Teenage Friendships - май 2024
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Данный материал может быть использован при подготовке к ЕГЭ. Тема "Дружба в жизни подростков"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Teenage Friendships

Variant 29



Face-to face friends  - real

Can see real emotions of people;

Can have a close contact with a friend ;

Can do different activities together

Lack of time to meet;

Virtual friends  (online friends)

Can communicate at any place and any time;

 Can have friends from different countries

Can’t see reactions and emotions of your friend;

Can’t do smth together apart from  chatting online

Эссе – вариант 14

Problems that can arise within a friendship

Solutions to the problems

 Misunderstanding caused by different characters/temperaments

Try to reach a compromise with your friend/ respect his/her opinion

Lack of time to  meet – busy/tight schedule

Alternative ways of communication – by phone/ social media; make a plan of your meetings and try to follow it


Alternative ways of communication – by phone/ social media

The importance of teenage friendships

An opportunity to have a good time with your soulmate / like-minded person

A person  to  ask for advice/ for help

People are social  creatures – they need smb to share emotions /troubles with

Письмо – вариант 26

Nature protection

Promoting the construction of nature reserves and national parks

Endangered animal  and plant species  are listed in the Red Book and it means they are under the protection of the government

Ways to attract public attention and support:

  • Raising public awareness by positing the info about problematic areas in social media   and TV
  •  Invest money in Building shelters   for stray animals
  • Organize clean-up days

Natural wonders


The Niagara Waterfall

Lake Baikal – crystal- clear  water

The Altai mountains  - spectacular views/ gripping landscapes / breathtaking scenery  (uncountable)

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