Internal Combustion Engine
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное бюджетное учреждение
профессионального образования Республики Мордовия
«Рузаевский техникум железнодорожного и городского транспорта им. А.П.Байкузова»
РАССМОТРЕНО на заседании цикловой комиссии №3 общеобразовательных дисциплин Председатель цикловой комиссии С.С. Качкалова ________________ | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Заместитель директора по учебной работе ______________О.В.Ломонова |
Профессия (коды)
23.02.07 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей
Internal-combustion Engines
Internal-Combustion engines are very important components of Automobile. It have the following advantages: small specific weight (weight-to-power ratio), quick start, a relatively high fuel economy (high efficiency), small quantity of water required (only for cooling), and even this not in all engines, speeds, adjustment over a certain range.
On the other hand, international-combustion engines cannot be reversed directly or endure high overloads, and as a result when selecting an engine the required power should be determined from the highest load duty; they also cannot be started under load, which calls for the use of clutches. An international-Combustion engine should be provided with a gear box (transmission) to change the torque, since the torque developed by the engine at various crankshaft speeds changes insignificantly.
Internal-Combustion engines utilize for their operation the thermodynamic processes which occur in the clutches during fuel combustion.
In carburetor engines the combustible mixture is prepared outside the engine cylinders in a carburetor and is then delivered by the cylinders. The mixture is ignited by an electric spark generated by a special source of current.
In diesel engines the combustible mixture is formed inside the cylinders as the fuel is being injected through a nozzle. The fuel is injected at the moment when the cylinder contains strongly compressed and therefore heated air, which causes the mixture to self-ignite. For this reason diesel engines are frequently called compression ignition engines.
A gas turbine is a rotary engine which transforms the kinetic energy of gas produced by fuel burned in a combustion chamber into mechanical work. Gas turbine units consist of a compressor, fuel pump, combustion chamber with nozzle, and a gas turbine. So far the high temperature of the gas has prevented gas turbines from being used widely on automotive vehicle.
Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания
Internal-Combustion engines, advantages, weight-to-power ratio, fuel economy, adjustment, endure high overloads, the highest load, clutches, gear box (transmission), the torque, the thermodynamic processes, carburetor and diesel types, combustible mixture, source of current, injected, compression ignition engines, gas turbine, fuel pump.
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