Копилка методических разработок по темам «Россия», «Великобритания и США».
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Кочубеева Ольга Владимировна

В разработке даны тексты с упражнениями, тесты, которые были составлены с учетом диагностики уровня сформированности коммуникативной компетенции и которыми я активно пользуюсь на уроках. Здесь представлены несколько разработок по темам «Россия», «Великобритания и США».



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Копилка методических разработок

для развития навыков говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма.

В разработке даны тексты с упражнениями, тесты, которые были составлены с учетом диагностики уровня сформированности коммуникативной компетенции и которыми я активно пользуюсь на уроках. Здесь представлены несколько разработок по темам «Россия», «Великобритания и США».

Тема: «Россия»

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

The Russian Federation

              The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres. The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Byelorussia, the Ukraine. It also has a sea-borders with the USA.

There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. We have steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east.

                 There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. There are several mountains chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.

There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers- the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena - flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean.

            Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake is the Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. Russia has one-sixth of the world's forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East.

On the vast territory of the country there are various types of climate, from arctic in the north to subtropical in the south. In the middle of the country the climate is temperate and continental.

Russia is very rich in oil, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources.

At present, the political and economic situation in the country is rather complicated. There are a lot of problems in the national economy of the Russian Federation. But in spite of the problems Russia is facing at present, there are a lot of opportunities for this country to become one of the leading countries in the world. I'm sure that we, the younger generation, can do very much to make Russia as strong and powerful as it used to be.

2. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

To occupy about one-seventh of the earth's surface, total area, to cover the part of Europe, to be hardly a country in the world, variety of scenery and vegetation, to separate Europe from Asia, to flow from the south to the north, to be concentrated in, to be rich in oil, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral resources, complicated political and economic situation.

  1. Переведите словосочетания на английский.

Омываться морями и океанами, граничить с Норвегией на западе, степи на юге, самая большая горная цепь, сосредоточены на севере, умеренный и континентальный климат, несмотря на проблемы.

  1. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.
  1. What does Russia border on?
  2. What scenery and vegetation can be found in Russia?
  3. Where are forests concentrated?
  4. Are you sure that Russia will rise and why?


This city came into being out of a dream, and today it delights the eye with its dream-like beauty. It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. The city is situated on the banks and islands of the delta of the Neva River where it flows into the Gulf of Finland.

Peter the Great personally supervised the building of the city: he helped to plan it together with the best architects and spent a lot of time on the building sites. Thus the splendid city which today inspires general admiration was created.

It is the second largest city in Russia after Moscow with the population of 7 million.

Saint-Petersburg is very famous for its historical association. People all over the world know its places of interest, such as the Winter Palace, the Peter and Paul Fortress, University Embankment, Nevsky Prospekt (Neva Avenue), the Hermitage, St. Isaac’s Cathedral and many others.

The beautiful Winter Palace was built in the baroque style in the mid-18-th century. It is decorated with columns and statues, the floors are of rosewood, black-wood and palisander. The interior of the Palace is decorated with marble, gilt, malachite and jasper. The greater part of the collections of Hermitage Museum is housed here.

The city would have never come into existence if it had not been for the Neva River. The city and the river merge into each other and become one, and they both face the sea which sometimes invades the city. There have been 244 floods and some of them were real disasters.

At the Peter and Paul Fortress the Neva is 650 metres wide. It's interesting to know that the steeple of the Peter and Paul Cathedral rises 122 metres above the Peter and Paul Fortress. The cathedral is the burial site of the Russian emperors from Peter the Great to Alexander III. University Embankment on the Vasilyevsky Island is a fine street. A long line of buildings designed in the Russian classical style runs along the left bank of the Neva.

The famous Nevsky Prospekt is a wide and very busy avenue with many shops. A big department store, the Gostinny Dvor, is the place where you can lose your way.

The Metro is the deepest one in the world. It's running at a depth of some 100 metres.

