Методическая разработка к фильму «Барби»
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Методическая разработка к фильму «Барби», ставшим самым кассовым фильмом года в США.  Данная разработка предназначена для использования на занятиях по английскому языку в 10-11 классах  в качестве дополнительного материала. Материалом  разработки являются лексико-грамматические упражнения к статье Шона Бенвила 'Barbie' the movie breaks box office records'


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'Barbie' the movie breaks box office records  


The new movie "Barbie" is the biggest film of the year in the USA. It has broken several box office records. One of these is for making the most money for a non-superhero movie. Movie-goers in the USA paid a total of $162 million in the movie's opening weekend. Ticket sales worldwide were over $356 million. The film also made the most money for a movie made by a female director. "Barbie" was directed by Greta Gerwig, who also worked on the indie films "Lady Bird" and "Little Women". Gerwig also co-wrote "Barbie". It is likely that there will be sequels to the movie, so fans should get ready for "Barbie 2" and "Barbie 3". There may also be a spin-off that focuses on Barbie's friend Ken.

Ms Gerwig's movie is about the Barbie fashion doll, made by the American toy company Mattel. The toy was created by American businesswoman Ruth Handler and launched in 1959. It has become one of the best-selling toys ever made. Over a billion Barbie dolls have been made worldwide. Since the 1980s, Barbie has been the star of video games, animated movies and TV series. In Gerwig's film, Barbie unexpectedly leaves her near-perfect animated world of Barbieland to live in the human world. Movie experts say it is refreshing that "Barbie" is such an original movie. People may be getting tired of superhero films. A critic said "Barbie" was a funny, entertaining and feminist movie.



1. several            a. A person who supervises the actors and other staff in a movie or play.                                              

2. paid                 b. A movie that continues the story of an earlier one.                                              

3. director          c. More than two but not many.

4. indie                d. Gave money to get a good or service.

5. likely               e. Of a small movie company that does not belong to a major film company.

6. sequel            f. Such as well might happen or be true; probable.

7. spin-off         g. A product marketed because it is linked with a popular television programme or movie.

8. doll                        h. A person who is very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area

9. launched               i. A small model of a human figure, usually one of a baby or girl, used as a child's toy.

10. animated            j. In a way that you did not think would happen.

11. unexpectedly     k. Welcome because it is new or different.

12. expert                  l. Start or set in motion an activity or business.

13. refreshing          m. Relating to or supporting women's rights  and equality.

14. feminist              n. Of a film or image made using animation techniques.


1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

1. The article says "Barbie" has broken seven box office records. T / F

2. Over $356 million was spent at the US box office in one weekend. T / F

3. The movie is the biggest money-making movie directed by a woman. T / F

4. A movie company has almost finished the spin-off movie "Ken". T / F

5. Barbie has been around since 1959. T / F

6. Over a billion Barbie dolls have been made over the decades. T / F

7. Movie experts agreed that "Barbie" was not such an original movie. T / F

8. A critic said "Barbie" was a feminist movie. T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: (The words in bold are from the news article.)

1. several

2. worldwide

3. made

4. likely

5. get ready

6. launched

7. unexpectedly

8. experts

9. critic

10. entertaining

a. introduced

b. probable

c. authorities

d. globally

e. reviewer

f. delightful

g. a number of

h. prepare

i. suddenly

j. earned

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. Movie-goers

2. Ticket sales worldwide were

3. a movie made

4. It is likely that there will be sequels

5. a spin-off that focuses

6. launched

7. one of the best-

8. animated

9. People may be getting tired

10. a funny, entertaining

a. of superhero films

b. to the movie

c. selling toys ever made

d. and feminist movie

e. in the USA

f. movies

g. on Barbie's friend Ken

h. in 1959

i. by a female director

j. over $356 million


The new movie "Barbie" is the biggest film of the year in the USA. It has broken
(1) _____________________ box office records. One of these is for making the most money for a non-(2) _____________________ movie. Movie-goers in the USA

(3) _____________________ a total of $162 million in the movie's opening weekend. Ticket sales worldwide were over $356 million. The film also made the most money for a movie made by a (4) _____________________ director. "Barbie" was directed by Greta Gerwig, who also worked on the (5) _____________________ films "Lady Bird" and "Little Women". Gerwig also co-wrote "Barbie". It is likely that there will be
(6) ____________________ to the movie, so fans should get (7) _________________ for "Barbie 2" and "Barbie 3". There may also be a spin-off that (8) ________________  on Barbie's friend Ken.









