко красить; как только поверхность очищена, загрунтуйте её; впитываться ровно; помогает предотвратить проступание пятен; улучшает прилипание краски; профессиональный маляр.

Задание 3. Определите, соответствуют следующие предложения содержанию текста или нет. (True or False).

  1. Preparation for the paint job is the most important step in ensuring a good outlook.
  2. Plastic helps to protect any item from the paint chips.
  3. Thick coat of paint can helps to hide the surface imperfection.
  4. Professional painters don’t advise on use of canvas since they are durable and rip-resistant.
  5. Primer improves the paint adhesion.
  6. Newspapers are easy to fold around the corners and doorways.

Задание 4. Напишите следующие предложения  в логическом порядке.

  1.  The above procedures can make your painting work easy and fun.
  2. A good choice on paints and the blending speaks volume about personality and decors the room.
  3. It is important to prime for its three main functions; helps to block stains from bleeding through, gives paint coverage and improves the paint adhesion.
  4. Get the working area covered with plastic since it is easy to loosen the paint chips.

Задание 5 Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What is the most important step in ensuring a good outlook?
  2. What is the first step to any work?
  3. Should the surface be cleaned or not before painting?
  4. What does cleaning of the surface involve?
  5. What do we need drop-clothes for?
  6. Name three main functions of primer.

Задание 6. Напишите аннотацию к тексту, используя данный план.

  1. The title of the text is…
  2. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on…
  3. The author characterizes…
  4. It is spoken in detail about…
  5. The author comes to the conclusion that…
  6. I found the text useful because…  

Задание 7. Переведите следующие тексты, пользуясь словарем.

1. Choosing Paint

Be sure to choose the proper type of paint for the job:

High-gloss: shiniest, washable, durable and used to accent surfaces.

Semi-gloss: less shiny but still durable and washable.

Satin: has a bit of sheen, washable.

Eggshell: use if no shine is desired, washable, durable and good for use on imperfect walls.

Flat: commonly used, not very durable or washable, unless the whole wall is wiped clean.

2. Preparation

It’s worth spending time preparing surfaces to ensure clean lines and protect surfaces:

Remove any nails from the wall.

Fill holes with a spot of spackle across nail holes and then sand when dry.

Washing the walls. This will remove dirt and also save an extra coat of paint.

Cover the floors with drop clothes.

Remove door knobs, electric switches and other items that you want to keep paint-free.

3. Painting

Painting with a roller and an edging brush saves an enormous amount of time.

Prime the walls if going from one extreme colour to another.

Begin with the ceiling, then walls, doors and woodwork.

Save a small amount of paint in a glass jar for touch-ups later.

Тема: Painters’ uniforms

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


tough – трудный, тяжёлый

dribbling – протекание

advancement –  прогресс

fabric – ткань

thick – плотный

to seep – просачиваться

likewise – более того

tidy – опрятный        

beats the requirement – избавляет от необходимости

customize – подгонять (по индивидуальному заказу)

embroidering – вышивка

to keep an eye out – следить за чем-то

flaps – закрылки

bib overalls – комбинезон с нагрудником
coveralls – комбинезон

hazardous – опасный

scaffoldings – подмостки (леса)

comfort fits – удовлетворяет комфорту

crucial - важный

to be accessorized with – быть необходимыми принадлежностями

employees – работники

mishaps – аварии, несчастные случаи

retailers – розничный торговец

Painters need to operate in a lot of tough conditions, and not the least of them is the constant concern of the paint dribbling onto the clothing. Painter uniforms need to be very various because of the negative conditions in which painters need to work.

But advancement in materials has now made it possible to develop the ideal type of painter uniforms. Painters’ uniforms are now made from excellent quality synthetic fabrics that are thick so that they do not allow the stray paints to seep into the inner clothing that the painter is wearing. Likewise, the artificial materials have actually improved washable properties, making it possible for them to become absolutely tidy with single washes. You will only have to put in the materials in your washering with the ideal sort of cleaning agent for synthetic fibers, and wash it typically. You will see the uniforms come out, as good as brand-new, without any trace of paint on them. This sure beats the requirement of needing to buy new painters uniforms every month!

