Past Simple or Past Continuous
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Бордачева Татьяна Венедиктовна

Данный материал предназначен для ознакомления и отработки грамматического материала по темам прошедшее простое и прошедшее длительное время


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Слайд 2

Positive S+V2 Negative S+didn’t +V1 Interrogative Did+S+V1? Past Simple

Слайд 3

He _______ his homework yesterday. (do) Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 4

He did his homework yesterday. Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 5

My mother _______ a cake yesterday. (not make) Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 6

My mother didn’t make a cake yesterday. Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 7

_________ a film yesterday? (you/watch) Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 8

Did you watch a film yesterday? Open the brackets using Past Simple.

Слайд 9

Positive S +was/were +V1 ing Negative S+was not/ were not +V1 ing. Interrogative Was/ Were +S+V1 ing ? Past Continuous

Слайд 10

He _______ the English words yesterday evening . (learn ) Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 11

My sister was learning the English words yesterday evening . Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 12

They _______ a film yesterday evening . (not watch) Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 13

They were not watching a film yesterday evening . Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 14

________ a book yesterday evening ? (your father/ watch) Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 15

Was your father watching a book yesterday evening? Open the brackets using Past Continuous .

Слайд 16

Past Simple Past Continuous a fact a process Past Simple v/s Past Continuous .

Слайд 17

When I _____ (come) home yesterday my mother ________ a delicious soup (make). Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 18

When I came home yesterday my mother was making a delicious soup. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 19

I _____ in England last year. (be) Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 20

I was in England last year. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 21

My sister _______ a book yesterday at 5 o’clock. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 22

My sister was reading a book yesterday at 5 o’clock . Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous .

Слайд 23

He were reading a book yesterday evening. Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 24

He was reading a book yesterday evening. Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 25

She not make a salad yesterday. Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 26

She did not make a salad yesterday. Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 27

My mother not was watching a film yesterday afternoon . Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 28

My mother was not watching a film yesterday afternoon . Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 29

Did they bought a book last weekend? Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 30

Did they buy a book last weekend? Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 31

Was my sisters reading a book yesterday morning? Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 32

Were my sisters reading a book yesterday morning? Correct the mistakes.

Слайд 33

1. Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Simple: Alice (to have) a sister. Her sister name ( to be ) Ann. Ann (to be) a student. Jane (to be) fond of sports. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed. Следующие задания выполните письменно в тетради

Слайд 34

2) Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Continuous: While I ______ (to copy) the exercise, my friends ______ ( to describe) a picture. When we came in the children ______ (to clean) their desks. We met her at the bus stop. She ______ (to wait) for the bus. Some of the children ____ ( to ski) while other children ____ (to skate).

Слайд 35

3) Допишите предложения, используя глаголы в Past Continuous: When someone broke the window Dad _____ When Mum heard the crash she ______ The cousins didn`t hear the noise because they _________ The dogs when the noise woke them up _____ At 7.30 Nick__________

Слайд 36

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Past Simple or Past Continuous

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