Материал для недели английского языка в школе. (7-9 классы)
занимательные факты по английскому языку (9 класс)
Данный учебный материал может быть включен учителями-предметниками в программу недели английского языка в школе. Здесь кратко представлены 16 наиболее интересных необычных фактов из жизни, культуры, привычек британцев. Далее идёт квиз для учащихся 7-9 классов из 16 вопросов для выявления их понимания данного материала.
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1. They put carpet in their bathrooms!
So the first one is that they put carpet in their bathrooms. Not everyone does this today as this is quite an old fashioned thing to do. They don't tend to do this anymore, but if you go to a house that hasn't been renovated or updated in a long while, or you go to the home of somebody who is very traditional then yes, you might find carpet in your bathroom. They've got it there.
2. They think a cup of tea will cure any bad situation.
Number two, they think that a cup of tea will cure or help at least any bad situation. And a lot of them genuinely believe this. When something bad happens, their first response is, "Okay, I'll put the kettle ; If somebody told you some devastating news and you don't know what to say, you can just say, "That's awful. Do you want a cup of tea?"
3. They say 'Oh, go on then!' when they are offered something 'naughty'.
Number three is the phrase, Oh, go on then. Okay. Said like this, "Oh go on ; This is something that they say when they are offered something that they know they shouldn't have, for example, a very unhealthy food or maybe a cigarette or a drink of alcohol. When somebody offers you something naughty or considered to be naughty, "Go on then, go on ;
4. They get very excited about 'Colin the Caterpillar' cakes.
Number four, Colin, the Caterpillar Cake. A Collin, the Caterpillar Cake is a long chocolate roll. It's a roll of cake, covered in chocolate with the face of a caterpillar on the end. And if it was your birthday at school, your mum would buy you a Colin the Caterpillar Cake. It was very easy to slice and lots of slices for all of the children. And if it was your birthday, you got to eat the face. And if you ever go to a British person's birthday party, you should bring one. It will make them so excited.
5. J20s are also very exciting!
Number five, something else they find ridiculously exciting, way more exciting than it should be, J2O's. They are a non alcoholic juice drink. Not juice, juice drink. That means it's not 100% juice. The most famous flavour is orange and passion fruit. But the thing is they came in glass bottles that were the same size as beer bottles. So when you're a child and you were at a party, an adult party, you could feel like an adult with a similar beer bottle. Very exciting.
6. They use 'to pop + preposition' a lot!
Number six is the phrase to pop. Sounds a bit random. But they use pop in many phrasal verbs and it's a very warm way of asking somebody to come or go somewhere. Do you want me to pop over? Do you want me to come over? It implies a short amount of time. Why don't we pop down the road for a coffee? Why don't we just quickly go down the road for a coffee? Foreigners might be so confused by the word pop because you can pop around, pop up, pop down, pop over, just treat it as come and go.
7. Pigs in blankets make their day!
Okay. Number 7, pigs in blankets, they get so excited about this particular food called a pig in blankets. It is a little cocktail sausage wrapped in bacon. And typically they only have them at Christmas. There's no reason for this. They could have them every Sunday, but if you go to a pub and your Sunday roast comes with a pig in blanket or some pigs in blankets, it's the best roast ever. They absolutely love them.
8. They watch a TV show of other people watching TV shows.
Number 8. One of their most popular TV shows is a TV show of people watching TV shows. It's called Gogglebox. I imagine this concept has arrived in other countries now. They basically film families, watching the TV highlights, and then they compile their witty remarks and then they watch them. It's a very good programme. It's very meta.
9. They post pictures of dog poo in local community Facebook groups.
Number 9- dog poo in Facebook groups. In the UK. And
I imagine in lots of places in the world, we have Facebook Groups for their local community. And there is a new phenomenon and it is the people that are getting so frustrated with people not picking up their dog poop, especially if it's on someone's property or on their front lawn. People are taking pictures of the dog poop and posting it in these community groups. I don't know about you, but I imagine someone is normally checking his phone for the first time in the morning when he's about to take his first bite of breakfast, normally porridge, and to have porridge approaching his mouth, opening his phone and seeing a massive dog poop, it's just not ideal.
So now British people are rebelling against the dog poop posters. It's very complex,- there are those who want to shame the dog poop leavers and those who want to shame the dog poop posters.
10. They often can't be bothered to use an umbrella.
Number 10 is they can't always be bothered to use an umbrella. It rains so often, and not unless it is absolutely pummelling it down, they don't mind getting a bit Russia? for example, the minute the first drop hit anyone's hair, we would whip out our umbrella. Everyone has it. Everyone knows the weather. But for British people, soaking wet is sometimes just normal.