Ms Gerwig's movie is about the Barbie (9) _____________________ doll, made by the American toy company Mattel. The toy was created by American businesswoman Ruth Handler and (10) _____________________ in 1959. It has become one of the bestselling toys ever made. Over a (11) _____________________ Barbie dolls have been made worldwide. Since the 1980s, Barbie has been the (12) _________________ of video games, animated movies and TV series. In Gerwig's film, Barbie

(13) _____________________ leaves her near-perfect animated world of Barbieland to live in the human world. Movie (14) _____________________ say it is refreshing that "Barbie" is such an original movie. People may be getting (15) ________________

of superhero films. A critic said "Barbie" was a funny, entertaining

and (16) _____________________ movie.









LISTENING – Guess the answers. Listen to check. (p.7)

1) One of these is for making the most money for a ______

a. not-superhero movie

b. now-superhero movie

c. non-superhero movie

d. nine-superhero movie

2) Movie-goers in the USA paid a total of $162 million in the ______

a. movie's open in weekend

b. movie's open inner weekend

c. movie's opening weekend

d. movie soaping weekend

3) The film also made the most money for a movie made by ______

a. a female director

b. a female directors

c. a female directorial

d. a female direction

4) "Barbie" was directed by Greta Gerwig, who also worked on ______

a. the indie films

b. the Hindi films

c. the Indy films

d. the in de-films

5) There may also be a spin-off that focuses on ______

a. Barbie's fiend Ken

b. Barbie's friends Ken

c. Barbie's frond Ken

d. Barbie's friend Ken

6) Gerwig's movie is about the Barbie fashion doll, made by the American ______

a. toy companion Mattel

b. toy accompany Mattel

c. toy company Mattel

d. toy companies Mattel

7) The toy was created by American businesswoman Ruth Handler and ______

a. lunched in 1959

b. raunchy in 1959

c. launch din 1959

d. launched in 1959

8) Barbie has been the star of video games, animated movies ______

a. and TV serials

b. and TV serious

c. and TV series

d. and TV sears

9) Movie experts say it is refreshing that "Barbie" is such ______

a. an original movie

b. an originally movie

c. an originate movie

d. an origin all movie

10) A critic said "Barbie" was a funny, entertaining ______

a. end feminist movie

b. and feminism movie

c. and feminist movie

d. and feminists movie




1. How many box office records did "Barbie" break?

2. How much money did the movie make in the US?

3. Where did the movie make $356 million?

4. What kinds of films did the director Greta Gerwig direct?

5. What might there be a spin-off on?

6. What's the name of the company that makes the Barbie doll?

7. When was the Barbie doll launched?

8. How many Barbie dolls have been made?

9. Where did Barbie move to?

10. Who said the movie "Barbie" was funny?


1) How many box office records did "Barbie" break?

a) seven

b) several

c) seventy

d) seventeen

2) How much money did the movie make in the US?

a) $612 million

b) $261 million

c) $126 million

d) $162 million

3) Where did the movie make $356 million?

a) worldwide

b) in China

c) Europe

d) India

4) What kinds of films did the director Greta Gerwig direct?

a) weepies

b) comedies

c) indie films

d) blockbusters

5) What might there be a spin-off on?

a) Pink

b) Ken

c) feminism

d) Superhero Barbie

6) What's the name of the company that makes the Barbie doll?

a) Mattel

b) Mable

c) Maple

d) Metal

7) When was the Barbie doll launched?

a) 1969

b) 1949

c) 1959

d) 1939

8) How many Barbie dolls have been made?

a) over a billion

b) exactly a billion

c) around a billion

d) fewer than a billion

9) Where did Barbie move to?

a) the human world

b) New York

c) Argentina

d) Ghana

10) Who said the movie "Barbie" was funny?

a) everyone

b) an actor

c) Ken

d) a critic


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