The magnificent ensemble of Rossi Street, the steeple of the Admiralty, the monument to Peter the Great, Alexander's Column - all these places remember the great events of Russian history. In December of 1825 army officers rose in revolt here. In. 1905 a peaceful demonstration of workers was held in the city. It was shot by tsarist troops. The February revolution in 1917, the October Revolution, perestroika - all these events changed the entire history of mankind.

There is no wonder that everyone who visited this city is so enraptured with Saint-Petersburg that he wants to stay here and live here.

to delight - радовать, восхищать; bank - берег; to flow -течь; to supervise - наблюдать; to inspire - вдохновлять; admiration - восхищение; embankment - набережная; baroque style - стиль барокко; column - колонна; statue -статуя; rosewood, palisander — палисандровое дерево; marble - мрамор; gilt - позолота; malachite - малахит; jasper -яшма;   existence — существование;   merge - сливаться; to invade — вторгаться;  flood — наводнение; disaster — катастрофа, стихийное бедствие; steeple - шпиль; depth - глубина; revolt - восстание, мятеж; to be shot - быть растрелянным; troops - войска; entire - весь, целый; to enrapture - захватить


/. Answer the questions.

  1. When was Saint-Petersburg founded?
  2. Who founded this city?
  3. What is the population of Saint-Petersburg?
  1. What places of interest do you know?
  2. What is the interior of the Winter Palace decorated
  3. Where is the Hermitage collection housed?
  4. What is the burial site of the Russian emperors?
  5. What is the depth of the Metro in Saint-Petersburg?
  6. What events of Russian history are connected with

10.        Why are people so enraptured with this city?

//. Say in English.

Царские войска, достопримечательности, часть коллекции Эрмитажа, стиль барокко, классический стиль, быть украшенным палисандровым и черным деревом, шпиль Адмиралтейства, русские императоры, радовать глаз, лично наблюдать, вызывать всеобщее восхищение, река и город сливаются в одно целое, можно заблудиться, поднять мятеж, изменить историю человечества.

///. Fill the appropriate word using the words in brackets.

1. The city is situated on the banks and islands of the d... of the Neva River.

2. Peter the Great p... s... the building of the city.

  1. The beautiful Winter Palace was built in the b... s... in the mid-18th century.
  2. The interior of the Winter Palace is d... with m... , gilt, m... and j...
    5.        The city and the river m... into each other and become one.
    6.There had been 244 f... and some of them were real d...
  1. The s... of the Peter and Paul Cathedral rises 122 metres above the Peter and Paul Fortress.
  2.  In December of 1825 army officers r... in r... in Saint- Petersburg.
  3. In 1905 a p... demonstration of workers was shot by t... t...
  4.  This splendid city i... the a... of people all over the world

(personally, supervised, rose, revolt, inspires, admiration, delta, baroque style, peaceful, steeple, tsarist troops, decorated, marble, malachite, jasper, merge, floods, disasters).

IV. Translate into Russian.

То come into being out of a dream, delta of the Neva River, building sites, splendid city, historical association, University Embankment, columns and statues, to come into existence, to face the sea, to invade the city, to rise above, run along, magnificent ensemble, great events, entire history.

V. Agree or disagree.

  1. There had been a lot of disastrous floods in the city.
  2. The Metro is one of the deepest in the world .
  3. The Neva river flows into the Gulf of Finland.
  4. Saint-Petersburg was founded in the 18-th century.
  5. On the left bank of the Neva River there are many beautiful buildings  designed in the baroque style.
  6. Alexander's Column is 122 meters above the Peter and Paul Fortress.
  7. The greater part of the Hermitage collection is situated in the Winter Palace.

VI.  Ask your partner in English.

1. Когда и кем был основан Санкт-Петербург?

2.Где расположен город?

3. Какую роль в жизни города играет Нева?

4. Историческим памятником какого века является Зимний дворец?
5. В каком стиле он построен?