Their improved wash ability also makes it possible for the uniform makers to utilize different patterns and colors on the uniforms. You will now discover a lot of colors for the painters uniforms, and many producers will even customize the uniforms for you by embroidering your label onto them.

You need to keep an eye out for the bib overalls if you are purchasing painter uniforms. The bib overalls painters utilize are slightly different. They have front flaps to secure their chests from the paint splashes. They are typically held up by huge buttons. If you want better defense from the paint, then you can look into the coveralls.

You should understand that painters will need to frequently work in hazardous environments. In some cases they may have to be on scaffoldings for a long period of time as they are painting the outside of a structure. For this factor, it is required that the painters uniforms be comfort fits.

Of course, the overall design of the painter uniforms is much necessary to create the ‘look’. You can not go wrong if you select the big-buttoned bib overalls from a few of the leading brands. Even coveralls with lots of pockets look excellent, and also offer better energy.

Two of the crucial things that they need to be accessorized with are painter hats and painter boots. The painter hats are typically fluorescent yellow in color and look rather much like the hats that building employees use. Their intense colors improve the visibility of the painter and for this reason provide protection from mishaps. You will get great boots too. Ensure you get the rugged nonslip boots, because there may be slipping accidents in the locations where painters work.

Задание 2. Найдите  в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

краска, протекающая на одежду; идеальный вид униформы маляра; высококачественная синтетическая ткань; свойства в стирке; моющее средство для синтетических волокон; никакого следа краски; вышивание вашего ярлыка;  использование комбинезонов с нагрудником немного иное; они обычно застёгиваются на большие пуговицы; суровая окружающая среда; они могут находиться на лесах в течение долгого времени; вы поступите верно; даже комбинезоны с большим количеством карманов выглядят блестяще; две важные вещи, которые являются необходимыми принадлежностями; светящийся  желтый цвет; обеспечивает защиту от несчастных случаев; прочные нескользящие ботинки.

Задание 3. Вставьте вместо пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова. Первая буква каждого слова дана.

  1. Painter u_________ need to be very various because of the negative conditions in which painters need to work.
  2. Likewise, the artificial materials have actually improved washable p__________, making it possible for them to become absolutely tidy with single washes.
  3. This sure beats the r____________ of needing to buy new painters uniforms every month!
  4. You will now discover a lot of c_______ for the painters uniforms.
  5. They have front flaps to secure their chests from the paint sp_______.
  6. If you want better d__________ from the paint, then you can look into the coveralls.
  7. You should understand that painters will need to frequently work in h__________ environments.
  8. For this factor, it is required that the p_______ uniforms be comfort fits.
  9. Their intense colors improve the visibility of the painter and for this reason provide protection from m________.

Задание 4. Составьте из данных слов словосочетания и переведите их на русский язык.

  1. tough
  2. painter
  3. advancement in
  4. the inner
  5. washable
  6. synthetic
  7. bib
  8. the outside of
  9. leading
  10. the crucial
  1. properties
  2. conditions
  3. a structure
  4. things
  5. clothing
  6. overalls
  7. uniforms
  8. fibers
  9. materials
  10. brands

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. Why do painters need uniforms?
  2. What kind of fabrics is uniform made?
  3. What are the advantages of this fabric?
  4. What is the difference between bib overalls and coveralls?
  5. What other things do painters need as uniform?
  6. The painter hat is usually red, isn’t it?
  7. What kind of boots do the painters need?

Задание 6. Напишите аннотацию к данному тексту, опираясь на данный план.

  1. The title of the text is…
  2. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on…
  3. The author characterizes…
  4. It is spoken in detail about…
  5. The author comes to the conclusion that…
  6. I found the text useful because…  

Задание 7. Переведите следующий текст, пользуясь словарем.

Why painters wear white?

Story has it tradesman started wearing white in the 1700s when most buildings were whitewashed. All-white clothing didn’t show the spatters. With today’s paint contractors using white spackle, plaster, caulk and chalk, wearing white still makes sense. It’s a clean look that’s become the distinguishing uniform of professional painters.

