Материал к уроку -Финансовая грамотность на уроках англ.яз -Семейный бюджет
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (9 класс)
Материал к уроку по финансовой грамотности на англ.яз
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Финансовая грамотность на уроках английского- Тема «Family budget- Семейный бюджет».
(для учащихся уровня В1)
Цель урока: Развивать финансовую грамотность учащихся , сформировать представление о семейном бюджете и его роли в жизни семьи, закрепить ЛЕ по теме “Family budget”.
income (доход)
budget (бюджет)
expenses (расходы)
cash or cash money (наличные деньги)
debt (долг)
pocket money (карманные деньги)
to save (копить) money
change (мелочь, сдача)
to afford (позволить себе)
allowance (пособие, деньги, выдаваемые регулярно на повседневные нужды)
cashpoint (банкомат)
Read the text and give the definitions for :
Fixed expenses
Flexible expenses
Balanced budget
Positive budget
Negative budget
How to Budget Your Money
A budget is a plan for your future income and spending. The problem is that a lot of people tend to spend more than they can afford and get themselves into debt. The key to spending within your means is to know your expenses and to spend less than you get.
Create a healthy budget for your family or yourself following these simple steps.
1. Add Up Your Income
First try to understand how much income you have. Remember your sources of income, make sure you include them all. Calculate the total figure.
2. Add Up Your Expenses
During a month write down carefully how much money you spend on different things. People usually have expenses which change from month to month and those which do not. For instance, flexible expenses are the money you pay for food and entertainment and fixed expenses are what you pay for renting a house or a flat. Keep a record of your expenses for three months and take a three-months average for your total.
3. Calculate the Difference
When you’ve totalled up your monthly income and your monthly expenses, calculate the difference between them. A positive number shows that you’re spending less than you earn or get (well done!) A negative number indicates that your expenses are greater than your income. (Economize on your expenses to begin living within your means.)
You’ve created a budget. Now don’t forget to compare it with what actually happens to your money. Try to follow your budget successfully.
What are the main steps for planning your budget?
Write a plan. (Aлгоритм работы по планированию семейного бюджета.)
The budget consists of two main parts – an income and expenses.
Monthly Household Budget:
- Income
- Home Expenses
- Daily Living
- Money that someone gets from working or from investigating.(This will include all sources of income for all contributing members)
Home Expenses - an amount of money you spent on
- Heat, electricity, phone, water.
- Medical care.
- Car and transport expenses ( parking, oil, train or bus fare).
- Pocket money.
- Entertainment, sports, vocation.
Daily living
- Food and other goods for the home that you buy regularly( medicine, and equipment that you need to live.)
How to set up a family budget?
- Step one: find out your monthly income.
- Step two: find out your monthly home expenses.
- Step three: find out how much you spend on each expense.
- Step four: see if your monthly expenses match monthly income.
- Step five: balance your budget
Positive result:
- Income is more than expense – you can either spend or save.
Negative result:
- Expense is more than income – spending more than you have, you might have to cut costs and try to save money.
Заполнить таблицу. Практическое задание для групп:
Month | Income | Expenses | Balance | |||||||
January | ||||||||||
February | ||||||||||
March | ||||||||||
April | ||||||||||
May | ||||||||||
June | ||||||||||
You are the family of three: a father, a mother and a fourteen-year-old child.
The father’s salary is 40 000 rubles a month, mother gets 30 000 a month.
The house rent costs 7000 rubles, food – 15 000 rubles, care products -2500 rubles, a sport club for a child – 3000 rubles, transport expenses – 4000 rubles, the payment for telephone and the Internet – 2000 rubles, other expenses – 3500 rubles, clothes and shoes – 6000.
In January the child got the flu. The treatment cost 5000 rubles.
In February the father had a birthday. He was presented a new telephone. (21000).
In March the mother got French perfume (7000) as a present.
In April the family went to the cinema and visited McDonald’s (6000).
In May they visited their relatives in Sochi. (8000).
In June the family bought a split-system. (16000).
1. In what month can they afford to buy a new computer? The computer costs 45000 rubles.
2. They are going to visit Turkey in July. The tour costs 120 000 for all the family. Will it be possible?
3. When the expenses were the highest?
4. What part of the family budget do the fixed expenses take?
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