Тест 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Грамматический тест для 5 класса


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             Грамматический тест для 5 класса


1. This is … banana.

a) a           b) the           c) an           d) –

2. This is … taxi. … taxi is red.

a) a-an           b) an-the            c) a-the            d) –

3. She … the piano often.

a) is playing            b) will play            c) plays            d) did play

4. It … snow last Sunday.

a) didn’t             b) wasn’t           c) isn’t              d) won’t

5. The boys must do everything … .

a) himself           b) yourself        c) yourselves     d) themselves

6. This is … friend.

a) he          b) my           c) I           d) we

7. She … taken the bag.

a) have       b) has           c) is           d) -

8. We … children.

a) is            b) are            c) am         d) –

9. Telephone boxes … brown.

a) is            b) are            c) am         d) –

10. … often visit their friends.

a) The Browns           b) Browns           c) Browns’          d) The Browns’

11. His daughter … a computer.

a) have got            b) has got           c) have           d) has

12. There is … orange in the box.

a) a           b) some           c) an           d) –

13. There are … flowers in the vase.

a) an           b) a           c) some               d) –

14. There are … sweets in the vase.

a) many             b) much            c) any           d) –

15. There is … flour in the packet.

a) any                b) many            c) much        d) –

16. The boy is … the house.

a) between         b) in                 c) on             d) under

17. There … a bed near the window.

a) are                 b) is                  c) were         d) am

18. He has a pen in his hand. … pen is red.

a) this               b) these              c) that           d) those

19. She looks at the dolls. … dolls are on the sofa.

a) those            b) that                 c) this           d) these

20. He … make the bed.

a) may             b) can                  c) should      d) could

21. You must … a letter.

a) to write       b) write                c) writing     d) wrote

22. … the floor?

a) She washed           b) Was she wash           c) Did she wash           d) Were she wash

23. Peter is … than Jack.

a) strong             b) stronger              c) the strongest              d) strongest

24. This music group is popular. But the … group is the “Beatles”

a) popular           b) most popular      c) more popular             d) the popularest

25. Москва «такой же древний город, как» и Киев.

a) old                  b) older                   c) as old as                     d) the oldest


1. a)            

2. c)             

3. c)

4. b)            

5. d)

6. b)            

7. b)            

8.  b)             

9.  b)             

10.  a)  

11.  b)            

12.  c)            

13. c)                

14.  a)              

15.  c)         

16.  b)                  

17.  b)                   

18.  a)                

19.  a)          

20.  c)             

21.  b)               

22.  c)

23.  b)             

24.  b)      

25.  c)                      

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