Family, household chores подготовка к ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Николаева Ксения Александровна

Данные упражнения направлены на работу с дополнительной лексикой по подготовке к экзамену в 11 классе после работы на уроке по УМК Spotlight 11 по теме модуля 1а) Family ties. Целесообразно готовиться к экзамену именно по темам учебника, который учащиеся начинают прорабатывать на уроке, а затем на дополнительных занятиях имеют возможность углубить свои знания и тренировать задания в формате ЕГЭ по той же теме, что проходят на уроках. 


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Фрагмент занятия по подготовке к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Материал отобран из пособия по подготовки к ЕГЭ: Громова К.А. ЕГЭ 2023. Английский язык. Разделы «Письмо» и «Говорение» / К. А. Громова, С. А. Орлова, А. З. Манукова. — Москва: Эксмо,

2022. — 336 с. — (ЕГЭ. Тематические тренировочные задания).

Данные упражнения направлены на работу с дополнительной лексикой по подготовке к экзамену в 11 классе после работы на уроке по УМК Spotlight 11 по теме модуля 1а) Family ties. Целесообразно готовиться к экзамену именно по темам учебника, который учащиеся начинают прорабатывать на уроке, а затем на дополнительных занятиях имеют возможность углубить свои знания и тренировать задания в формате ЕГЭ по той же теме, что проходят на уроках. После работы над лексикой, учащиеся выполняют задания в тренажере ЕГЭ sky smart класс: 

1. Family / friends relationships, household chores

1. Do the pairs of expressions below have the similar meaning?

1) a nuclear family / an extended family

2) my Dad and I look alike / I take after my Dad

3) a close relative / a distant relative

4) ancestors / descendants

5) a sibling / an only child

6) next of kin / in-laws

7) to start a family / to support a family

8) to raise a child / to bring up a child

9) to adopt a child / to foster a child

10) a breadwinner / a dependant

2. Match the phrases with their definitions.


an informal event where family members meet up

in your blood

a parent who stays at home and looks after children

a spitting image

it can be found often in the family

live on one’s own

it is in your character

family ties

friendly enough to talk

close-knit relationship

to live independently

run in the family

the sense of connection between family members

on speaking terms

look similar to someone

family gathering / get-together

bound together by strong relationships and common interests

stay at home parent / mum / dad

a group of people or a family who live together

3. Fill in gaps with the phrases from Ex. 2.

I) In your letter you ask me about my grandparents. Unfortunately, they died but when they were alive we used to have a 1) ____________ ________ at least twice a month.

II) Nowadays there is an opinion that women tend to stay at home and look after their children. I cannot share this point of view because lots of women tend to hire a nanny to look after their children and pursue their career instead of being a 2) __________ ________ _________ mum.

III) Let me answer your questions about relationship with parents. As you know, I failed my final exams and it resulted in a big argument, now we are not on 3) _________ ___________. Now live with my uncle Igor. I’ve always had very 4) ____________ relationship with him, I know that I can rely on him and he supports me a lot.

IV) Now it’s time to answer your questions. There are four of us in my 5) ___________ now, my elder sister has moved to London. She moved out of my parents’ house because she wanted to 6) ___________ __________ _________ _____________. V) Some people claim that strong family 7) ____________ are among the most significant values for any person as it does not only lead to the ability of giving and receiving support but also teaches to take some responsibility for family members.

VI) In the foreground of the picture you can see my brother playing the piano. My grandma always says that musical abilities seem to 8) _________ ________ our family. He even knows how to play the violin despite the fact nobody taught him. Everyone says that music is in his 9) ___________. What is more, he is the 10) __________ __________ of our dad who was a famous composer.

Тоже упражнение в 

3. Match the phrases with their definitions.

take after (your Dad / your distant relative /
your Mom’s side of the family)

to end the relationship

grow up (in a village / in a large family)

to become very attracted

fall for a boy from your class / your neighbour /
a famous singer

to disappoint someone

fit in the class / the group / our community

to be raised

get along with parents / classmates / in-laws

to develop from a child to an adult

go out:
with the most popular boy in the class /
for 2 years

to end the relationship gradually

fall out with your partner / parents / best friend

to have an argument and finish the relationship

hit it off on the first date / when we saw each
other / when we met

to like each other, be on good terms

broke up a year ago / because we fell out of love /
for no serious reason

to feel happy in a group of people because
you are similar to them

drift apart after the argument / when I found
out that he was cheating / after two years of

to look alike or act like an older member of
your family

let down your teacher / parents / your girlfriend

to have a boyfriend / girlfriend

make up after a while / and never argue again /
and forgive each other

immediately like someone

brought up by his grandparents / by a single
mom / in a religious family

to forgive each other and become friends

4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words

grow up, take after, go out, get along, fall out, fall for, fit in, break up, make up, let down, bring up, drift apart, hit off

I. In your letter you asked me about my family. Well, when I was a boy, both my parents worked full time as they had very demanding jobs so I was 1) ________ by my grandparents. Now I live with my Mom because she and Dad 2) _____ ____and got divorced a couple of years ago. As for your last question, I can say that

I 3) ______ _______ my Dad — at least this is what people say — we even laugh in the same way.

