Project "The Explorer of the Treasure Peninsula"
проект по английскому языку
The aim of the project
is to tell people about the life of a talented man who contributed greatly to the development of the Kola Peninsula
Three tasks help us to fulfill the aim:
The object of research is life and work of A.E.Fersman
The hypothesis
is Fersman`s great contribution to the development of the Kola Peninsula is little – known to my countrymen.
To do the research we used different methods:
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Fersman street and Fersman’s monument which is located in the Geological park opposite the Mining Institute of the KSC RAS.
The aim of the project is to tell people about the life of a talented man who contributed greatly to the development of the Kola Peninsula Three tasks help us to fulfill the aim: 1. to learn facts about A.E. Fersman`s life and work 2. to take excursions to the museums with expositions devoted to work of A.E. Fersman 3. to analyze the results of survey among students of gymnasium №1 The object of research is life and work of A.E.Fersman The hypothesis is Fersman`s great contribution to the development of the Kola Peninsula is little – known to my countrymen. To do the research we used different methods : literature analysis; putting forward the hypothesis; social survey; analysis and synthesis of survey results
Stages of research. 1. «Technologic» stage 1.1. Theoretical part: Reading literature on the topic of research (see Bibliographic list); Preparation of questionnaires, «What do you know about A.E.Fersman ?». 1.2. Practical part Conducting the survey among 4-9th form students from gymnasium №1 in Apatity 2. Analytical stage : Analysis of the survey results; Conclusions of the scientific research; Preparation of the plan and project for future work on the topic. The practical importance of the research. The results can be considered by the teachers in the planning of educational work with pupils . Every educated and cultural person should have knowledges about the history of his native region. This research will help to raise patriotism, increase knowledges and to interest students in the history of the Kola Peninsula. The product of the project is our presentation which can be shown at the lessons.
BIOGRAPHY Evgeny Aleksandrovich Fresman , father Maria Edwardovna Fersman , mother
« … the stones possessed me, my thoughts, desires, even dreams...» A.E. Fresman
In 1901 he finished school with a gold medal and then he entered the University of Odessa to study Geology. In 1903 Sasha transferred to Moscow University. Alexander Karpinsky Vladimir Vernadsky
In 1908 he worked in Paris and in Norway. He was a teacher at Moscow University (1912) Professor at the people's University named after Shanyavsky (1910-1912) was the Professor of Mineralogy of Bestuzhev courses in St. Petersburg (1912-1919) a director of the mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences (1919-1930) one of the organizers and editors of the magazine “Nature” (1917-1930) At the age of 36, Alexander Fersman became an academician. The magazine “Nature” Imperial Moscow University Bestuzhev courses in St. Petersburg
He did not refuse to write for children in the magazines " Murzilka ", "Pioneer " . His first book for children was "Entertaining Mineralogy". We can see such unexpected titles in the book like "Edible stones", "Wonders in the world of stone". Fersman was never at rest. He died in 1945. " Murzilka " "Pioneer" "Entertaining Mineralogy"
THE KOLA PENINSULA In 1920 Fersman was going to Murmansk to decide how to develop this part of Russia when the train suddenly stopped at Imandra station. Fersman climbed on one of the tops of the Khibiny mountains and found unknown rocks. Since that moment «the Khibiny epic» began which lasted for 10 years.
Fersman could work in any conditions: in a tent, in a car, in a boat. Alexander corrected the maps of the Khibiny Mountains, gave names to rivers, rocks and peaks in the native language.
Apatite Nickel-ore L abuntsovit S herbakovit B ornemanit G erasimovskit R amzait Fersmanit Kupletskit
Khibinogorsk (now Kirovsk ) Monchegorsk
The mining station “ Tietta ” Academgorodok and the building of KSC SAS
We have asked 100 students (10-16 years old) of our school three questions: 1. Why is there Fersman Street and Fersman monument in Apatity ? 2. Where was A.E.Fersman born? 3. What contribution has he made to the development of the Kola Peninsula?
The results you can see in the charts.
We would recommend people to visit wonderful museums of our region. Due to the research assistants of the Museum-Archive of the European North Investigation of the KSC RAS we have got a useful information for our project. The product of the project is our presentation which can be shown at the lessons.
