ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ "Let's learn : The verb "to be" "
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ "Let's learn : The verb "to be" " содержит в себе упражнения на введение и закрепление глагола "to be" в речи в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах.Материал дан с использованием лексики по теме "Профессии", что соответствует УМК "Starlight 5".


Файл ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ "Let's learn : The verb "to be" 2.39 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

LET’S LEARN the verb “to be”

Слайд 2

to be - быть, являться, находиться I am He is She is It is We are You are They are at home in the park happy sad a student Russian

Слайд 3

Соедините I He She It am/ is/ are We You They in the kitchen in the garden kind friendly a doctor 10 years old 11 years old

Слайд 4

Mark … a firefighter Jason … an artist Sue … a nurse Clare … an actress Steve … a waiter Sam … an electrician Tony … an astronaut James … an architect Gus … a pilot Laura … a vet Complete the sentences

Слайд 5

What is Mark? What is James? Mark is a … James is an …

Слайд 6

What is Sue? What is Jason? What is Sam? a pilot, a nurse , an architect, a vet, a waiter, an electrician, a firefighter, an electrician

Слайд 7

to be - быть, являться, находиться I am not / amn’t He is not / isn’t She is not / isn’t It is not / isn’t We are not / aren’t You are not / aren’t They are not / aren’t at home in the park happy sad a student Russian

Слайд 8

Is Mark an artist? Jason a firefighter? Is Sue a nurse ? Is Clare an astronaut? Is Steve a waiter? Is Sam … an architect? Is Tony a vet? Is James an electrician? Is Gus a pilot? Is Laura an actress? Answer the questions

Слайд 9

QUESTIONS Am I Is he Is she Is it Are we Are you Are they in the kitchen? in the garden? kind? friendly? a doctor? 10 years old? 11 years old? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Yes, we are. / No,we aren’t. Yes, we are. / No,we aren’t. Yes, we are. / No,we aren’t.

Слайд 10

Complete the sentences with correct form to be A: _______ you a pupil? B: Yes, I ____. A: ____ Ruslan from Sakhalin Island? B: No, He ____. He ____ from Chita. A: _____ the boys African? B:No, they ____. They ____ from Spain. A: _____ Biology your favourite subject? B: No, It _____. My favourite subject ___ English. A: ____ Jack and Lena ten years old? B: No, they ____. They _____ eleven.

Слайд 11

GIVE SHORT ANSWERS to the questions about yourself Are you a teacher? No, I’m not. Is your family big? ___________ Are you a pupil? ___________ Are you Russian? ___________ Is your father a doctor? ___________ Are you a boy? ___________ Is Maths your favourite subject? ___________

Слайд 12

PUT THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER TO MAKE THE SENTENCE 1) i s/ mother/ doctor/ a/ My / not 2) the/ Are/ at/ now/ school/ pupils 3) from/ grandmother/ Vera’s/ is/ Pskov 4) fan/ am/ a/ not/ football/ I 5) grandfather’s/ your/ long/ Is/ moustache/? 6) are/ the/ They/ car/ in 7) are/ African/ short/ very/ Pygmies/ people

Слайд 13


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