Конспект урока по теме "Экология" для 10 класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Конспект урока по теме "Экология" для 10 класса. УМК Spotlight.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Этап урока | Слова учителя | Слова учеников |
1. Организационный (2 мин.) 2. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся. (5 мин.) 3. Актуализация знаний (6 мин) 4. Практический этап (29 мин) 5. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап (3 мин) | Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to see you all. Are you ready to start our lesson? Good. First thing I want to tell you is that for today’s lesson you’ll get eco points. You can see them in the containers that are on your desks. After finishing the tasks you’ll take them. You’ll do it yourselves. And as you can see from the screen – the more you get the higher grade you’ll have in the end of our lesson. Everyone got it clear? Great. Let’s go on then. Now let’s guess the topic of today’s lesson. Watch a video and tell me what the topic is. Good job! The topic is “Protection of the Environment. Recycling.” What do you think the aim will be? (Mind the video) Fantastic! Now that we know the aim, how will we achieve it? What will we do? What tasks? Yes! Good! Now we can get to the first task which is for the whole group. But before we start let’s look at some words from this exercise which you might not know (слова прописаны на доске/задание на экране). -ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАРЯДКА- Listen and repeat after me. Reduce, amount, consumption, burning, rubbish, excessive, tin, peelings. Look at the screen. You can see a bunch of words and phrases. Your task is to put them under the correct heading – reduce, reuse, recycle. You have 3 minutes to do this task. -3 МИНУТЫ- Now you can check your answers. Open your books at page 64 and check. Use your pens to mark the correct answers. -РАЗМИНКА ДЛЯ ГЛАЗ- Okay, guys, you did well. Before we go on with the next task let’s give our eyes some exercise. Be still, don’t move your body, move only your eyes. Look up, look down, up, down, up, down. Look left, right, left, right, left, right. Now look diagonally up left, down right, 2 more times. Now diagonally up right, down left, 2 more times. Cross your eyes and get back to normal position. One more time. Make round with your eyes to the left, and to the right. Now close your eyes really hard. Stop. Open your eyes and blink as fast as you can. Stop. Great job! That’s it. We can move on. Look at the text at page 65. Tell me, what do you think the writer’s purpose was in writing this text? What do you expect to learn from it? Good. Let’s read and see if you’re right. While reading this text do exercise 2b in your notebooks. If there are some words that you don’t know look them up in the dictionary. You have 7 minutes to do this task. Time’s up. Now you’ll hear this text, check your answers. Get one eco point for one correct answer. As we got from the text in order to protect the environment we can: Recycle! Let’s talk about recycling more: as we already know we can recycle glass, aluminium, paper and plastic. As for recycling plastic. There are 7 types of polymers. You can usually see these labels on different plastic things. Okay. Here I have 3 bags with garbage. Your task is to find these labels and separate each item. Put them into the correct container. Let’s check if you got every item right. Take one eco point for each correct answer. Once again you can see the eco point system for today’s lesson. I ask you to count how many points you’ve got for today’s lesson and write them and your marks in your notebooks. Give me your notebooks, I’ll look at your marks later and put them in the journal. Your homework is on the screen. But before you go, let’s summarize our lesson. | Good morning. Yes, we are. Yes. Okay. The topic is ecology, environment, recycling (Protection of the Environment. Recycling.) The aim is to learn to separate the garbage. We will read the text, listen to the audio, write in our notebooks and separate the garbage. Reduce, amount, consumption, burning, rubbish, excessive, tin, peelings. The writer’s purpose was to encourage people to be more eco-friendly/to protect the environment. We expect to learn how to reuse things, how to reduce some products in our life, how to recycle garbage. repair things instead of throwing them away, give the old things to someone who can use it, use light bulbs that save energy, buy things that you really need, choose products with simple packaging so we could RECYCLE less Have we achieved the aim? Was this lesson hard for you? Was there something new at our lesson? What was new for you? Did you like the lesson? |
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