6. Что является украшением Зимнего дворца?

7. Какова высота шпиля собора Петра и Павла?

8. Кто захоронен в Петропавловском соборе?

9. Что определяет современное лицо города?

10. Какие события русской истории происходили в Санкт-Петербурге?

VII. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.

1. This city came ... being        dream.

  1. The city is situated ... the banks and islands ... the delta ... the Neva River.
  2. It is the second largest city ... Russia ... Moscow ... the population ... 7 million.
  3. Saint-Petersburg is very famous ... its historical association.
  4. The city would have never come ... existence if it had not been ... the Neva River.
  5. University Embankment ... the Vasilyevsky Island is a fine street.
  6. A long line ... buildings designed ... the Russian classical style runs ... the left bank ... the river.
  7. The famous Nevsky Prospekt is a wide and very busy avenue ... many shops.
  8. Everyone who visited this city is so enraptured ... Saint-Petersburg.

VIII. Tell about Saint-Petersburg.


  1. Have you ever been to Saint-Petersburg?
    2.What places of interest did you like?

3. Tell your friend about your last visit to
the Hermitage.  

4.What masterpieces of its collection do you know?

5.What style are you fond of?

6. What's your opinion about Peter the Great?

7.What other outstanding  Russian  people  who  influenced  the development and history of Saint-Petersburg do you know?


1. Read and translate the text.

Almost every nation and country has a reputation of some kind.

First, let’s speak about Russian people. To my mind, the main traits of their characters that differ them from other people are hospitality, their «open heart», «golden hands», and wise Russian fairy-tales reflect this wisdom. Our people are hardworking, patient, never losing hope for better life. The Russians are talented people. Russia gave the world famous names of Pushkin and Lermontov, Chaikovsky and Repin, thousands of names of world-famous poets, writers, composers, scientists. All of them are the pride of the nation because they sang the beauty of our nature and people.

      Our country is famous for Russian traditional specific crafts and its skilled craftsmen. Painted boxes of Palekh, coloured shawls of Pavlov Posad, clay toys of Dymkovo, laces of Vologda are known all over the world.

      The names of Gzhel and Khokhloma are considered to be the symbols of Russia as well as matryoshkas and samovars. The history of khokhloma goes back into the 17th century. Producing of tableware - dishes, spoons, mugs was begun at that time in the villages of Syomino and Khokhloma in the Nizhny Novgorod Province, on the banks of the great Russian river Volga. Many carpenters, painters have been working since then reviving traditions of old masters. The Khokhloma style is characterized by using plant elements in painting the tableware. The prevailing colours are black, yellow, golden, green and red. And nowadays this craft is sure to be saved, it will be developed and brought into the future by the new generation of painters.

      Now we celebrate the forgotten holidays - Troitsa, Maslenitsa, the Easter. We again sing Russian folk songs and chastushki, dance Barinya and perform khorovods, ride in troikas. Traditional Russian cooking is world-famous for such dishes as okroshka, shi, pelmeni, kurnik, kvas. We begin to build and reconstruct churches. The example of it is the building of the Cathedral of Christ the Saver in Moscow. It is the symbol of reviving human feelings, national pride and patriotism.

2. Translate word-combinations in Russian.

a reputation of some kind, to differ smb. from other people, wise Russian fairy-tales, never lose hope for better life, world-famous poets, Russian traditional specific crafts, to be considered the symbols of Russia, reviving traditions of old masters, prevailing colours, new generation of painters, symbol of reviving human feelings.

3. Translate in English.

Главные черты характера, гостеприимство, открытое сердце, золотые руки, особые ремесла, умелые ремесленники, расписные шкатулки Палеха, цветастые шали Павлова Посада, считаются символами России, стиль Хохлома, привнести в будущее новое поколение художников, традиционная русская кухня, возрождение национальной гордости.

