План-конспект урока английского языка " Как жить в счастливой семье?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе УМК Биболетовой "Enjoy English" по теме "How to live in a happy family?" ("Как жить в счастливой семье?").
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: “How to live in a happy family?”
Класс: 10
УМК: Enjoy English Биболетовой М.З.
Задачи урока:
- Training listening, reading and speaking skills;
- Meeting new words and usage them in their speech;
- Development of personal qualities: respect for family values, good relationship with one’s parents, etc.
Plan of the lesson
1. Good morning pupils. Приветствие. Орг. момент.
I am very happy to see you all today. How are you feeling? Who is absent?
Today we have a special lesson, because its topic is very important for everyone. Let us find out the topic of the lesson. – 1 min
about family - Целеполагание
Look at the screen. Read the proverbs. Match them with their russian equivalents. (Smart Board)
Try to guess what our lesson will be about. Ученики подходят к интерактивной доске и соединяют английские и русские пословицы о семье).
You may choose your friends; your family is thrust upon you.
Друзей можно выбирать, но родителей не выбирают
Blood is thicker than water.
Родной куст и зайцу дорог.
Ссора в своей семье до первого взгляда.
Что за счёты, что нам считаться. Свои люди — сочтёмся.
Свой своему поневоле друг.
Like father, like son.
Яблоко от яблоньки не далеко откатывается.
Мимо яблоньки яблочко не падает.
Не растут на ели яблочки, а шишки.
Каков корень, таков и отпрыск.
What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.
Отец рыбак, и дети в воду глядят.
Одного завода, такова и порода.
Не в пень-колоду, в свою породу.
Каково семя, таково и племя.
Yes, you are right. The topic of the lesson is «Family» - 5 min
3. Постановка целей
Right you are, but also today I want you to answer the question “How to have good relationships in the family?” What will we do at the lesson today to find an answer to this important question?
(We will read the text, we will have listening comprehension, meet some new words, work in pairs and in groups)
Yes, you are all right.
Children, please look at your desks, you can see a piece of paper with a table. You should put yourself a mark for each step of the lesson - 2 min
Surname | Proverbs | Phonetical warming-up | Listening | Speaking | Reading new words | Grammar | Work in groups | Poster | Total mark |
4. Phonetical exercise Фонетическая разминка
What words on the topic do you remember? (members of the family, common hobbies, problems, family duties) – Word cloud – 4 min (Ученики смотрят на интерактивную доску, называя слова по теме из Облака Слов).
5. Listening - ex. 1 p 65 – true, false, not stated – 5 min (Аудирование)
– work in pairs – p. 65 – 4 min (Говорение - работа в парах)
7. New words – ex. 3 p. 65-66 – Listening and reading – 5 min (Знакомство с новой лексикой индивидуально и фронтально).
8. Grammar work with new words – writing, individual work – ex. 4 (Письменная работа по новым словам индивидуально).
I know I can… on you to solve this problem (rely)
The… between the two countries are fairly friendly (relationships)
You’ll have to finish the work now. What other … do you have? (options)
Now Philip feels much more … of his parents (independent)
I’m afraid I have … myself in something I don’t understand (involved)
I always… on my parents’ advice (rely)
Jill loved her husband, but he did not … her well, as a result they had a divorce (treat)
What is the… number of pupils in a school class? (average)
The United Nations has … for help from the member countries (appealed)
It’s only a common cold, don’t make a big… of it, please (deal) – 5min
9. Mutual verification (Взаимопроверка)
Look at the smart board and change your work with your partner and correct his or her mistakes.
Don’t forget to put your mark in your table. – 3 min
Game with a ball. (Физминутка)
Pupils, I can see you are tired. Let us play the game “Interpreter” – I give you the ball and ask for translation of new words. -3 min (Игра"Переводчик" по новым словам").
11. Reading the text. (Чтение текста - работа в группах)
Children, now we are going to read the text about very unusual sisters. You will work in groups and each group has to answer its own question.
Questions for work in groups
1st group. What makes Emma and Katie’s life so difficult?
2-d group. What can help the sisters?
3-d group. How Emma and Katie’s parents treat them in their family? – 5 min
12. Results of the lesson
Children, I want you to write your ideas about how to live in a happy family. Each group has a piece of paper, please write down your ideas on it and put it on the blackboard. (Ученики выходят к доске прикрепляют свой листок с ответом на вопрос "How to live in a happy family?".
So, today we have found out how to live in good relations with our relatives. I hope you will use this information in your life. Hand in your tables of self-estimation. Write down your homework – ex. 6 answer the questions, p. 66-67- read and translate (for poor pupils)
Thank you for the lesson, good bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Listening - ex. 1 p 65 – Check yourself 1 . false 2 . not stated 3 . not stated 4 . false 5. true 6. true 7. true
New words - ex. 3 p. 65-66 Appeal - обращение, призыв; обращаться, привлекать Average - обычный Independent - независимый Involve - вовлекать Option - выбор Relation - связь, отношение; родственник Relationship – отношение, связь Rely - полагаться Treat - обращаться; лечить; угощение, удовольствие Treatment - обращение; лечение Be above/below average - быть выше (ниже) среднего уровня Make a big deal of something - придавать большое значение чему-либо
Check your partner 1. I know I can rely on you to solve this problem. 2. The relationships between the two countries are fairly friendly 3. You’ll have to finish the work now. What other option do you have? 4. Now Philip feels much more independent of his parents. 5 . I’m afraid I have involved myself in something I don’t understand. 6. I always rely on my parents’ advice. 7. Jill loved her husband, but he did not treat her well, as a result they had a divorce. 8. What is the average number of pupils in a school class? 9 . The United Nations has appealed for help from the member countries. 10. It’s only a common cold, don’t make a big deal of it, please.
Questions for work in groups 1 group - What makes Emma and Katie’s life so difficult? 2 group - What can help the sisters ? 3 group - How Emma and Katie’s parents treat them in their family ?
H omework E x . 6 p.67- answer the questions * E x .5 p. 66-67- read and translate
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