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материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Ольга Алексеевна Куприянова

презентация по подготовке письменного задания в ЕГЭ


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Слайд 2

Задание 40. Проект. Imagine that you are doing a project on how long it takes people to get to school or work . You have collected some data on the subject — the results of a poll (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan: — make an opening statement on the subject of the project work; — select and report 2−3 main features; — make 1−2 comparisons where relevant; — outline a problem that can arise with travelling to school or to work and suggest the way of solving it; — draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of commuting fast in human life Time Percentage 1−10 minutes 10% 10−30 minutes 28,2% 30−60 minutes 28.5% 60−120 minutes 21.7% 120+ minutes 2.9%

Слайд 3

Reason Number of respondents (%) to get thrill and excitement 39 to gain self-confidence 23 to keep fit 18 to satisfy curiosity 11 to show off 9 Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan: – make an opening statement on the subject of the project; – select and report 2-3 facts; – make 1-2 comparisons where relevant; – outline a problem that can arise with doing extreme sports and suggest a way of solving it; – conclude by giving your opinion on the popularity of extreme sports among people. Imagine that you are doing a project on why people do extreme sports in Graceland. You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below). Comment on the data in the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

Слайд 4

40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on CO 2 emissions in China . You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200−250 words . Use the following plan: — make an opening statement on the subject of the project work; — select and report 2−3 main features; — make 1−2 comparisons where relevant; — outline a problem that can arise with CO 2 emissions and suggest the way of solving it; — draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of conscious approach to emissions

Слайд 5

Время 60 минут 5 минут – выбор, анализ варианта Черновик 5 минут – окончательная проверка

Слайд 6

Спецификация Проверяемые умения Умение создавать развернутое письменное высказывание с элементами рассуждения на основе диаграммы/ таблицы Рекомендуемое время 60 минут Балл 14 баллов Уровень сложности Высокий

Слайд 7

Содержание задания Imagine that you are doing a project why people travel abroad . You have found the data on the subject (see the table below). Comment on the data of the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200-250 words Use the following plan — make an opening statement on the subject of the project work; — select and report 2−3 facts; — make 1−2 comparisons where relevant; — outline a problem that can arise with travelling abroad and suggest the way of solving it; — conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of travelling in human life reason Number of respondents (%) To see famous sights 40 To get out of comfort zone 22 To practice a foreign language 17 To meet new people 12 To taste local food 9 -travelling -tasting local food -long distance travelling - travelling abroad -going sightseeing -in our life -/ for teenagers/ for all people

Слайд 8

Содержание задания Imagine that you are doing a project why people travel abroad . You have found the data on the subject (see the table below). Comment on the data of the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200-250 words Use the following plan — make an opening statement on the subject of the project work; — select and report 2−3 facts; — make 1−2 comparisons where relevant; — outline a problem that can arise with travelling abroad and suggest the way of solving it; — conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of travelling in human life reason Number of respondents (%) To see famous sights 40 To get out of comfort zone 22 To practice a foreign language 17 To meet new people 12 To taste local food 9

Слайд 9

Imagine that you are doing a project why people travel abroad . You have found the data on the subject (see the table below). Comment on the data of the table and give your opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200-250 words Use the following plan — make an opening statement on the subject of the project work; — select and report 2−3 facts; — make 1−2 comparisons where relevant; — outline a problem that can arise with travelling abroad and suggest the way of solving it; — conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of travelling in human life reason Number of respondents (%) To see famous sights 40 To get out of comfort zone 22 To practice a foreign language 17 To meet new people 12 To taste local food 9

Слайд 10

Основные проблемы ЧТО ПИСАТЬ – какие идеи, что писать во введении, основной части, заключении КАК ПИСАТЬ – лексика/ грамматика, слова-связки, грамматические конструкции.

