Стратегии к подготовке к Единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку: раздел Говорение (Задание 3)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Данная разработка урока поможет учащимся легко и быстро выполнять задание 3 раздела Говорение.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Strategies of preparing for Russian State Exam: Speaking»
Класс: 10-11
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний
Цель урока: развитие навыков спонтанной устной речи на примере описания картинок.
- знакомство с заданием 3 устного экзамена по английскому языку, формирование алгоритма его выполнения;
- развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, позволяющих описать картинку.
Планируемые результаты обучения:
Предметные: овладение структурой (моделью) описания картинок при выполнении 3 задания устной части экзамена.
Метапредметные: развитие коммуникативных способностей школьника, умения выбирать языковые и речевые средства при описании картинок.
Личностные: развитие навыков сотрудничества в разных речевых ситуациях
Универсальные учебные действия:
Регулятивные: действие прогнозирования – предвосхищение результатов своей деятельности;
действия коррекции – умение вносить необходимые коррективы в свои речевые действия;
Познавательные: - самостоятельное осознанное построение устного речевого высказывания;
- самостоятельное решение проблемы.
Коммуникативные: - участие в коллективном обсуждение проблем;
- владение монологической формой речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами английского языка.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор.
Технологии обучения: ИКТ, технология проблемного обучения, технология сотрудничества.
Ход урока
I) Организационный момент.
- Good morning, guys! Take your seats. How are you today? Firstly, I’d like you to look at the blackboard and tell me what you can see on it.
- Yes, you’re right. It is different dates. Tell me, please, what these dates stand for? (1st- Victory day, 2nd- Christmas, 3rd - International Women’s Day, 4th-Knowledge Day, 5th- Russian State Exam in English (11.06/15.06) What about this date? What are we are going to talk about? (учащиеся говорят тему урока)
Yes, we are going to speak about Russian State Exam in English, Speaking section. By the way, what tasks does Speaking section consist of? Which task is the most difficult in your opinion? What’s the easiest one? What do you think, what task we are going to speak about?
Great! Today we will analyze task 3. It is describing photos.
II) Основной этап
Актуализация знаний
- Please, look at the screen and read the task. So you can see that to describe the photo you should follow the plan.
- You have some handouts on your desks. Please, look at them. Here you have got a list of tips which might be useful for describing a picture. Work in pairs and decide which tips are useful and which ones are bad. If you think a tip is a bad one then make suggestions, offer another tip. So, work in pairs. I’ll give you 2-3 minutes. (работа в парах)
- You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
- You have to speak in the second person. W
- You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan. W
- Don’t forget to use linking words.
- Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with. W
- Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many pictures. W
- Ok, I see that you have some ideas. Thank you for your answers.
Введение нового материала.
- Now let’s move on to description of the photo itself. I suggest you the following scheme connected with different colours. Let it be green, blue, yellow and pink ones. Every colour is associated with definite sentences. For example, green is a standard phrase (which you may learn by heart), blue is must have phrase or compulsory phrase. Yellow means linking words and pink is connected with your creativity (it means you need to use your imagination). Let’s describe the following photo.
I’ve chosen photo number 1. Look! I’d like to show this photo to you.
I took it last week when we had a family dinner in my relatives’ house.
In the foreground of the picture you can see a happy couple with a child. The man and woman are my uncle and aunt and the girl is my niece. By the way, she has recently won an acrobatic competition.
As you can see my relatives are sitting on the sofa, posing for the camera. They are smiling and hugging each other. They look so happy because they are definitely enjoying the moment.
I keep this photo in my album because I want to remember this wonderful moment forever. I must say this was a very special day in my life as I see my relatives quite rarely.
You know, I've decided to show you this picture because I want to share this joy with you. I think we can go and visit my uncle’s family one day.
I hope you liked this photo as much as I do. That’s all I wanted to say.
Закрепление знаний.
Now I’d like you to describe these photos using the scheme. (учащиеся описывают свои картинки, опираясь на схему)
III) Рефлексия
- Tell me, please, it was difficult for you to do this task? Why?
- Now I’d like to know your opinion about the lesson in the following way: you should make up sentence, expressing your opinion, using standard phrase, must have phrase, linking words and your creativity.
-So, you appreciated my work and now I’d like to give marks to you. To do it you should paint a sheet of paper which is on your desk. You ‘ll have half a minute. (учащиеся закрашивают листы бумаги, на которых выходит слово Thank you for your hardworking! Good job!)
- See you later!
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
1) You should choose and describe only 1 photo.
2) You have to speak in the second person
3) You don't have to answer all the questions in the plan.
4) Don’t forget to use linking words.
5) Describe the photo that you liked the most, but not that you are most familiar with.
6) Prepare a standard reason why you keep this photo. It will be suitable for many photos.
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