  1. Answer the questions in writing.
  1. What are the main traits in Russian people’s character?
  2. What specific Russian crafts do you know?
  3. What is Khokhloma style characterized by?
  4. What are traditional Russian cooking?

Тема: «Великобритания и США»


    The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It  occupies a large territory. The USA is situated in the central and southern part of Northern America. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. It stretches from Canada in the north to Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Gulf of California in the south.

     The area of the USA is over 9 million square kilometers. In size, the USA is the 4th among the nations after Russia, Canada and China. It has many islands in the Pacific Ocean and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic.

     The USA is divided into three areas: Eastern area – a highland, where the Appalachian Mountains are situated, Central area – a plain, and the Western area which is mountainous and includes the Cordilleras and the Rocky Mountains.  The highest peak in the Appalachian Mountains is 2,037 meters high. The highest peak of the Cordilleras in the USA is 4,418 meters high. The Appalachian Mountains are very old. The Rocky Mountains are considered to be young.

     The north-eastern part of the USA is the region of the five Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario. They are connected by channels cut by rapids. The greatest of these rapids is the Niagara Falls. The St. Lawrence River joins the water of the five lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. In the west of the USA there is another lake called the Great Salt Lake.

     The main rivers of the USA are the Mississippi (it’s the second largest river in the world after the Nile), the Missouri, the Yukon, the Colorado, the Columbia, the St. Lawrence, and the Hudson.

     As the USA is the large country, the climate is different in different regions of the country. For example, the Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers, but the eastern continental region is watered with rainfall. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather.  


New words:                                                                   Proper Names:  

To occupy  -  занимать                                                           The United States of America

to stretch  from …to  -  тянуться от …  до                            The Pacific Ocean

a nation  -   государство, страна                                            The Gulf of California

island  -  остров                                                                       China

to divide into  - делить на                                                        Puerto Rico

to be divided into  -  быть разделенным на                            Virgin Islands

highland  -  плоскогорье, нагорье, возвышенность              The Appalachian  Mountains

a plain  -  равнина                                                                     The Cordilleras

peak  -  вершина                                                                       The Rocky Mountains

to consider   -  считать, полагать                                                      Lake Superior

to connect  -  связывать                                                                        Huron

to be connected  -  быть связанным                                         Michigan

rapid  -  речной порог                                                                          Erie

to join  -  объединять                                                               Ontario

                                                                                                  the Niagara Falls

                                                                                                 The St. Lawrence River

                                                                                                  the Mississippi

                                                                                                  the Missouri

                                                                                                  the Yukon

                                                                                                  the Colorado

                                                                                                  the Columbia

                                                                                                  the Hudson

                                                                                                  the Great Salt Lake.

Complete the sentences.

  1. The USA is situated in the …………… and ……………… part of Northern America.
  2. It is washed by the ………………. in the east and by the …………………. in the west.
  3. It stretches from …………. in the north to ………….., the ……………………, and the ………………….. in the south.
  4. In size, the USA is the 4th among the nations after ……………, ………….. and ………………..
  5. The USA is divided into three areas: Eastern area – a …………….., where the Appalachian Mountains are situated, Central area – ………………., and the Western area which is mountainous and includes ……………. and ……………………………….
  6. …………………………… are very old.
  7. ………………………. are considered to be young.
  8. The ……………………. part of the USA is the region of the five Great Lakes: Lake ……………, …………….., ……………, ……….., and …………………..
  9. The greatest of these rapids is …………………………
  10. In the west of the USA there is another lake called …………………………
  11. The main river of the USA is ……………………………


In 1790 the US Congress decided to build a capital on the Potomac River along the Virginia – Maryland border. President  Washington selected the area which was named the District of Columbia after Christopher Columbus. The capital was originally called Federal City and later it was renamed after the nation’s first president.