Слайд 11

Opening statement It is a well known fact that These days more and more people … is becoming more and more popular The matter of … is rather controversial nowadays The project aims to outline For my project I have found some data on (why) I have found some data on my project about The data I have found

Слайд 12

2-3 facts Analyzing the data from the table… It is noticeable in the diagram/ table that… I would like to give comments on the facts from the data table Analyzing the statistical data/ statistics from the table…

Слайд 13

2-3 facts Another important/ interesting fact/ reason/ feature… What is more What stands out in the diagram/ data table is… One more feature/ fact worth mentioning is… First of all, Another reason why… Another notiable/ surprising fact…

Слайд 14

Make 1-2 comparison where relevant About/ approximately a/ one-third of About/ almost/ at least/ over a half The rest of Only … think/ choose The most popular way of/ reason/ genre The least popular… Whereas While Still

Слайд 15

Problem As for a problem that can arise with… Undoubtedly any person can face certain difficulties It is also worth mentioning that a certain problem can arise… … can cause some difficulties/ lead to some problems

Слайд 16

Solution One of the possible solution to this problem… Nevertheless, one of the way to solve it… To my mind, one of the ways to overcome it (difficulty)

Слайд 17

Conclude by giving your opinion of the importance of travelling in your own country In conclusion I would like to say All in all, To sum up, To conclude, Finally, I think/ in my opinion/ I believe I am absolutely sure To my mind

Слайд 18

Opening General introduction (about the subject of the project Description of the project idea (some sentence mentioning/ stating that you are doing a project) It is a well known fact that travelling is becoming more and more popular nowadays and a lot of people decide to spend holidays somewhere abroad I have found some data for my project on why people travel abroad and I would like to make comments on it.

Слайд 19

Facts Fact 1 Fact 2 The data table provides statistics on the reason. What stands out of the table is that nearly half of the respondents, that is 40%, marked sightseeing as the main reason for going overseas. By looking at the table it can be also seen that practicing a foreign language is surprisingly not among the most popular goals for travelling abroad. It makes only 17% of the people who took part in the survey.

Слайд 20

Comparison Comparison 1 The data from the table demonstrates that seeing famous sights is more than a four times popular reason for travelling abroad than tasting local food with 40 and 9 per cent respondents respectively .

Слайд 21

Comparison Comparison 1 Comparison 2 Tasting local food as a reason for travelling broad was marked by 9% of the respondents that is nearly 5 times less than the most popular “seeing famous sights” (40%). What is more, meeting new people with its 12% is very close to the 9% of those who choose tasting local food.

Слайд 22

Problem Problem Possible solution It is also mentioning that possible problems that can arise when a person travels abroad. One of them is the language barrier. If one does not know the language of foreign country, they will face communication difficulties. Nevertheless, one of the possible solution is singing up for language courses in advanced to brush up on your knowledge.

Слайд 23

Conclusion Conclude + opinion In conclusion, I would like to express my opinion and say that travelling provides fantastic opportunities to discover something new. Moreover, those who travel are less likely prone to health issues as they are more active.

Слайд 24

It is a well known fact that travelling is becoming more and more popular nowadays and a lot of people decide to spend holidays somewhere abroad.I have found some data for my project on why people travel abroad and I would like to make comments on it. The data table provides statistics on the reason. What stands out of the table is that nearly half of the respondents, that is 40%, marked sightseeing as the main reason for going overseas. By looking at the table it can be also seen that practicing a foreign language is surprisingly not among the most popular goals for travelling abroad. It makes only 17% of the people who took part in the survey. Tasting local food as a reason for travelling broad was marked by 9% of the respondents that is nearly 5 times less than the most popular “seeing famous sights” (40%). What is more, meeting new people with its 12% is very close to the 9% of those who choose tasting local food. It is also mentioning that possible problems that can arise when a person travels abroad. One of them is the language barrier. If one does not know the language of foreign country, they will face communication difficulties. Nevertheless, one of the possible solution is singing up for language courses in advanced to brush up on your knowledge. In conclusion, I would like to express my opinion and say that travelling provides fantastic opportunities to discover something new. Moreover, those who travel are less likely prone to health issues as they are more active.