Тема: Safety Tips for Painting

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.


gears –  принадлежности

goggles – защитные очки

sensible shoes – практичная обувь

good grip – хорошее сцепление

scraping – выскабливание

impermeable – непромокаемый

lungs – лёгкие

whilst – в то время как

ignition – воспламенение

thinner – разбавитель

paint strippers – жидкости для снятия краски

hazards – вред, опасность

flammable – воспламеняемый

rags – тряпьё, ветошь

viable подходящий

performance profile – хороший контур

retention – сохранение

turpentine – скипидар

Using Protective Equipment

The basic gears you need for a safe paint job are: gloves, safety glasses or goggles, a dust-mask for sanding, and sensible shoes with a good grip.

Skin protection:

Wear the appropriate gloves: cloth or leather gloves for sanding and scraping, impermeable gloves for applying water-based paint, solvent-resistant chemical gloves for handling solvent-based products.

Eye protection:

Use eye goggles or glasses, or a face mask.

Lung Protection:

Wear an anti-dust mask whilst sanding a surface or a solvent-respirator if working with solvent-based products.

Ensure good ventilation with open windows and doors.

Remove sources of ignition.

Handling Solvent-based Products

All organic-based solvents – including white spirit, solvent-based paints, solvent-based thinners and primers, solvent-based wood treatment products as well as paint strippers – represent potential health hazards, and require that particular precaution be taken both in use and in storage.

Here are some tips:

Read the label carefully for information on safety and health-related issues.

Solvents are highly flammable – keep these paints away from all sources of heat, and never expose directly to an open flame.

Store in cool, well-ventilated areas.

Keep these products out of reach of pets and children.

Dispose of rags properly – rags soaked with oil-based materials can ignite spontaneously if not spread out to dry.

Ensure good ventilation with open windows and doors.

Wear protective equipment.

Keep children and pets out of the painted area.

Water-based paints: a viable alternative to solvent based paint:

To a large extent, water-based paints pose fewer risks and health hazards than solvent phase paints. Modern, high quality water-based paints offer an excellent performance profile – superior durability and color retention, excellent wash ability, for example. They are also more convenient to use – low in odor, they dry quickly, and brushes can be cleaned with warm, soapy water, with no need for white spirit or turpentine. And of course they are more environmentally-friendly.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

базовые принадлежности; маска от пыли; продукты, содержащие растворитель; хорошая вентиляция; натуральные растворители; потенциальный вред здоровью; особые меры предосторожности; пункты, относящиеся к здоровью; никогда не открывайте близко к открытому пламени; храните эти продукты подальше от животных и детей; может мгновенно воспламениться; в большой степени; лучшая прочность; меньший запах.

Задание 3. Определите, к какому разделу относятся данные предложения и напишите их в  соответствующий раздел.

Skin protection:

Eye protection:

Lung Protection:

Handling Solvent-based Products

Water-based paints:

  1. To a large extent, water-based paints pose fewer risks and health hazards than solvent phase paints.
  2. Use eye goggles or glasses, or a face mask.
  3. Dispose of rags properly – rags soaked with oil-based materials can ignite spontaneously if not spread out to dry.
  4. Ensure good ventilation with open windows and doors.
  5. Wear the appropriate gloves: cloth or leather gloves for sanding and scraping.
  6. Wear an anti-dust mask whilst sanding a surface or a solvent-respirator if working with solvent-based products.
  7. And of course they are more environmentally-friendly.
  8. Keep these products out of reach of pets and children.
  9. Store in cool, well-ventilated areas.

Задание 4. Переведите данный абзац с английского языка на русский, пользуясь словарём.

Dangers of the Trade

                Painting and decorating are great professions, but they comes with a number of down sides. A day in the life of a house painter consists of dealing with a number of potentially dangerous materials and situations. From breathing in the harmful chemicals in a wide variety of paints to climbing to the top of tall ladders to reach hard to get places, a house painter faces many difficulties in a day at work.

Тема: Using Step-Ladders Safely

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Найдите и подчеркните в нем следующие слова. Попытайтесь понять содержание текста, опираясь на значение данных слов.



step ladders – стремянка

likelihood – вероятность

robust – крепкий

slippery – скользкий

clutter – беспорядок

floor – пол

barefoot – босиком

overstretch – чрезмерно вытягиваться

shoulders – плечи

the rails – брусья, балки

ceilings – потолки

borrowing – заимствовать

fold up – складывать

vertigo attack – приступ головокружения

steadily - стабильно

Step ladders are very often both a central part of a paint job, but also a key danger area. Here are some tips on how to minimize the likelihood of a ladder-related accident:

Inspect the ladder:

Take time to check the condition of the ladder both before and after use.

