Открытый урок Living healthy
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Конспект урока по теме "Living healthy"
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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе
УМК Rainbow. Афанасьева, Михеева
Дата проведения: 26.04.2022
Тема: Living healthy
Тип урока: обобщающий
1) практическая:
- контроль монологических умений
- систематизировать лексические и грамматические навыки
- закрепить лексические навыки по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»
- проконтролировать навыки подготовленной диалогической речи
2) развивающая – развивать фонематический слух, языковую догадку, память и внимание;
3) воспитательная – прививать навыки здорового образа жизни;
4) образовательная – расширить знание учащихся о здоровом образе жизни.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, ноутбук, карточки с заданиями, разноцветные карточки для оценивания урока.
Ход урока:
1.Оргмомент (1 мин) (Слайд1)
- Good morning, pupils.( Учащиеся приветствуют учителя…). I am glad to see you. Sit down. How are you?
- Who is on duty today? What is the day today? Who is absent today?
- Today we are going to do a lot of interesting things.
2.Фонетическая зарядка (4 мин) (Слайд 2)
Let’s look at the board. - What is it? Yes it's some “smiles”. - Do you often use emojis while chatting? This small pictures help us to communicate. What every smiles mean?
You’ll have to read them and guess what the topic we have today?
Tell me please, what the topic we have? (Ответы учащихся) (Слайд 3) LIVING HEALTHY
Ok, what does it mean in Russian? (Ученики переводят)
3. Речевая разминка. (5 мин)
I want you to answer my questions:
- What helps us to be healthy? (Ответы учеников)
- Do you go in for sports, and what sport? (Ответы…)
- Do you eat healthy food and take vitamins? What food do you eat? (Ответы…)
- Do you take vitamins? (Ответы…)
4. Работа с аудио (Слайд 4)
And now, please, pay your attention to the board. We’ll listen to the message from British girl Sally. And after it you should say the mean idea. (Прослушивание аудио про гигиену).
После прослушивания спросить: What is the idea here? (Ответы учащихся).
На доску к смайлам темы добавляется еще один смайл Hygiene.
Dear pupils, you have the pieces of paper on your desk. Have you found? Your task is to listen to the message from Sally once again and put the smiles in the right place. Is it clear? Ok, listen to Sally.
У детей раздаточный материал на партах с текстом про гигиену с пропусками и смайлами. (прил.2)
What rules have you get? Try to read the rules.
Do you follow this rules? (Ответы учеников)
Ok, You're right!
Рассказ о Гигиене.
Hello! I’m Sally. I live in Britain. My family is health-conscious, we eat only healthy food and follow our daily schedule. I would like to tell you about the importance of hygiene for our health. I give you 7 good hygiene habits. First of all, wash your hands properly with soap and water. Secondly, take care of your hair and take care of your body. Take a bath regulary. Don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day. Also go to bed at a fixed time. Another good habit is to cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing. Remember this rules and you will always be healthy! See you!
5. Физминутка: thank you boys and girls! Another important thing for health is a good mood. (На доску прикрепляется смайл со счастливым лицом.)I think it is time to relax. Look at the screen and repeat for them
6. Конкурсы.
And now divide please into 3 teams. We’ll make a competition.
Contest 2.
We already know that, there are 2 ways of life: healthy way and harmful way and everybody choose his own way of life. What it means in Russian healthy way and harmful way? (Ответ: Здоровый и вредный образ жизни).
Ok. Your task is: The first team collects all the tips for healthy way and the second team collects all for harmful way and then every team will present us its results.
(На доске висят таблички с названиями “Healthy ways are” и “Harmful ways are”, команды собирают подходящие тезисы для каждой таблички, и представляют полученный результат классу.)(прил.1)
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly.
7. Now lets try to guess the proverbs. Look at the screen. The smiles help to you.
На экране пословицы про ЗОЖ.
8. Now the most interesting thing to make your own message about tips how to be healthy. Using smiles on your desks, if you need sissors…
Lets go to the board. Present your tips to the classmates. Lets guess What the tip?
9. Итог урока. (Слайд 6)
Let we make the conclusion of our lesson, what rules of living healthy can you take for yourself? (Учащиеся делают выводы к уроку)
Write down your home task, please: Make the tips What we should do to keep fit, to keep healthy on May weekends, using smiles.
And the last thing for today. You can hands up if you do all tasks and like it. You can hands down if you have some problems. You can sit down if you do not understand the topic. The lesson was boring.
I want you to answer my question – Do you like our lesson? If you like it, show the green cards, if so-so – yellow cards, if not – red cards.
I think you worked hard today that’s why I’ll give you excellent marks:… .
So, our lesson is over. Thank you very much! See you soon. Bye!
Т: Work in pairs and discuss what is important to do to live a long life and what you are ready to do for it. Mention the following:
the food you eat;
the environment of the place where you live;
the sports activities.
Contest 1. “Change the words”
Your task will be to change the words so that to get some advice how to be healthy. Is it clear? Very good! Ready? Go!
a) your, eat, Wash, before, hands, you. (Wash your hands before you eat)
b) live, eat, but, to, not, live, Eat, to. (Eat to live but not live to eat)
Well done!
Приложение 1
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly.
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly.
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly.
Eating green salads,
Smoking cigarettes,
Seeing your doctor when you have health problems,
Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit,
Spending some time outdoors,
Drinking fizzy drinks like Pepsi or Coke,
Having regular meals,
Taking enough exercise,
Eating junk food almost every day,
Eating your meals quickly,
Not eating too much not to become obese,
Saying no to drug-taking,
Eating fast food regularly.
Приложение 2
- Wash your hands properly with ______ and _______
- Take care of your ________
- Take care of your ________
- Take a ________ regulary
- Brush your _____________ twice a day
- Go to bed at a fixed _____________
- Cover your __________ while sneezing or coughing
- Wash your hands properly with ______ and _______
- Take care of your ________
- Take care of your ________
- Take a ________ regulary
- Brush your _____________ twice a day
- Go to bed at a fixed _____________
- Cover your __________ while sneezing or coughing
- Wash your hands properly with ______ and _______
- Take care of your ________
- Take care of your ________
- Take a ________ regulary
- Brush your _____________ twice a day
- Go to bed at a fixed _____________
- Cover your __________ while sneezing or coughing
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