II. Answering your questions about my boyfriend, I can say that we 1) ________ it _______ on the first date. We’ve been 2) ____________ _____________ since May and I think we will get married one day. It can be pretty difficult to 3) ___________ ___________ with him, though, because he always thinks that he

is right. One day we even had a stupid argument and 4) ____________ __________.

III. Now it’s time for me to answer your questions. Well, I have one close friend, it’s a boy. All my classmates think that I’ve 1) ___________ __________him, but the reality is he 2) ______________ __________ in the village and that’s why he didn’t 3) __________ ___________ and that’s why he was bullied at school,

almost everyone called him names. I felt sorry for him and talked to the guys and now I think they’ve 4) ________ it ________.

IV. Let me answer your questions. Well, I sometimes have arguments with my friends and one day Julia really 5) ____ me _____ when she forgot about my birthday. Of course, I forgave her but since that day we’ve started 6) _______ _____________.

Тоже упражнение в 

Household chores

1. Check you understand the words below and match the columns to get the expressions.

1) mop / sweep / vacuum              A) the flowers / plants

2) walk / feed                                 B) the floor

3) dust / polish / wipe                    С) the table

4) water                                         D) the lawn

5) lay / set / clean off                     E) the dog

6) mow                                          F) your bedroom

7) tidy / sort out / clean up            G) the furniture / the surfaces

8) do                                             H) housework

9) put away                                   I) the garbage / the rubbish

10) get the plates out of / unload / fill / empty     J) the laundry / the washing

11) make                                                             K) the books / your things

12) do                                                                 L) the dishwasher

13) pick up                                                         M) dirty clothes from the floor

14) take out / throw out                                      N) your bed

15) do                                                                 O) the dishes / the washing up

2. Make 3 true and 3 false sentences about your household chores. Try to use some of the structures below. Work in pairs, read your sentences to see if your partner can guess the true ones.

4. Now, complete the sentences below with the best possible answer.

1) It’s my job to _____________ the table before dinner with utensils, cups, and napkins.

A) set B) clean off C) put away

2) Please ______________ now. The garbage truck will be coming down the street at any minute.

A) sweep up the mess B) take out the trash C) clean up the room

3) You need to _____________ if you’re not going to read them. They’re scattered all over your floor.

A) pick up your clothes B) tidy up your closet C) put away your books

4) The house was surrounded by a tall wooden _________.

A) hedge B) lawn C) fence

5) Will you _______ the lawn at the weekend?

A) mow B) cut C) hoover

6) The children enjoyed playing in the school ________.

A) lawn B) yard C) fence

7) She kicked the ball so hard that it flew over the _________.

A) hedge B) window C) mow

5. Complete the letters. Guess what questions the letters below answer to.

I. In your letter you asked me about 1) ______. Well, it is my Mom who usually distributes the 2) _______ between the members of our family. Personally, I am responsible for 3) ________ the table after meals and 4) ______ the dishwasher.

To be honest, I don’t mind doing that because I like the squeaky-clean feel of the dishes after they have been washed. Talking about young people in my country, they are quite 5) _____ and tend to avoid doing jobs around the house.

1) house works / home jobs / housework / house duties

2) chores / duties / businesses / exercises

3) setting / cleaning off / laying / putting off

4) loading / taking out / picking up / unloading

5) dirty / messy / tidy / inaccurate

II. Back to your questions. To tell the truth, it’s believed that housework is entirely women’s 1) ________ so women have to do most of the household chores. For example, my sister and I have to 2) ______ the rubbish, polish the furniture and 3) ____ the floors while my brother only has to walk our dog William twice a day. Talking about my bedroom, I sort it out once a week and it takes no more than 15 minutes — I think it’s enough to 4) ______ the surfaces and 5) ______ dirty clothes from the floor to keep it neat, but my Mom disagrees.

1) responsibility / obligation / activity / action

2) pick out / take out / put away / clean up

3) mow / mop / dust / tidy

4) wipe / sweep / lay / throw out

5) put away / pick up / take out / throw out

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