Washington is like no other city in the world, its population is a little over 600,000 people. Its only industry is government. All government departments and numeral federal institutions are in the capital. There are the White House, where the US President lives and works, the Capitol, the home of the US Congress and the Supreme Court. The two centres are connected by Pennsylvania Avenue, the main business street of the city. The city as a whole is divided into four parts: north-western, north-eastern, south-western, and south-eastern. Washington has always been the scene of mass demonstrations, marches and rallies. Pennsylvania Avenue is Washington’s ceremonial street and the site of the President’s inaugural day parade.

The second important aspect of the city’s economy is tourism. The national monuments and museums attract more than 18 million visitors each year. The parklike centre of Washington is formed by the Mall, the East Potomac and West Potomac parks. In this area there are the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial,  the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument. Across the Potomac River, in Virginia, is Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon.

Washington is the major American cultural centre. Not far from the Mall there are a number of important museums many of which are administered by the Smithsonian Institution. Among them are the National Gallery of Art, the Museum of American History, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of African Art and others.

Overlooking the Potomac, there is the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which opened in 1971 as a memorial to President Kennedy. It’s a centre for  drama, opera, film and music. Other major theatres are Constitution Hall, the National Theatre, Warner Theatre and Ford’s Theatre.

The majority of Universities in Washington are private, including Georgetown University, American University, George Washington University, the Catholic University of America, and Trinity college.

New Vocabulary:

Border –                                          граница

To select –                                      выбирать

To name after –                              назвать ч-л именем

Originally –                                    первоначально

To rename –                                   переименовать

Like no other city –                        как никакой другой город

Government departments –           правительственные апартаменты

Numerous –                                   многочисленные

Institutions –                                  учреждения, заведения

Site –                                              место

Inaugural day –                               день вступления в должность

To attract –                                      привлекать

Memorial –                                      памятник

Cemetery –                                      кладбище

To administer –                               управлять

Space –                                            космос

To overlook –                                  выходить на

Centre for the Performing Arts –    Центр Искусств

The Mall –                                       парк в Вашингтоне

The Constitution Hall –                   концертный зал

Majority –                                        большинство

Private –                                           частный



  • to build a capital; originally called; only industry; the scene of mass demonstrations; attract more than 18 million visitors; a number of important museums; major theatres.

  • выбрал территорию; как никакой другой город; многочисленные государственные учреждения; главная деловая улица; главный американский культурный центр; музей американской истории; памятник президенту Кеннеди; Вашингтонский университет.


  1. The US Congress decided to build a capital in the District of Columbia in 1790.
  2. The capital was called New York.
  3. Washington is highly industrialized.
  4. Pennsylvania Avenue is the main business street in Washington.
  5. The White House is the site of the President’s inaugural day parade.
  6. Washington is famous for its tourism.
  7. There are a lot of Memorials in the suburbs of Washington.
  8. Not far from the Mall there are a lot of museums.
  9. John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts is the centre for drama, opera, film and music.
  10. The majority of Universities in Washington are free.


  1. The capital of the US is called … .
  2. It was named after …
  3. It was built in the area …
  4. The capital was originally called …
  5. There are all government departments and … … in the capital.
  6. The US President lives and works in …
  7. The home of the US congress is …
  8. The main business street of Washington is …
  9. Washington’s ceremonial street and the site of the President’s inaugural day parade is …
  10.  Majority of the museums and memorials  are situated in …

Answer the questions:

  1. When was Washington founded?
  2. What was the original name of the capital?
  3. What federal institutions are there in Washington?
  4. What parts does it consist of?
  5. What is Pennsylvania Avenue famous for?
  6. What are the two major industries of Washington?
  7. What memorials and monuments are there in Washington?
  8. What are the most important museums and art galleries?
  9. What is the John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts?
  10. What are some of the private universities of Washington?


True (+) or False (-).

Theme: Traditions, customs, holidays of the UK and the USA.

