Учимся писать рассказ на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку
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Учимся писать рассказ на английском языке
Методическая разработка для учителей английского языка поможет педагогам познакомиться со структурой короткого рассказа,требованиями предъявляемыми к его написанию,упражнениями для развития навыка написания рассказа.
Творческое письмо – показатель развития продуктивных навыков учащихся изучающих английский язык. Создание литературного текста предполагает владение учащимися умением изложить свои мысли в словесной форме в соответствии с требованиями жанра задания.
Написание рассказа - работа вымысла, воображения,написанная в понятной и легковоспринимаемой форме.
Story, Story based on picture
Structure | Language |
Title | |
1. Introduction When? Where? Who?What was … doing? | Past tenses Narrative style It was a frosty morning. The snowflakes were falling quietly on the ground. Ron was lying lazily… |
2. Main body. Unfolding of events leading to the climax,the climax itself. | The boy had only started ...when ...At first,… Then,… As soon as he...The next thing he saw/felt/realized/heard ...Suddenly...During...While...When … At that moment… Decriptive adjectives for size,speed,colours,smells,tastes,emotions,feelings. Direct speech. Ron shouted at the top of his voice,” Run home,Rex! ” Indirect speech. He wondered if Jane had seen anybody there. Various verbs : whisper,murmur,exclaim,demand,offer,notice etc. |
3.Closing Make an unexpected ending. | In the end...Finally...Ron knew he would never… It was the worst /happiest day in his life. |
Story Writing Format (From English Short Story Writing for CBSE)
The golden rule for selecting characters in story writing is “Fewer is better”. Story writing would more effectively convey its meaning if it has very few characters – one protagonist, one other main character, and no supporting or side characters would be ideal.
The animating character with perfect adjectives and examples is a must however, typically while writing short stories, do not fall overdo the characterization.
Time frame and place constitute the setting of story writing. The setting is often decorated with descriptions of scenes such as supermarket, bedroom, crowded metro train, or drizzling evening… again unlimited list. These descriptions are very important to make the reader immerse in the plot.
Unit of time frame may vary from hours to days to weeks to years. The golden rule in selecting time frame for story writing is “keep it shorter” and “have it single”. Story writing that has setting of few hours may typically be clearer and more effective than with setting of few months or years.
vividly describe surroundings. must be absolutely clear and very importantly be appealing to five senses of your readers. Be poetic, use suitable adjectives, script dialogues, or even deploy side characters… do whatever you need to ensure that the reader lives your story while reading.
The plot is the flesh and muscles of story writing. It comprises events and characters’ actions. The more creatively you describe and logically connect the events and actions, the stronger the plot would be, and the stronger the plot you create, the better interest would it generate among readers. A plot has a start, body, and end that are linked sequentially by events and character actions.
You must so choose a start that your reader gets hooked to the story. create confusion or question in readers’ minds by the first line of your story. Your reader must try to get an answer to the best of her ability and experience but she should finally end up digging into subsequent lines of your stories to quench her temporarily aroused inquisitiveness.
The central idea or main belief presented by a story writing is called theme. It is a skeleton or frame of your short story that is decorated by plot, setting, conflict, and characters.
The five key elements (or stages) of Story Writing are as follows-
- Character
- Setting
- Plot
- Conflict
- Theme
As story writing involves creative writing skills, please follow the below-mentioned points to write a good story –
- The narrative should be in Ist or IInd or IIIrd person.
- The setting of the story should be made.
- Time, location, context, and atmosphere should be described to create imagery.
- Meaningful dialogues to be used. Dialogues should have expressions.
- Characterization – identify 2 – 3 main characters and a few side characters in the story.
- The plot of the story should be interesting but short because the word limit should not be exceeded.
Памятка для учащегося
В рассказе должны присутствовать описания,повествование,рассуждения,
- необходимо включить авторскую оценку событий,чувств,эмоций героев,
- герой и протагонист ,избегайте третьих лиц,поддерживающих одну из сторон,
- по времени действия чем короче ,тем лучше,
- в рассказе должны быть прямая и косвенная речь,
- необходимо использовать разнообразные языковые средства,
- рассказ должен быть разделен на абзацы.
В хорошем рассказе присутствуют:
четко выраженная сюжетная линия-необходимо определиться, о чем будет рассказ, кто или что будет центральным героем или объектом в рассказе,поразмышлять о том, какую идею или проблему вы хотите поднять в своем рассказе,наглядность (читатель должен как можно ярче визуализировать написанное);
Не нужно распыляться на долгие и детальные описания. Каждое предложение должно добавлять к тексту что-то новое и «двигать» историю вперед.
максимум одна проблема, которую нужно разрешить как можно более впечатляющее;персонажей должно быть не много; должен иметь место конфликт;
Юному писателю небходимо сконцентрироваться на одном событии: придумать центральный конфликт для своего персонажа
В хорошем коротком рассказе всегда есть захватывающий момент, в котором главный герой или герои события переполнены теми или иными эмоциями. Кульминация обычно происходит во второй половине рассказа или даже ближе к концу. Оригинальная кульминация заставляет читателя задуматься о прочитанном.
Стилевое оформление
Стиль – это основной элемент речи. Помните, что история должна быть единой, как в сюжете, так и в языке. Если вы повествуете свой рассказ от первого лица – придерживайтесь одного ракурса.
Упражнения для подготовки учащихся к написанию рассказа .
1.Учимся описывать предмет.
Family Heirloom.
Describe an object that is passed down from generation to generation in your family.
2.Учимся описывать чувства.
You are on the sinking Titanic. Describe your emotions.
3.Oписательные прилагательные.
Make a list of 5 Adjectives that pop into your head. Use them in a short story.
4.Деревенская мышь.
Someone who grew up in the country visits a city for the first time.
5.Городской щеголь.
Someone who grew up in a city visits the country for the first time.
6.Бездомный котенок.
You are a stray kitten that has to survive on a street of a big city. Describe your feelings,emotions and thoughts.
Write from a viewpoint of a cactus. What is it like to live in a desert or have a prickly personality?
8.Описываем погоду.
You are a bird on a chilly winter morning. What do you see? How do you feel? What is your life like?
9.Напиши рассказ используя предложенное начало. Write a short story in 200 – 250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.
It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior students advancing towards her, she … … …
Things are Not Always What They Seem
It was Mohini’s first day at the new school. She was feeling very nervous. She stood in a corner and watched the students who were laughing and talking excitedly. When she saw four senior students advancing towards her, she got terrified and started going towards her classroom hurriedly. The four students caught up with her speed and cornered her. Drops of sweat rolled down her face as she muttered in a trembling voice, “Leave me alone”. They started coming nearer as they sensed her fear. Two tall boys and two girls of medium height looked at her and gave her spine-chilling terror. Before Mohini could shout, one of the girls covered her mouth and they all started laughing. Mohini was left astonished. To make things clear, one of the boys told her that they had been assigned to guide her through the school and assist her to make her feel comfortable. They were coming nearer to introduce themselves and thought of playing a small prank when Mohini started running away from them. Mohini breathed a sigh of relief and conveyed that she thought she was about to get bullied.
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