T he wall of the central library in Pushkin Street
Thanks for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
“The Explorer of the Treasure Peninsula”
Section: the best English presentation
on research work
Author: Obukhova Arina Alekseevna,
gymnasium №1, 9th form
Project manager: Mylyueva Irina Anatolyevna,
English teacher of gymnasium №1
Apatity 2019
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………. 2
Chapter 1 The Lord of mineralogy
- The life path of A.E.Fersman ……………………………………………….. 5
- A.E.Fersman explores the Kola Peninsula ………………………………….. 6
Chapter 2 Analysis of survey results……………………………………………. 7
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 9
Bibliographic list ………………………………………………………………... 10
Russia is the largest country in the world which is rich not only in natural resources but also in outstanding people.
I was born in the Kola Peninsula in the town of Apatity. The Kola Peninsula is a treasure peninsula because it is a storehouse of minerals. For a long time the Peninsula was a mystery. There were no accurate maps of this part of Russia although, it was inhabited by native people, the Saami. Who were those brave people who came to explore this severe corner of our country? I didn`t know much about them. So, I decided to find information about one them. Sometimes like many people of our town I walk along Fersman street and pass by Fersman monument which is located in the Geological park opposite the Mining Institute of the KSC RAS. But in my opinion, people hardly realize what contribution this man has made to the development of our region. So, this research project can be really actual.
The aim of the project is to tell people about life of a talented man who contributed greatly to the development of the Kola Peninsula
Three tasks help us to fulfill the aim:
1. to learn facts about A.E. Fersman`s life and work
2. to take excursions to the museums with expositions devoted to work of A.E. Fersman
3. to analyze the results of survey among the students of gymnasium №1
The object of research is life and work of A.E.Fersman
The hypothesis is Fersman`s great contribution to the development of the Kola Peninsula is little – known to my countrymen.
To do the research we used different methods:
- literature analysis;
- putting forward the hypothesis;
- social survey;
- analysis and synthesis of survey results
Stages of research.
1. «Technologic» stage
1.1. Theoretical part:
- Reading literature on the topic of research (see Bibliographic list);
- Preparation of questionnaires «What do you know about A.E.Fersman?».
1.2. Practical part
Conducting the survey among 4-9th form students from gymnasium №1 in Apatity
2. Analytical stage:
- Analysis of the survey results;
- Conclusions of the scientific research;
- Preparation of the plan and project for future work on the topic.
The practical importance of the research.
The results can be considered by the teachers in the planning of educational work with pupils. Every educated and cultural person should have knowledges about the history of his native region. This research will help to raise patriotism, increase knowledges and to interest students in the history of the Kola Peninsula.
The product of the project is our presentation which can be shown at the lessons.
Chapter 1 The Lord of mineralogy
1.1 The life path of A.E.Fersman
Sasha Fersman was born on November 8, 1883 in St. Petersburg. His father was a military man, a general. His mother was an educated woman, she loved music and poetry.
Sasha spent his childhood in Odessa. When the boy was only 6 years old he was keen on stones. First he collected beautiful Crimean pebbles. But one day he found an old, dust-covered collection of rocks in the attic of their house. It surprised him and won his heart. Once he wrote:"… the stone possessed me, my thoughts, desires, even dreams...».
He finished school with a gold medal and then he entered the University of Odessa to study Geology. Then Sasha transferred to Moscow University. His teachers were scientists -Alexander Karpinsky and Vladimir Vernadsky who became his friend. Fersman studied well and later was awarded a gold medal for scientific work.
After graduating from the University he worked in Paris and Norway. He was a teacher at Moscow University, Professor at the people's University named after Shanyavsky. Also he was the Professor of Mineralogy of Bestuzhev courses in St. Petersburg, a director of the mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences. He was one of the organizers and editors of the magazine “Nature”. At the age of 36 Alexander Fersman became an academician.
Alexander shared his love for stones and told a lot to adults and children on the radio and at lectures. They say he was an interesting storyteller. He did not refuse to write for children in the magazines "Murzilka", "Pioneer", "Young technician". His first book for children was "Entertaining Mineralogy". Alexander Evgenievich wrote his book as a fascinating novel. We can see such unexpected titles like "Edible stones", "Wonders in the world of stone" in his book. He knew all stones in the world. No wonder he was called “the Lord of mineralogy”.
Fersman was never at rest. He died in 1945.
