«История возникновения лечебных ванн (The history of salubrious baths in Pyatigorsk)»
занимательные факты по английскому языку (10 класс)
«Из истории города-курорта Пятигорска (From the history of the resort town of Pyatigorsk)»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Корнеева Наталья Михайловна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №6 г. Пятигорска
Секция: «Из истории города-курорта Пятигорска (From the history of the resort town of Pyatigorsk)»
Название работы: «История возникновения лечебных ванн (The history of salubrious baths in Pyatigorsk)»
Разработано для I городской научно-практической конференции «Прославляем родной город Пятигорск» «We glorify our home town Pyatigorsk», посвященной реализации программы по изучению истории и культуры города-курорта Пятигорска
The Caucasian Mineral Waters is home to more than 600 thousand people, and over a million come as tourists annually. One of the key resorts is Pyatigorsk with its numerous mineral springs, Soviet and modern spa-clinics.
Tourists drink mineral water, engage in terrain cure, soak in hot baths, or cover themselves in mud from Lake Tambukan. If you’ve come on your own, you should seek doctor’s advice before you go for any treatments.
- Pirogovskiye baths слайд 2
The building process of Pirogovskiye bathes begun in 1913 and after a year of construction they were functioning as a medical institution. The project was initiated by owners of boarding houses pushing the idea of creating a specialized facility for taking medical procedures with mineral water. The new building was a very good fit in town's architectural portrait. The building's facade was decorated with mosaic panels. An electric pump was filling up the bathes from a natural hot spring. The name of the medical facility changed multiple times. Initially the bathes were called Provalskiye, after a natural lake on mountain Mashuk, then Telicheyevskiye and after that in 1857 Pirogovskiye, after a famous medic. Three years later statue of Pirogov was installed. Nowadays 22 bathes are functioning. They're being repaired and looked after, so they're in a good state.
2. Pushkin Baths слайды 3-4
Pushkin Baths took their name back in 1920s. Their former name is New-Sabaneev Baths was related to the hero of 1812 war, general I. V. Sabaneev. Initially a natural spring was named after him in 1825 and the building that was constructed by his order two years later. The location of the medical facility is just below mount Goryachaya. Baths began functioning in 1902. Today they are serving as the largest facility using carbonated water of 16 different types.
3.Ermolov baths слайд 5
The name of Yermolov Baths instantly makes you think of the 1812 war hero, general, commander of Caucasian division, A. P. Yermolov, who had done a lot for the forming resorts. The building was completed in 1880 on the place of an old wooden Bath building, it changed its profile a lot, it served as a mud bath, inhalatorium, and after 1974 as a balneal resort. To this day, Yermolov Baths are one of the most beautiful architectural works of the town.
4.Upper and lower rhodon baths слайд 6-7
There are two medical facilities using the radon water for treatment located in Pyatigorsk: upper and lower radon baths.
Lower Radon baths is the oldest facility of its kind in the north Caucasian region. The first single-story completed in 1861 was designed by Samuel Upton.
In 1913 the radioactivity of Hot-Sulfur springs had been discovered so a second two-story building was built in order to facilitate more patients. In 1920 two buildings were connected together.
During the Soviet times the flow of tourists was actively increasing, so another building called Upper Radon baths was constructed in 1971. It was designed by a local architectural institute "Civilproject".
5. Lermontov Baths слайд 8
Lermontov Baths are the oldest currently existing in Pyatigorsk. Built in years 1825-1831 and initially named Nikolay Baths those were the first and the best medical establishment of this kind not only in Caucasian Mineral Waters region but in the whole country. In 1920 the Baths were renamed after a very famous poet who often visited the medical facility, Mikhail Lermontov. Currently Lermontov Baths is one of the most valuable monuments of history and architecture in Pyatigorsk.
6. People’s or shameless baths слайд 9
Public baths (also called shameless) are a gift of nature to the tourists and residents of Pyatigorsk. They are located just below the Proval lake. Water, getting through the rocky mountain slope naturally creates recesses that are resembling baths. They are considered public because the regular baths were not free to visit and not every was able to afford the medical treatment and people wanted to use the gifts of nature for their benefit without spending money.
Text tasks слайды 10-11
- How many of mentioned above baths are named after historic persons?
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
2.Which baths have been renamed three times?
1. Pirogovskiye baths
2. Lermontov Baths
3. Ermolov baths
4. Pushkin Baths
3.According to the text … are the oldest currently existing in Pyatigorsk .
1. Pirogovskiye baths
2. Lermontov Baths
3. Ermolov baths
4. Pushkin Baths
4.Where can you find shameless baths?
1.below mount Goryachaya
2. below mount Beshtau
3. below the Proval lake
4. below the Tambukan lake
Key 1-4, 2-1,3-2,4-3.
Список использованной литературы:
1. «Города России. Пятигорск» Сергеев И.,Рипол-Классик, 2017
2. Карта-путеводитель «Пятигорск»,"Картинформ"
3. Путеводитель "Пятигорск" от издателя Алексея Алейника
4. Путеводитель "Прогулки по Северному Кавказу" Галины Шефер
5. Путеводитель-справочник "Пятигорск", А. В. Данилов
6. «Лермонтовский Пятигорск», «Снег»
7. «Архитектура старого Пятигорска», С.В.Боглачёв
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