Сценарий мини-спектакля "The Grinch"
материал по английскому языку
Мини-спектакль про известного персонажа Гринча на английском языке подойдет для обучающихся начальной школы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Grinch
CHARACTERS: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Narrator 3 (рассказчики)
James Wander, Mary Wander, John Wander (жители сказочного города Wanderville)
Christmas cake, Christmas tree, Christmas present, Candy cane, Christmas card, Christmas stocking
The Grinch (злое существо, ненавидящее Рождество)
На сцене стоит небольшой диванчик, укрытый теплыми пледами. Играет приятная музыка.
Narrator 1: This is Wanderville. The people in Wanderville like Christmas.
Narrator 2: The children in Wanderville like Christmas.
Narrator 3: The Mums and Dads in Waderville like Christmas.
Narrator 1: In Wanderville, the cats and dogs like Christmas, too.
Wander 1: My name is James Wander. I like Christmas cakes and Christmas trees.
Christmas cake (речитативом под рэп): I am a funny Christmas cake. I’m with love and pleasure baked. Every child adores my taste, when he Christmas celebrates.
Christmas tree: I’m a Christmas tree, all candy caned, all green, all glowing bright, I’m a Christmas tree all tinseled, rained, All dressed in coloured light.
Wander 2: My name is Mary Wander. I like Christmas presents and candy canes.
Christmas present: I am a Christmas present. All children wait for me. You find me in the stockings or under Christmas tree.
Candy cane (под песню “I’m a big, big girl”): I’m a candy cane, I’m a candy cane, I’m a candy cane, People like me, I’m a candy cane, I’m a candy cane, I’m so sweet, I’m so sweet.
Wander 3: My name is John Wander. I like Christmas cards and Christmas stockings.
Christmas card: All people like to get me every Christmas, I bring them happiness and good wishes.
Christmas stocking: I’m the stocking and when I’m hung, Christmas is here and sweet carols are being sung. Children’s hearts are filled with joy, with gifts is for every girl and boy.
Narrator 2: And this is the Grinch. The Grinch is not happy.
Grinch: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I don’t like Christmas. I don’t like Christmas cakes. I don’t like Christmas trees. I don’t like Christmas presents. I don’t like candy canes. I don’t like Christmas cards and I don’t like Christmas stockings!
Narrator 3: The Grinch wants to stop Christmas. No more Christmas cakes, no more Christmas trees, no more Christmas presents, no more candy canes, and no more Christmas stockings.
Grinch: Ha! No more CHRISTMAS! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Narrator 1: In Wanderville it’s bedtime. The Wanders are sleeping.
Жители города ложатся спать, а подарки укрывают их теплым пледом. Наступает ночь. Вандервильцы засыпают. Звучит музыка из мультфильма “Розовая пантера”
Narrator 1: The Grinch is in the kitchen.
The Grinch: I’ve got the Christmas cake. Ha! (Берет торт, тащит его за кулисы, также он крадет все подарки и символы Рождества.)
Narrator 2: The Grinch is in the living room. The Grinch: I’ve got the Christmas tree. Ha!
Narrator 3: The Grinch is in the bedroom. The Grinch: I’ve got the Christmas presents. Ha! Ha!
Narrator 1: The Grinch is in the kitchen. The Grinch: I’ve got the candy canes. Ha! Ha! Ha! Narrator 2: The Grinch is in the living room.
The Grinch: I’ve got the Christmas cards. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Narrator 3: The Grinch is in the bedroom again.
The Grinch: I’ve got the Christmas stockings. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Goodbye Wanderville. And goodbye Christmas! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Наступает утро. Звучит музыка. Жители сказочного города просыпаются.
Narrator 3: It’s Christmas morning. The Wanders wake up. They are happy because it’s Christmas today.
Wanders 1, 2, 3: Merry Christmas!
Wander 1: Hey! Where is the Christmas cake? Where is the Christmas tree?
Wander 2: Wow! No Christmas presents and no candy canes!
Wander 3: The Christmas cards and Christmas stockings are gone too.
All: Oh, no!
Narrator 1: Now the Grinch is happy.
The Grinch: HAHAHA! No more Christmas! Christmas is finished! ... but...wait...what’s that?
Wander 1: Poor Grinch, we wish you a Merry Christmas!
Wander 1+2: We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Wander 1+2+3: We wish you a Merry Christmas!
All: And a Happy New Year, Grinch!
К ним присоединяются символы Рождества из-за кулис. Гринч, услышав это, раскаивается.
The Grinch: Oh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Now I like Christmas! Merry Christmas, James, Mary and John. Come here, come here everybody!
Выходят елка, носок, подарок, поздравительная открытка, конфета, пирог и т.д.
All (поют хором): We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
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