- A.E.Fersman explores the Kola Peninsula
In our country Fersman was probably everywhere. But his name is mostly associated with the Kola Peninsula, the Khibiny. In 1920 Fersman was going to Murmansk to decide how to develop this part of Russia. On his way to Murmansk the train suddenly stopped at Imandra station. Fersman climbed on one of the tops of the Khibiny mountains and found unknown rocks. Since that moment «the Khibiny epic» began which lasted for 10 years. Alexader Evgenyevich corrected the maps of the Khibiny Mountains, gave names to rivers, rocks and peaks in the native language. Many stones were discovered at that time which were named after participants of expeditions and pioneers of the Khibiny: fersmanit, fermit, kupletskit, labuntsovit, sherbakovit, gerasimovskit, bornemanit, takmanit, ramzait. But Fersman`s greatest achievement was the discovery of apatite and nickel-ore deposits. Industrial exploitation of the resources of the Kola Peninsula began in 1929. New cities, at first Khibinogorsk (now Kirovsk) and soon afterwards Monchegorsk and others, began to rise in the uninhabited areas as if by magic. In 1930 the mining station “Tietta” was built. During WWII it burnt and wasn`t rebuilt later. But almost at the same time the town of Apatity with Academgorodok and the building of KSC SAS was built. At that time the remote place of the distant North turned into a most important mining and industrial region.
Chapter 2 Analysis of survey results
We have asked 81 students (10-16 years old) of gymnasium three questions:
- Why is there Fersman Street and Fersman monument in Apatity?
- Where was A.E.Fersman born?
- What contribution has he made to the development of the Kola Peninsula?
The results you can see in the charts.
Here you can see two groups of respondents: primary students (10-11 y.o.) and secondary students (12-16 y.o.).
It can be seen that 42% of primary students gave the correct answer for 1st question and 32% for 2nd question; 30% of the students answered the 3rd question correctly. Only 32% of secondary students answered correctly 1st and 3rd questions and 50% gave the correct answer for the 2nd question.
We can conclude that primary students and secondary students know little about A.E.Fersman. Primary students know better why we have a street named after the academician Fersman and Fersman`s monument in the center of our town. Secondary student know better where A.E.Fersman is from. So, our hypothesis is true. Only four secondary students could give full answers for the questions. Many students know that Alexander Evgenyevich was a geologist, a geochemist and an academician. Only one respondent knows that thanks to Fersman our region became a scientific center.
Studying the biography of A.E.Fersman, I met an amazing man whose life and work are worth of admiration. His life is a good example of diligence, purpose and patriotism. Alexander Evgenyevich was very passionate about his work, although, numerous expeditions had a negative impact on his health. My research work is aimed at developing love for the history of our country, our region and respect for their past.
We would recommend people to visit wonderful museums of our region. Due to the research assistants of the Museum-Archive of the European North Investigation of the KSC RAS we have got a useful information for our project.
Fortunately, nowadays there are many people who are proud of their Motherland and want to preserve its history. Soon the walls of the central library in Apatity which is in Pushkin Street will be covered by quotes of Alexander Evgenyevich. Also the walls will show the maps of his expeditions and one of his book covers. This unusual and useful project was organized by Andrei Malachov and I consider it will be a success.
There are a lot of interesting people in our region, whose fates can be told, but these are my plans for the future. In the future, I plan to continue working in this direction. Many things are not open to me, so I have something to work on.
Bibliographic list
- Лихачёв В.А. «Ферсмановский» период исследований Луяврурта / В.А. Лихачёв // Историко-краеведческий альманах «Земля TRE». – п.Ревда, 2015. - №2. – с.21 – 23
- Ферсман А.Е. К восточным массивам / В.А. Лихачёв // Историко-краеведческий альманах «Земля TRE». - п.Ревда, 2015. - №2. – с.24 -29
- Из маршрутныхдневников экспедиции 1923 года (отрывки) / А.Е.Ферсман, А.Н.Лабунцов, Б.М.Куплетский // Историко-краеведческий альманах «Земля TRE». – п.Ревда, 2015. - №2. – с.30-43
- Ферсман А. Е. Путешествие за камнем. - OOO «Торгово-издательский дом «Амфора»», 2002. – 21 с.
- Киселёв А.А. Летопись Севера / А.А. Киселёв // Том 6. - М., 1972г. - с. 263 – 283
Интернет-сервис - Первые маршруты А.Е. Ферсмана в Хибинах
Интернет-сервис - Хибины из истории минералогических исследований
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