Диктант к учебнику Starlight 10 Module 4
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- Over the last century, average global temperatures have increased by approximately one degree.
- In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring thaw occurs nine days earlier and the winter freeze happens about ten days later than it did 150 years ago.
- Some of the bears are not able to survive the summer fast because they have not stored enough energy to sustain themselves.
- Many dens collapse in the spring, due to heavy rains, and trap the mothers and their cubs.
- But ballet did not die out and eventually the artists returned and the Soviet government sponsored new ballet companies.
- The Russian ballet is immediately recognizable, as it is athletic, featuring more dynamic leaps and turns than Italian ballet, which focuses more on quick movements of the feet.
- In Russia, ballet was not just entertainment in the courts, it became popular with the general public.
- Vaganova had the original idea that students should focus on strengthening the centre of their body in order for the whole body to move in a natural, graceful way.
- Tanya knew her father was exasperated with her decision but it wasn’t going to affect her resolve in any way.
- Tanya bowed her head further over the piece of silk she was working on and continued to sew the small bright beads onto the fine cloth with quiet determination.
- He regarded anyone who paid attention to fashions and trends as simply a victim of peer pressure and advertising.
- No one could ever accuse you of lacking confidence in your own abilities and that is definitely a good thing.
- Although the idea of using microscopic robots to fight disease is still futuristic, nanotechnology is already being used by doctors.
- In this new branch of technology these ideas are only some of the possible applications of scientific research.
- Nevertheless, nanomaterials can actively benefit the environment and help in the fight against global warning.
- However, nanoparticles are able to cross biological membranes and penetrate tissues and organs.
- People fear the world could rapidly be reduced to grey dust as the result of some disaster involving the new technology.
- Once she had mastered the basic skills Tanya had become adventurous and started designing her own creations.
- Unless the mother and cubs are rescued, most of these animals die.
- Pavlova’s talent and determination saw her rise to prima ballerina in just seven years.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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