  1. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries.
  2. Life Guards are cavalrymen riding on black horses through the streets of London, whose special duty is to guard the king or the queen of the UK and very important guests of the country.
  3. Nowadays an English family prefers a modern house with central heating to a house with a fireplace and a garden.
  4. The English people like animals very much.
  5. Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are the same in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England.
  6. Christmas is not observed in Scotland at all.
  7. Christmas, Easter, New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day are of religious origin.
  8. Thanksgiving Day, Columbus Day, Independence Day are celebrated in the UK and in the USA.
  9. Hallowe’en is celebrated on the last night of November.
  10. Americans are very punctual.
  11. In some American homes the atmosphere is informal and you may sit at the kitchen table to eat dinner.
  12. When you are at a party in the USA it is customary to sit at a dinner table eating meals.
  13. Generally Americans tend to be informal.
  14. To Americans the closing of one calendar year and the opening of another is a serious, yet happy occasion.
  15. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in America on the fourth Thursday of November.
  16. Americans mark the birthday of Martin Luther King, who was a famous pop-singer,  on the fifteenth of January.
  17. President’s Day honours the two presidents of the USA – G.Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
  18. Christmas is observed on the seventh of January in the USA.
  19. Americans often address each other by their given names on the first meetings and abbreviate a lot.
  20. “Progressive dinner” means a party on one occasion which lasts some days.

Geographical  position  of  the  United  Kingdom  of Great  Britain  and Northern  Ireland

     The United Kingdom is situated in the North-west coast of  Europe. The western coast of the UK is washed by the Atlantic ocean and the Irish Sea, and the eastern part is washed by the North Sea. Great Britain is separated from the Continent by the English Channel.

     The UK includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales. The surface of Ireland and England is flat, but Scotland and Wales are mountainous. Many parts of the country have beautiful villages. There are many rivers in Great Britain. The main river is the Thames. Many ships and barges go up and down the river. The longest river is Severn. It is 350 kilometres long.

     The United Kingdom is not very  rich in mineral resources. Coal was found in the South Wales, oil and gas were found in the North Sea.

     The population of the UK is nearly 60 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs. 4 out of every 5 people live in towns.  Over 46 million people live in England, over 3 million – in Wales, a little over  5 million – in Scotland. About 1,5 million – in Northern Ireland. The British nation consists of the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. There are many people of all colours and races in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Climate of the United Kingdom

     Britain is as far north as Canada’s Hudson Bay or Siberia. Edinburgh is 56 degrees north of the equator, the same latitude as Moscow, yet its climate is generally mild and temperature rarely exceeds 32 degrees or fall below –10 degrees. That’s because of the Gulf-stream which brings warm water and air across the Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico. As a result snow falls occasionally and doesn’t remain for long (except in the Scottish mountains). Rainfall is well distributed through out the year.

     The wind brings rain from the Atlantic to the hills of the west. This means that the western parts of Britain are wetter than the eastern, which are sheltered.

     London is much drier than the continental cities (e.g. Hamburg). Its weather may be unpredictable, but not too wet. The feature of the climate of London is the great number of fogs.

New Vocabulary

To be situated –                                               быть расположенным

Coast –                                                             побережье

To be washed by –                                           омываться чем-либо

To be separated from –                                     быть отделенным от

To include –                                                      включать в себя

To contain –                                                      содержать

Surface –                                                           поверхность, рельеф

Flat –                                                                 ровный, гладкий

Mountainous –                                                   гористый

Barge –                                                              баржа

To be rich in mineral resources –                      быть богатым    минеральными ресурсами        

Coal –                                                                уголь

Oil –                                                                   нефть

Natural gas –                                                     природный газ

To be found –                                                     быть найденным

Population –                                                       население

Suburbs –                                                           пригород, окраина

To consist of –                                                    состоять из

Degree –                                                             градус

Equator –                                                            экватор

Latitude –                                                            широта

Mild –                                                                  мягкий

To exceed –                                                        превышать, превосходить

To fall –                                                               падать

To remain for long –                                            оставаться надолго

Rainfall –                                                             ливень, сильный дождь