Слайд 25

Подсчет слов 200/ 250 слов +/- 10%

Слайд 26

Абзац Абзац – отрезок письменной речи, состоящий из одного или нескольких предложений, представляющих собой относительно законченную мысль. Введение Описание 2-3 фактов 1-2 сравнения Возможная проблема + решение Заключение + мнение автора

Слайд 27

Критерии оценивания Критерий Максимальный балл Решение коммуникативной задачи 3 Организация текста 3 Лексика 3 Грамматика 3 Орфография-пунктуация 2 Итого 14

Слайд 28

РКЗ Соответствие теме и ситуации общения, указанной в задании, полнота раскрытия темы содержание отражает полно и точно все аспекты, указанные в задании; стилевое оформление речи выбрано правильно (допускается 1 неполный/неточный аспект и 1 нарушение нейтрального стиля)

Слайд 29

Организация текста Логичность Связность Средства логи­ческой связи использованы правильно; Структура текста соответствует предло­жен­ному плану; Текст правильно разделён на абзацы (допускается 1 ошибка)

Слайд 30

Лексика Используемый словар­ный запас соответст­вует высо­кому уровню сложности за­дания; практически нет нарушений в исполь­зовании лек­сики (уровень В2)

Слайд 31

Грамматика Точность в выборе грамматической конструкции в соответствии с целью высказывания Разнообразие и корректность в использовании грамматических средств Сложность используемых конструкций

Слайд 32

Орфография- пунктуация Орфографические ошибки практиче­ски отсутствуют. Текст разделён на предло­жения с правиль­ным пунктуа­ци­онным оформ­ле­нием

Слайд 33

Дополнительная схема

Слайд 34

It`s a well-known fact that a lot of people travels every day. I have collected some data for my project on why people travel abroad and I want to show it to you. Analyzing the data we can see that almost half of syrveyed travels to see famous sights, 40% are interested in this. Surprisingly only 9% are into tasting local food. Now i would like to make a comparison. 17% of people goes on a trips to practice a foreign language, what is almost half more than syrveyed who wants to taste local food - 9%. On the one hand we have 22% of people who wants to get out of their comfort zone, on the other hand we have almost half more people - 40% - who are into seeing famous sights. Several problems can arise while travelling abroad, one of them is being unable to speak to natives what caused by not knowing local language. In my opinion the best solution is taking some express language courses before the trip, but it might be expensive and pretty hard for some people. So there are another way of solving this problem - you can just buy a dictionary, or a phrasebook. You can use online-translators too. To sum up, i think travelling is a very important part of human life. Travelling gives us a lot of unforgetable impessions, a lot of knowledge about different cultures and people all around the world.

Слайд 35

Памятка 1 абзац Обязательно – проект - Тема проекта название страны аудиторию Что ты нашел сведения Нельзя – писать, что именно ты провел опрос и собрал сведения.

Слайд 36

2 абзац Обязательно – привести 2-3 факта Ссылаться на таблицу или диаграмму Привести конкретные цифры Писать определенный артикль («50% of the respondents »)

Слайд 37

3 абзац Обязательно – дать 1-2 существенных сравнения Связать проводимые сравнения с темой проекта Для сравнения лучше выбрать такие цифры или факты, о которых можно сказать что-то существенное Привести одно развернутое сравнение или два кратких Нежелательно повторять одну и ту же информацию во 2 и 3 абзацах

Слайд 38

4 абзац Обязательно – обозначить возможную проблему, скрытую в данных социологического опроса или поднять любую другую проблему в исследуемой теме - Предложить логическое решение проблемы

Слайд 39

5 абзац Обязательно – точно выразить свое мнение ( In my opinion…, I think… )

Слайд 40

При выполнении задания 40 необходимо Использовать нейтральный стиль Написать 200-250 слов +/- 10% Следовать плану Написать логичный текст Правильно разделить текст на абзацы Использовать средства логической связи Использовать лексику и грамматику высокого уровня сложности Проверить орфографию и пунктуацию

Слайд 41

НЕЛЬЗЯ Риторические вопросы Разговорные выражения ( Let’s ) Сниженную лексику (folks) Стяженные формы

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