Reported speech 9 grade
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
- “I work in this factory, but I have never met this new boss.” I
The man said ________________________________________________________________________________________
- “I think he will visit us next week.”
The men said_________________________________________________________________________________________
- “Did they work long hours in these conditions?”
They asked _________________________________________________________________________________________
- “Get ready to work and don’t be lazy!”
The boss ordered him _____________________________________________________________________________
- “Yesterday, I didn’t do my homework.”
Paul told Susan ______________________________________________________________________________________
- “I will buy a new car next year”.
Mary said ____________________________________________________________________________________________
- “Have you read this book?”
Peter asked Jenny __________________________________________________________________________________
- “Don’t buy tickets for us.”
They told Frank ____________________________________________________________________________________
- “How many records have you bought?”
He asked her _______________________________________________________________________________________
- “How many cakes did Susan eat?”
He asked me ________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ I will be working on a movie next year.”
The actress admitted ______________________________________________________________________________
- “ I worked at a restaurant some years ago.”
She stated __________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Why don’t you phone the editor?” II
She asked me ________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ A women and two children refused to enter the building yesterday.”
The journalist reported ___________________________________________________________________________
- “ You will have the computer back soon.”
They assured ______________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Please don’t tell anyone what happened.”
Ann told me ________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Are you going to let me alone?”
She asked him angrily ________________________________________________________________________________
- “ You have made very good progress this term.”
The teacher informed us__________________________________________________________________________
- “ I was going to the cinema last night.”
She declared _______________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Do you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day?”
The doctor asked his patients _______________________________________________________________________
- “ I will resign even if it is against everybody’s opinion.”
He threatened _____________________________________________________________________________________
- “ I might have to go away this week.”
She stated __________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ I have taken my exams this week and tomorrow”
She told me ________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ You may have fever.”
The doctor told me _______________________________________________________________________________
- “ I have been learning German this year.” III
She said _________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ They had gone to France last year.”
I said _____________________________________________________________________________________________
- “ The farmer doesn’t know why the weather is going to change.”
They exclaimed _________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Jane cam play the piano very well.”
She told me _____________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Have you got the key to the front door?”
Her husband asked her ________________________________________________________________________
- “ Can you also speak a little German?”
The tourist asked the guide ____________________________________________________________________
- “ Is it going to rain so hard on my wedding day?”
She wondered __________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Are you going to leave your flat or not?”
- “ I forgot my pen, please lend me yours.”
Peter told Jane ____________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Don’t go away, wait for me.”
He told his friend _________________________________________________________________________________
- “ Give me another sandwich, please, but this time with a little more cheese.”
She asked her husband __________________________________________________________________________
- “ Just call me if there is anything you need.”
The nurse said to the patient ____________________________________________________________________
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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