Образцы примерного высказывания по теме Rainbow of Food.
статья по английскому языку (10 класс)

Рогова Эля Николаевна

Образцы примерного высказывания по теме Rainbow of Food. (Spotlight-10, module 6a). Примерный текст рассуждения по теме влияния цвета еды на наш внешний вид.


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Eyes and tongue working together.

Colors affect our lives. Seeing the color of food, we already imagine its taste.

 Yellow and red are the most appetizing colors. It’s ingrained in us genetically. Our ancestors realized by the colour of the fruit whether it was ripe or not. Restaurants have been using this reaction of the body to make the visitors eat more. Other colours can deprive us of our appetite. Blue is the least appetizing colour. However, there are also blue and purple products like blueberries or eggplants.  Let’s take the yellow colour, for example.  It can reduce stress and anxiety, creating a sense of security and comfort. Such a calm environment sets up for eating.

                      Many sides of colour.

How does food and its colour affect a person?  Scientists say that  colours can cure diseases, stimulate appetite or even help you lose weight. So, It was explored  that  warm colours like red and yellow can make us feel like eating and sometimes   things of red colour  can make our heart beat faster. This reaction is related to our genetics.

Colours affect our health and body. Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins. For example, green vegetables contain Vitamin K, and yellow and orange foods contain Vitamin A. That’s why to be a healthy person  you need to eat fruits and vegetables every day!

Nutritionists say that if you want to lose weight, it is better to use blue plates. This is another side of colours – they affect our body. This idea can be used to change your appearance. So, the colour of food influences our images. It is important to study the different sides of colour in order to change yourself, your body and your relationship with food.

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