Check that the ladder is sufficiently robust to support your weight.

Make sure the steps are free of oil, wet paint, mud, or any other potentially slippery substance.

Erecting the ladder:

Clear the area around the ladder from any clutter. Make sure that no electrical cords or wire leads are close.

If the ladder needs to be in front of a door, consider locking the door to prevent surprise openings.

If the ladder is in a high-traffic area, draw attention to this fact in the house – a hand-written sign would do.

Make sure the floor is even and stable. Avoid wet or slippery surfaces.

Always support the ladder at four points

Climbing the ladder:

Wear suitable shoes – no heels, barefoot is not good, nor are most sandals.

Never climb onto wet or slippery steps, make sure they are dry.

Never overstretch – do not climb beyond the last three steps of a ladder.

Keep your shoulders between the rails and don’t over-reach – move the ladder instead.

Always keep 3 point contact with the ladder.

If your ceilings are high, but your ladder is too small, don’t try to overreach yourself – renting or borrowing a suitable ladder is much safer.

Don’t let your children climb up the ladder: prevent access at the end of the day if you have to, or fold it up after use.

Be prepared for an unforeseen vertigo attack – don’t look down, breath slowly and steadily, and go back down.

Задание 2. Найдите  в тексте эквиваленты данных словосочетаний на английском языке.

ключевая опасная территория; минимизировать вероятность несчастных случаев, связанных со стремянкой; достаточно крепкая, чтобы выдержать ваш вес; потенциально скользкие вещества; предотвратить неожиданные открывания; знак, написанный от руки; удостоверьтесь, что пол ровный и прочный; скользкие поверхности; удостоверьтесь, что они сухие; не лезьте выше последних трех ступенек лестницы; заимствовать подходящую лестницу гораздо безопаснее; сложите её после использования; непредвиденный приступ головокружения, дышите медленно и ровно.

Задание 3. Определите, к какому разделу относятся данные предложения и напишите их в соответствующий раздел.

Inspect the ladder:

Erecting the ladder:

Climbing the ladder:

  1. If your ceilings are high, but your ladder is too small, don’t try to overreach yourself – renting or borrowing a suitable ladder is much safer.
  2. Take time to check the condition of the ladder both before and after use.
  3. Wear suitable shoes – no heels, barefoot is not good, nor are most sandals.
  4. Don’t let your children climb up the ladder: prevent access at the end of the day if you have to, or fold it up after use.
  5. If the ladder is in a high-traffic area, draw attention to this fact in the house – a hand-written sign would do.
  6. Check that the ladder is sufficiently robust to support your weight.
  7. Never overstretch – do not climb beyond the last three steps of a ladder.
  8. Wear suitable shoes – no heels, barefoot is not good, nor are most sandals.

Задание 4. Подберите к каждому предложению подходящий по смыслу конец.

  1. Clear the area around the ladder ….
  2. Make sure the floor is …..
  3. If the ladder needs to be in front of a door, consider locking the door …..
  4. Always keep 3 point …..
  5. Never climb onto wet or slippery steps…
  6. Be prepared for an unforeseen vertigo attack – don’t look down, breath slowly and steadily…..

  1. make sure they are dry.
  2. from any clutter.
  3. contact with the ladder.

  1. even and stable.
  2. and go back down.

  1. to prevent surprise openings.

Задание 5. Переведите данный абзац с английского языка на русский, пользуясь словарём.

Dangers of the Trade

Not many painters realize the danger of breathing in the volatile organic compounds in paint. They're a slow killer, literally. Day in and day out, the average house painter is exposed to the organic compounds in paint that are released into the air as the paint dries. They've been proven to cause cancer, as well as a long list of other maladies. Thus, making certain you have adequate ventilation when painting anything is very important.

        Список литературы:

1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonry









10.( http://www.nsead.org/downloads/Plaster.pdf)

11.www.paintersmategreen.com/painting-how-tos/tools-for-the job






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