Grammar 1. My favourite food. Types of products. Spotlight 4. 15 урок
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация к 3 модулю учебника Spotlighr 4. Упражнения по грамматике (сборник М.И. Быковой и М.Д. Поспеловой)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
4. Напиши существительные во множественном числе. Если существительное не имеет множественного числа, поставь 1. c oconut – 2. p epper – 3. b utter – 4 . f lour – 5. l emon – 6. s ugar – 7. s alt – 8. t omato –
5 . Подчеркни правильный вариант, а затем ответь на вопрос, как показано в образце. A lot. Not much. Not many. 1.How much/many mangoes are there? A lot. 2.How much/many sugar is there in the cake? Not much. 3.How much/many eggs are there? Not many. 4.How much/many bananas are there on the table? 5.How much/many salt is there on the shelf? 6.How much/many olive oil is there in the bottle? 7.How much/many pineapples are there in the box? 8.How much/many butter is there in the fridge? 9.How much/many lemons are there on the table?
6 . Вставь is или are . 1. There some olive oil in the salad. 2. There a lot of potatoes in the box. 3. There some sugar in the tea. 4. There a lot of butter in the fridge. 5. There a lot of tomatoes in the salad. 6. There some flour in the bag.
7. Выбери правильное слово и обведи номер ответа. A. There isn’t milk in the glass. 1) a lot 2) much 3) many B. There are oranges in the fridge. 1) much 2) many 3) a lot of C. Is there any butte r? – Yes, but not . 1) much 2) any 3) many D. How bread is there? 1) many 2) much 3) a lot E. Are there any beans ? – Yes, but not . 1) much 2) any 3) many F. Is there any flour on the shelf? – Yes, . 1) many 2) any 3) a lot .
8. Подбери соответствующую реплику. Запиши ответы в таблицу. A. Can you pass me some salt, please? B. How many tomatoes do we need? C. Look, the cake is ready! D. How much pepper is there? 1) It looks great! 2) Not much. 3) Not many, only two I think. 4) Sure. Here you are!
9. Распредели слова по строчкам в зависимости от правил чтения подчеркнутых букв и прочитай. a ge , ga me, fla g , ma gi cian, cotta ge , En g lish, villa ge , g reat, le g , pa ge , g randma, ve ge table, bin go , gy m. [ ʤ ] [ g ]
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