City Stars 10 самостоятельная Unit 3.2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1. Fill in: weaved, hive, pursue, hustle, prolong, renovated, quaint, cover, distracted, footsteps.
1 The Costa del Sol is a …………………. of activity during the summer months.
2 Life is terribly hectic in the city, all …………………. and bustle.
3 It started raining so we ran for …………………. to avoid getting wet.
4 The holiday was so much fun that we decided to …………………. our stay.
5 Many students can’t concentrate in a noisy room as they are easily …………………. .
6 He followed in his father’s …………………. and became a lawyer too.
7 The couple …………………. their old house and put it up for sale.
8 The police car …………………. in and out of traffic to get to the scene of the accident.
9 In the future, he hopes to …………………. a career in film-making.
10 There are a lot of …………………. cottages in this village.
2. Complete the phrases with the following words: special, public, street, wildlife, rocky.
1 ………………. exhibition
2 ……………….. landscape
3 ……………….. habitat
4 ……………….. occasion
5 …………………procession
3. Choose the correct word.
1 She’s pretty/quite a nice person.
2 It’s pretty/rather a cold winter.
3 Mary has pretty/rather well finished her essay.
4 Bill is rather/pretty more experienced than Andrew.
5 Being a doctor is quite/pretty a stressful job.
4. Translate from Russian into English.
Выйти из-под контроля
Необычная местность
Местное производство
Знак одобрения
Пик активности
Необычные изделия
Избыточные товары
Злая критика
Расстроенный ребёнок
Шум и суета
Странные покупки
Радостный крик
Справиться с проблемой
Виться вокруг друг друга
Уличная процессия
Странный смысл
Продлить удовольствие
Постоянная особенность
Много покупок
5. Choose the correct variant and translate the sentences.
1. The white man ..... coldly at Lanny, looking him up and down.
Saw, looked, glanced, stared, peeped
2.The astronomy students____at the twinkling stars in the dark sky.
Saw, looked, glanced, stared, gazed
3.She _____at her students who were talking during her lesson.
glared, looked, glanced, stared, gazed
4.The bright sunlight made me _______as he took a photo of me.
glare, squint, look, glance, stare, peep
5. I took a quick ________at the car parked outside my house.
See, look, glance, stare, peep
6.When people dress bizarrely we always _______at them.
See, look, glance, stare, peep
7. Four eyes ..... more than two.
See, look, glance, stare, peep
8. Joe said nothing but quickly ..... at his wife.
Saw, looked up, glanced, stared, peeped
9. The man admitted that he had never ..... the document before.
Seen, looked, glanced, stared, peeped
10. I ..... at the steeple; which towered over the town with its white walls and a tiled roof.
Saw, looked up, glanced, stared, peeped
11. The moon was ..... through heavy clouds in the darkening sky.
Seeing, looking, glancing, staring, peeping
12. We found the boys sitting on the bank, ..... fixedly at their fishing rods.
Seeing, looking, glancing, staring, peeping
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