Past Simple Vs Past Continuous
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Завалий Оксана Владимировна

Данная презентация может применяться при расширении знаний учащихся относительно временных форм Past Simple/ Past Continuous.






















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Слайд 1

PAST SIMPLE / PAST CONTINUOUS What’s the difference?

Слайд 2

Past Simple is used for: Completed actions at a specific time in the past; Completed situations and states in the past; Repeated actions in the past; The main events and situations in the story .

Слайд 3

Examples: I bought three CDs yesterday . I had green hair for a while as a teenager. We played football every Saturday . I ran out of the house, crossed the road and jumped on the bus .

Слайд 4

How to form? Regular Verbs 1. Affirmative sentences: V + ed (He visit ed his cousin two days ago.) Interrogative sentences: Did he visit his cousin two days ago? Negative sentences: He didn’t visit his cousin two days ago . Irregular verbs 1 . A ffirmative sentences V2 (They went to London last year.) Interrogative sentences: Did they go to London last year? Negative sentences: They didn’t go to London last year.

Слайд 5

The only exception: The verb “ to be ”: She was seven last week. They were happy yesterday. Was she seven last week? Were they happy yesterday? She wasn’t seven last week. They weren’t happy yesterday.

Слайд 6

Emphatic past simple We use it to emphasise an action or situation in the past, particularly to emphasise that it actually happened, or that it’s different to what someone else thinks. Emphatic past simple = subject +did+ bare infinitive . I know you don’t believe me but I did see a ghost.

Слайд 7

BUT: We cannot use Emphatic Past Simple with the verb “To be”!!!

Слайд 8

Past Continuous is used for: 1. Actions or situations in the past which are interrupted or stopped by another action or situation; 2. Actions which were happening at a definite time in the past; 3. Two unfinished situations or events in progress at the same time.

Слайд 9

Examples: She was reading a book at 6 o’clock yesterday. I was dong my homework when my phone rang. They were reading a book while their father was repairing his car.

Слайд 10

How to form? 1. Affirmative sentences: I (she, he, it) was eating . They (we, you) were eating . 2. Interrogative sentences: Was I (she, he, it) eating ? Were they (we, you) eating ? 3. Negative sentences: I (she, he, it) was not eating . They (we, you) were not eating .

Слайд 11

BE CAREFUL!!! Do not use Past Continuous for repeated or regular actions in the past. We do not say: I was playing football every Saturday . Say: I played football every Saturday.

Слайд 12

Thank you for your attention!!!

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