To be well distributed –                                       быть хорошо распределенным

Throughout  –                                                      в течение

To be sheltered –                                                быть прикрытым

Unpredictive –                                                     непредсказуемый

Feature –                                                             особенность

 Fog –                                                                  туман

Proper names

British Isles                                                                                    Британские острова

United Kingdom                                                     Соединенное Королевство

Great Britain                                                           Великобритания

Northern Ireland                                                     Северная Ирландия

England                                                                  Англия

Wales                                                                      Уэльс

Scotland                                                                  Шотландия

Europe                                                                     Европа

Atlantic Ocean                                                         Атлантический океан

Irish Sea                                                                  Ирландское море

North Sea                                                                Северное море

English Channel                                                      Английский канал

Thames                                                                    р.Темза

Severn                                                                     р.Северн

The Scots                                                                шотландцы

The Irish                                                                  ирландцы

The English                                                             англичане

The Welsh                                                               уэльцы (валлийцы)

Canada                                                                    Канада

Hudson Bay                                                             Гудзонов залив

Siberia                                                                      Сибирь

Gulf-Stream                                                             Гольфстрим (течение)

Gulf of Mexico                                                          Мексиканский залив

North                                                                        Север

South                                                                        Юг

West                                                                         Запад

East                                                                          Восток

Agree or Disagree. Use expressions of agreement and disagreement.

  1. The United Kingdom is situated in the north-west coast of Europe.
  2. The western coast is washed by the English Channel.
  3. The eastern part is washed by the North Sea.
  4. The UK includes Great Britain and France.
  5. Great Britain is separated from the Continent by the Irish Sea.
  6. Great Britain contains England, Scotland and Germany.
  7. The main river on British Isles is the Thames.
  8. The longest river is Rhein.
  9. Britain is as far north as Canada’s Hudson Bay or Siberia.
  10. The climate of Great Britain is severe and cold.
  11. Snow falls occasionally and doesn’t remain for long.
  12. The main feature of the climate of London is the great number of winds.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?
  2. What ocean is the western coast of the UK washed by?
  3. What ocean is the eastern coast of the UK washed by?
  4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?
  5. What does the UK include?
  6. What does Great Britain contain?
  7. What is the main river on British Isles?
  8. What is the longest river in the UK?
  9. What mineral resources are found in the UK?
  10. Is the climate of Great Britain mild or severe? Why is it so?
  11. What is the climate in London?
  12. What is the feature of climate in London?

Complete the sentences. Make the summary of the text.

  1. The United Kingdom is situated in the ……………coast of ………….
  2. The western coast of the UK is washed by the …………… and the …………….
  3. The …………… is washed by the North Sea.
  4. Great Britain is separated from the Continent by the ……………
  5. The UK includes …………. and …………
  6. Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains …………,   …………   and ………….
  7. The surface of ………… and ……………is flat.
  8. ………… and ………… are mountainous.
  9. The main river is the ………….
  10. Many ships and ………go up and down the river.
  11. The longest river is ………….
  12. The United Kingdom is not very  rich in ………………
  13. ………  was found in the South Wales
  14. ………and ……… were found in the North Sea.
  15. Over 46 million people live in ……….
  16. Over 3 million people live in …………
  17. A little over  5 million people live in ………….
  18. About 1,5 million people live in …………….
  19. The British nation consists of the …………, the …………, the ……… and the ………...


     England is bigger than the other countries. The capital of England is London. English people live in England. They speak English. The national symbol of England is a red rose. The flag of England is white and red. Foreigners often call everyone in  the UK “English” but the Irish, the Welsh, the Scots don’t like this. They are proud of their countries and they like being different. They  look different too. The Irish, the Welsh and the Scots are all Celts.


The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Scottish people live in Scotland. They speak Scottish and English. The national symbol of Scotland is a thistle. The national flag of Scotland is blue and white. In area Scotland is more than half as big as England. The principal cities are Edinburgh and Glasgow. Many Scottish surnames begin with Mac. “Mac” is the old Scottish word for “Son of” so MacDonald, for example, really means “Donald’s son”. There are lots of MacDonalds  in Scotland, because Donald is a very common first name.

