City Stars 10 Unit 3.3
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
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What do you know about Madagascar?
Republic of Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world, approximately (587,000 2 km). The only larger islands are Borneo, Greenland and New Guinea. Almost all of the plant and animal species found on the Madagascar Island are unique to this island. Madagascar has two seasons, a dry cooler season which starts in May and last until October and a hot rainy season which starts in November and last until April. The capital of this island is Antananarivo. This city is also the Madagascar’s most populated city. The population of Madagascar : 21,290,000. Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in Africa.
Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park
The Baobab tree This tree is called ‘The tree of life’ This tree is called ‘Bottle tree’ This tree is called ‘Monkey bread tree’ This tree is called ‘Upside down tree’ This tree is found in dry areas of Madagascar (Africa) and in Australia. In fact, this tree is the National Tree of Madagascar.
Mysterious Magical Tree
True or false? 1. There are nine species of the baobab tree (genus Adansonia ) – six from Madagascar, two from Africa and one from Australia. 2. Baobabs are deciduous and their bat-pollinated flowers bloom at night. 3. Baobabs store large volumes of water in their trunks – which is why elephants , and other animals chew the bark during the dry seasons. 4. The large trunks (the largest circumference on record is 47 metres ) have been, or are used, as jails, post offices and bush pubs, amongst other creative uses.
It is called ‘the tree of life’ because it provides shelter, clothing, food, and water for the animals and humans. Grown up trees are often hollow. A perfect cosy space for anyone to live! The bark and stem are used for making clothes. The leaves and vitamin-C rich fruits are eaten.
Why this tree is called bottle tree ? The shape of the tree clearly holds the clue. Notice the enormous trunk. Doesn’t it resemble a bottle? And just like a bottle can hold water, the trunk can hold up to 120,000 litres of water .
Why the fruit of this tree is called monkey bread? This tree’s fruits are large pods known as ‘monkey bread’. They are favorite fruits of monkeys hanging around!
Pollination of the African Baobab Flowers Some of the various species of fruits bats have been accredited as the primary pollinators of the African baobab.
Pollination of Madagascar Baobab Flowers The Madagascar baobab species are primarily pollinated by mouse lemurs and hawk moths .
hawkmoth [ ʹ hɔ:kmɒ θ] бражник, сумеречная бабочка
Rosy Periwinkle - катарантус розовый It is an important cancer-fighting medicine
Find and write down the equivalents: Научная экспедиция, заповедники, огромная коллекция, лиственные леса, зазубренные известняковые скалы, очень странная внешность, лезть и карабкаться, экстремальные условия, обжигающая жара, лекарственная ценность, потенциально-лечебные свойства
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