Презентация Уинстон Черчилль. на английском языке.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)
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Winston Churchill was born in Woodstock, in the aristocratic family of the Dukes. At the very young age he was taught at home by his nanny. At the age of eight he was sent to St. George’s School. He was rebellious by nature and had poor academic record in school. The boy suffered a speech impediment, which continued throughout his career. 1880 Winston Churchill and his Aunt Leslie at the age of six
1908 Churchill delivers a speech during his election campaign in north-west Manchester. 1911 Churchill is Minister of Foreign Affairs
Winston Churchill was one of the most powerful British politicians. He was twice the Prime minister of the UK. Moreover, he was a very talented man. In 1901 he got the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was sixty-five and had held no important government post for many years. He had been almost alone in urging a strong army and navy to oppose the German threat. Working people remembered how he helped crush the general strike of 1926 and cut their salaries. But when victory came in World War II, all of this was forgotten. People cheered Churchill as one of the greatest politicians of that time . A diplomat is a person, who will think twice, before you say nothing.
Radio broadcasts During the war, Churchill made many radio broadcasts that inspired the nation. Churchill always explained the situation clearly and listed the dreadful problems that lay ahead, yet he left no doubt that the enemy would finally be defeated.
The personal life of Winston Churchill has been compared by many historians to a "beautiful romance novel". The great British politician met the love of his life in 1908 and immediately married. She became Clementine Hozier , the daughter of London aristocrats. With his wife, the British prime minister lived a happy 57 years - she became his best friend and chief political adviser. After its decision, Churchill made important decisions.
As a wartime leader, Churchill traveled the country visiting bombed cities and trying to raise the spirit of local people. His most influential work took place behind the scenes, where he directed the British war effort. He met the leaders of the then Soviet Union and the United States to draw up plans for fighting the war and for the postwar peace settlement.
Churchill was known as an enthusiastic amateur painter. He also wrote many historical books. Churchill had an undeniable literary talent, and he wrote many books, including a book about his father's life and the history of the First and Second World Wars. Painting was his secret hobby - the wonderful landscapes of the great politician Winston Churchill
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