     The Scots are wearing kilts. This kilts have different colours. Kilts show your family’s colours. MacDonald kilt is red and green. If we think of Scottish music we usually think of bagpipes. The sport of golf originated in Scotland.


     The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The Welsh live in Wales. They speak Welsh and English. The national symbol of Wales is a Daffodil. The national flag of Wales is green and white. You can see a red dragon on the Welsh flag.

     There are more than 52 million people in England, but only about 2 million in Wales. Welsh is very different from English. Welsh-speaking children learn English as their first foreign language and English-speaking children learn Welsh.


The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. Irish people live in Northern Ireland. They speak Irish and English. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock and a red hand. The Irish flag is red and white. Before 1922, Ireland, or Eire, was a part of the United Kingdom too, but now it’s a separate country. Its capital is Dublin.

The  United Kingdom

Test   1

  1. The United Kingdom includes:
  1. Great Britain and Ireland;
  2. Great Britain and Wales;
  3. Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  1. Great Britain contains:
  1. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland;
  2. Wales, England and Ireland;
  3. England, Wales and Scotland.
  1. The longest river in the UK is:
  1. the Severn;
  2. the Thames;
  3. the Mississippi.
  1. The main river in the UK is:
  1. the Thames;
  2. the Severn;
  3. the Missouri.
  1. The UK is:
  1. very rich in mineral resources;
  2. not very rich in mineral resources;
  3. there are no mineral resources there.
  1. Coal was found in:
  1. South Wales;
  2. Northern Ireland;
  3. Western Scotland.
  1. Oil and natural gas were found in:
  1. Northern Ireland;
  2. The North Sea;
  3. England.
  1. The United Kingdom is:
  1. parliamentary monarchy;
  2. monarchy;
  3. republic.
  1. The British Parliament contains:
  1. the House of Lords and the House of Representatives;
  2. the House of Commons and the Senate;
  3. the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
  1. The House of Commons are:
  1. elected by the population;
  2. not elected by the population.
  1. The House of Lords are:
  1. elected by the population;
  2. not elected by the population.
  1. The capital of the United Kingdom is:
  1. London;
  2. Washington;
  3. Glasgow.

The United States of America

Test 2.

  1. The USA is washed by:
  1. the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific ocean;
  2. the Atlantic ocean and the North Sea;
  3. the Pacific ocean and the Irish Sea.
  1. The USA border on:
  1. Canada and Alaska;
  2. Mexico and Canada;
  3. Alaska and Panama.
  1. The USA in size are:
  1. the 4th after Russia, Canada and China;
  2. the 5th after Russia, Canada, China and Australia;
  3. the 3d after Russia and Canada.
  1. The  old mountains are:
  1. Rocky Mountains;
  2. Cordilleras;
  3. Appalachian Mountains.
  1. The second longest river after the Nile is:
  1. the Mississippi;
  2. the Missouri;
  3. the St. Lawrence  river.
  1. The north-eastern part of the USA is:
  1.  the region of the five Great Lakes;
  2. the region of the four Great Lakes;
  3. The region of the six Great Lakes.

7.  The USA consist of:

  1. 55 states;
  2. 48 states;
  3. 50 states.
  1. The US Congress consists  of:
  1. Senate and the House of Representatives;
  2. Senate and the House of Commons;
  3. House of Representatives and the House of Lords.
  1. Presidential elections are held:
  1. every five years;
  2. every four years;
  3. every six years.
  1.  Representatives to Congress are elected :
  1. every two years;
  2. every four years;
  3. every three years.
  1. The  US President lives and works in:
  1. the Capitol;
  2. the White House.
  1. The capital of the USA is:
  1. London;
  2. New York;
  3. Washington.

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