Презентация к учебнику Starlight 10 Module 3
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Данная презентация к учебнику Starlight 10 Module3 достопримечательности России
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If I could visit one of the most beautiful places in my country I would choose Valley of Geysers
The Valley of Geysers is one of the largest geyser fields in the world. The Valley of geysers is located in Kamchatka in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve .
The Valley of geysers is a deep canyon of the Geyser River, in the sides of which, on an area of about 6 km^2, there are numerous exits of geysers, hot springs, steam, mud boilers, thermal pads, waterfalls and lakes. We can say that this place is always "smoking
The discovery of the Valley of Geysers occurred in 1941, and was made by accident. Tatiana Ustinova and her assistant Anisifor Krupenin explored the river flowing from the caldera of the Uzon volcano, and unexpectedly found themselves a few meters away from a sharp jet of boiling water, which was subsequently replaced by a steam club.
if you love unusual beautiful places among wonderful mountain landscapes, you should definitely visit this place Thanks for watching
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