11. They don't keep eggs in the fridge.
Number 10, they don't always put their eggs in the fridge. This is weird for us. I remember one of my English friends came to Russia and saw eggs in the fridges with egg holders. He thought that was so weird.
12. They are obsessed with the weather.
12, this one goes without saying they are obsessed with the weather, even if it's so boring, "Oh, it's slightly grand windy ; They will tell you that, "Oh it's a bit grand windy. Isn't it?" It does change so much that it is quite entertaining. Sometimes they don't have that much in their lives to talk about. So the weather is just a really good one to go for.
13. They fight a lot about scones.
Number 17 scone or scone. Okay. This is the conundrum. And actually there's a part two to this conundrum as well. That is a baked good, which they call a scone as in 'gone', but other people call it a scone as in 'cone'. And there's a big fight, a big divide in the UK about whether it is a scone or a scone. I don't want to get involved in #39;m not going to say scone is wrong, but I do prefer scone (as in gone). The other part of this conundrum is the order in which you put toppings. Typically they serve scones or scones with jam and clotted cream. They are absolutely to die for. If you come to the UK, make sure you have an afternoon tea with scones or scones. Now a lot of British people always put clotted cream first, then jam. But some people will swear you have to put the jam first, then the clotted cream. I'm not going to tell you, which is right. You're just going to have to try it out for yourself. But I think logistically cream first, then jam.
14. They are awful at ending conversations.
Number 14. They are terrible at ending conversations. Honestly, this is the most annoying thing ever. Typically, when they want to end a conversation, they will say, "Right," and kind of, "I need to be heading ; Or, "I must get a move ; Or, "I need to get ; But for some reason, some people really struggle with this. And when you have two people that struggle with ending conversations coming together, you could just go on for eternity.
It's really, really troubling.
15. They overuse the word 'sorry'.
Number 15, they really overuse the word, sorry. They just can't help it. They find themselves apologising for apologising too much.
***16. They eat a lot of pre-made sandwiches.
The final weird thing that British people do is consume a lot of pre-made sandwiches. It's a bit of a random one, but there is something very exciting about going on a short car journey and stopping off for lunch. And lunch will be a pre-made sandwich in a box. You can get them from petrol stations or you can get them from supermarkets. I know Tesco does something called a meal deal, where for a certain amount of money, you get a sandwich, a snack and a drink, and people absolutely love it. And they try to get the most value from that meal deal. They say, you can tell a lot about a person from what they choose for their meal deal, but I've travelled to a couple of countries and I've never seen the sheer amount of options for pre-made sandwiches that they have in the UK. It's crazy. Every flavour, every feeling so creative as well. Prawn is my favourite, Prawn Mayonnaise. I absolutely love it. They have turkey and stuffing sandwiches as well. Awesome. I've also seen a duck l'orange sandwich. I wouldn't say it's something I recommend. Actually, if you want to have a British experience, when you come over to the UK, go to a petrol station, buy a sandwich, then you will feel like a Brit, right?
- What's the most popular place in Britain where they buy pre-made sandwiches?
- supermarkets
- petrol stations
- small shops
2. What phrase do British people overuse most?
- Excuse me.
- How are you doing?
- Sorry.
3. What are British people awful at?
- at cooking
- at ending conversations
- at gardening
4. What do British people fight a lot about?
- about how properly to pronounce the word "scone"
- about the proper way to bring up children
- about what film to watch
5. What are British people obsessed with?
- with cats
- with chocolate cakes
- with the weather
6. What products are NOT kept in British fridges?
- milk
- sandwiches
- eggs
7. What are British people never bothered to do?
- to wear sunglasses when it is sunny
- to use an umbrella when it is raining
- to wear a coat when the weather is cold
8. What pictures do British people like posting of?
- of dog poops
- of family breakfasts
- of their work routine
9. What is the most popular TV show in Britain?
- "A Very English Scandal"
- "Vanity Fair"
- "Gogglebox"
10. What paticular food do British people get so excited about?
- "a pig in blankets"
- fish and chips
- steak and kidney pie.
11. What verb do British people mostly use in many phrasal verbs?
- take
- pop
- look
12. What drink do British people find ridiculously exciting?
- Cider
- Earl Grey Tea
- J20s
13. What phrase do British people commonly say when they are offered something 'naughty'?
- "Oh, Gosh!"
- 'Oh, go on then!'
- "Dear me!"
14. What cake do British people get very excited about?
- 'Colin the Caterpillar' cakes
- a fruit cake
- scones
15. What is the thing British people believe will cure any bad situation?
- white coffee
- a warm talk
- a cup of tea
16. What do some of British people still love putting in their bathrooms?
- tall floor vases
- carpet
- mats
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