Открытый урок "Здоровый образ жизни"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Открытый урок в 8 классе на тему "здоровый образ жизни" направлен на повторение и закрепление лексики по теме, а также модальных глаголов Shoud Shouldn't.
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Конспект урока в 8 классе на тему:
«Здоровый образ жизни. Повторение и обобщение»
Teacher: Hello, my dear students. I am glad to see you all! Is there anybody absent today? What's the date today? What’s the weather like outside? Do you know that Nature doesn’t have any bad weather?
But we can get ill in any weather and season and we should take care of our health to avoid different diseases.
And now let’s see at the screen and read these sayings all together:
Health is better than wealth.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
A sound mind in asound body.
(Учитель листает картинки на экране, а учащиеся читают пословицы вслух).
Teacher: What thing unites all these proverbs?(Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:Do you guess what the theme of our lesson is? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:Yes, you are absolutely right, it is «Healthy lifestyle». And our motto today is «A sound mind in a sound body».Do you know a Russian equivalent to this proverb? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:Today we are going to discuss healthy lifestyle of people. We will hear different opinions on how to keep fit and healthy, express our opinion and share our experience. We will revise the topic vocabulary and some grammar.And at the end of our lesson we’ll complete a puzzle and make a conclusion of the most important things to our health.
We’ve learnt a lot of words on the topic at our lessons. Let’s revise the vocabulary. Look at the most difficult words and their pronunciation on the screen.
(учащиеся смотрят на экран и повторяют слова голосовым диктором)
cardiovascular–сердечно-сосудистый obesity – ожирение awareness– осознание be on the alert – бытьначеку | anxiety – беспокойство, тревожность disturbance – нарушение self-esteem– самооценка crucial – ключевой, решающий |
Teacher:And now let’s check up your knowledge. You have to do a task. Take your mobiles and point the cameras at QR-code. Match the words to their translation. You’ve got 1 minute to complete the task. Begin.
Teacher:OK. Let’s check your answers. Look at the screen, please. Wecanseealeaderschart. (учитель выводит результаты учащихся на экран)
Teacher:Now you’llwatch a videoabout people’s health and then we’ll discuss some can see the questions on your desks. While you’re watching a video you can answer them. (учитель показывает листы с заданиями на партах у учащихся)
Teacher: Now I’d like you answer thequestions.
(Учитель спрашивает учащихся выборочно)
- What two components a person’s health includes?(physical and mental health).
- What serious physical health problems people face in modern society? (problems with the cardiovascular system, loss of vision, backaches, obesity, diabetes, heart disease).
- What bad habits can cause these problems? (fatty food, hamburgers, chips, pizza, hot dogs, and different sweets smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs).
- What about mental health? Can you name the main mental health problems? (stress, depression).
- What should people do to prevent these problems? (not to worry too much and be on the alert, to have a rest and a couple of visits to a doctor).
- Which is more important – physical or mental health? (both of them are equally crucial).
Teacher: As we’ve listened in the end of the video physical health is as important as mental. And what people can do to keep fit? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher: Yes, sport is one of the main part of our healthy lifestyle. In your opinion, what kind of sport activities can help ordinary people to be in a good form? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher: Now let’s do a quiz. (найти на Learningappsзадание на найди пару)
Teacher: OK guys, sport is one of useful habits. But as you can see it’s not the full puzzle. What another important thing does our health depend on? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:Yes, you are absolutely right, healthy food is very important. Do you know that there are Rainbow days in daily meals? Now you’ll watch a video about healthy diet for every day and do a task. But at first let’s divide into two teams. (Учительделитучащихсянадвекоманды)
(Учащиеся выполняют задание в группах)
Teacher:OK. Let’s check your answers. (учитель просит учащихся зачитать их ответы вслух)
Teacher: Now you can see that our puzzle is complete. Let’s do one more exercise to analyze good and bad habits and define that people should or shouldn’t do. You can see a text with gaps. You have to fill the gaps with should or shouldn’t.
(Учащиеся выполняют задание в группах)
Teacher:OK, guys. The finish is close. Today we’ve got a lot of information. Let’s summarize it. You can see posters and envelopes. The 1-st team have to choose from given phrases that people should do to be in a good form and the 2-nd – shouldn’t. And in the end you must show us your results. You’ll have only 5 minutes to complete your task. Start.
OK. Let’s have a look at your results. (Учитель выбирает по одному представителю от каждой команды и приглашает их к доске. Ребятаозвучиваютсвоирезультаты)
Teacher: What phrase can we say in the conclusion? (Ответыучащихся)
Teacher: Yes:A sound mind in asound body.
Teacher:And At the end of our lesson I’d like you continue the next statement: healthy food is…(Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:unhealthy food is…(Ответыучащихся)
Teacher:Yourhomeworkistoreviseourtopicvocabulary and do exercises in these cards.
The lesson is over. See you the next lesson. Good bye.
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