Самостоятельная работа (10 класс)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Enough of sun’s energy hits the Earth every minute to power the world for a whole year.
Solar energy is a 1) … (renew) energy because it will never end as long as the sun remains. Solar energy is also pollution-free because there will be no pollution 2) … (occur) while producing solar energy. Solar energy is not only pollution-free energy but also its maintenance cost is very low so to maintain a solar power plant 3) … (little) labor is required than others. In addition, one can get a non-stop power supply even in the rainy season with the help of solar panels. In sunny countries, solar cells can be put on rooftops to convert sunlight directly into electricity. We could even build solar power stations like Solar One in California. This uses the sun’s heat to make steam, which then drives a 4) … (generate) to produce electricity.
There is also some disadvantage of using solar energy like the initial setup cost of panels and battery is very high. To store the solar energy in a large number one needs a personal room for the batteries. It pollutes the environment 5) … (chemical).
Wind power is a domestic resource that enables economic growth in the United States and other well-developed countries. It provides a significant part of electricity for these countries. Most of the investor in wind power in the world 1) … (find) in the United States. Therefore, it helps to grow the United States economy.
Wind power is 2) … (benefit) for local communities. Wind projects provide different tax payments and land-lease payments each year. Therefore, wind energy may give extra revenue to 3) … (vary) counties of the world that uses in school budgets, reduce the tax burden on homeowners, and create infrastructure projects.
Wind power uses mechanical power to create electricity by a power generator. It also provides electricity for humanity without 4) … (burn) any fuel or polluting the air.
Wind provides the largest source of 5) … (renew) power in the United States and other parts of the world. It helps to reduce the burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation. It helps avoid millions of metric tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions that cause acid rain, smog, and greenhouse gases.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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