Итоговая контрольная работа (чтение) по английскому языку для 11-х классов
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
Данная работа предназначена для контроля навыка чтения
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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 11 класса.
1.Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1.Difficult joв
2.Happy times
3.The fastest way
4.Now or never
5.Mission Impossible
6.Animal rights
7.Hardly likely
8.Warm welcome
A. My dog is a Border Collie called Rags. We have a big garden and Rags is taken for walks mornings and evenings. But he gets lonely during the day. This probably accounts for his mad greeting everyday when we return. He woofs, wags and jumps in a blur of delight —so happy to see that we’re home.
B. Once a week we get a spelling test and we have to memorise fifty new words. I generally get 45 or more but it is too difficult to get them all. I mean this is on top of all the other homework we have to do. How on earth do they expect us to find the time?
C. It’s really hard for the nurses. They often work 12 hour shifts and in environment that could mean life or death if they make a mistake. And their pay is so low. Yet most of them just get on with it without complaining and they always seem to be cheerful, kind and interested in their patients.
D. They say that a meteorite hit the Yucatan Peninsula 65 million years ago causing mass extinctions of species. The dinosaurs were the most famous casualties. Some people say it is bound to happen again any day now and that we will be the most famous of the new casualties. Optimistically —I’m still making appointments for next week.
E. Learning English is a long, slow process. There are mountains of verb tables, forests of vocabulary and wilderness plains of multiple choice questions. The only way to get there quicker is to go and live in the UK fora couple of months. That will do the job nicely.
F. It was better in the 70s. Our lives weren’t lived attached to mobile phones. There were no speed cameras. The music was brilliant —Glam, Prog and Punk Rock. And the fashion was outrageous. We must have looked complete idiots in our platforms and feather cuts -—but we thought we looked amazing. And maybe we were.
G. In Spain 11500 bulls are killed every year in official bull fights. They say it is supposed to be a real match and the matadors risk death at every encounter. This is, of course, nonsense. Really the poor old bull stands no chance of anything other than a slow and painful death. I think it should be banned.
A | В | С | D | E | F | G |
2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Vitus Jonassen Bering, 1681 to1741, was a Danish1) _____ (NAVIGATE) in the service of the Russian Navy. Known by Russian sailors as Ivan Ivanovich, he is recognized as the 2)_____(ONE) European to discover Alaska, the Bering Strait and their islands. He joined the Russian Navy in 1703 and served in the Baltic Fleet throughout the Great Northern War. His 3) _____(INVOLVE) for the next ten years was not inconsiderable. His work was 4)_____ _____(ACKNOWLEDGE) by Peter I. In 1715 he fell in love and became engaged to a 5) _____(RUSSIA)woman. But Vitus had an unimaginable passion for adventure and 6) ______(DISCOVER). In 1728he crossed Asia, sailed north from the Kamchatka peninsula and through the strait that now is bearing his name. The journey was spoiled by unspeakable tragedy as eventually five of his 7) ____(CHILD)died. In 1740, with Aleksey Chirikov, he sat sail on the Great Northern Expedition. They sailed in two ships –the St Peter and the St Paul. After the8)____ (ESTABLISH)of Petropavlovsk, they thoroughly explored the region. On December 19th, 1741, Bering died on an uninhabited island alongside 28 of 9)_____(HE) men. Although he himself had not realized it at the time, Bering was the first10)_____ (EXPLORE)to prove that Asia and North America were separate continents.
3. Выберите правильный вариант:
1) If you were more careful, you ... your glasses.
a) would lose b) wouldn’t have lost c) would have lost
2) If you ... this woman personally, you wouldn’t be worrying about this meeting.
a) knew b) know c) have known
3) We’ll go shopping, if the shops ... tomorrow.
a) will be opened b) are opened c) are being opened
4) I wish I ...older.
a) am b) will be c) were
5) If I ... about the meeting, I would have come to it.
a) knew b) know c) had known
6) If you liked vegetables, you ... it easier to diet.
a) will find b) would find c) would have found
9) HIS
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