Cценарий сказки "Дюймовочка"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс)
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Сценарий сказки "Дюймовочка" на английском языке
Scene 1
(Из цветка появляется Дюймовочка)
Thumberlina: Hello the Sun! Hello birds! Who am I? Where do I live?
Голос из цветка: You name is Thumbelina.
(Дюймовочка засыпает)
Scene 2
Toad: Good night, everybody! Look at me! I’m a huge old ugly toad. But what can I see? She is a pretty girl! She would be a lovely bride for my Son. I want to take her to my pond.
Toad`s son: I have just slept! It`s time to eat! I have just eaten! It`s time to sleep! I have…..
Toad: Sh-h-h-h!!! Don't speak so loud, or you will wake her up. She might get away from us. We must put her on one of water lily leaves in the stream. She is so small and light that it will be just like an island to her, and she can't run away from us.
Thumbelina: Where am I? Where is my Mother? Who are you?
Toad: You are in the middle of my pond. My Son wants to marry you!
Thumbelina: Who is your son?
Toad: Meet my son. He is a huge green Toad, he is like his Mother! He will be your husband, and you will share a delightful home in the mud."
Thumbelina: Oh, no, no never! I want to go home! I want to see my Mother.
Toad: Don’t cry1 Don’t worry! We’ll come back soon. See you, my dear!
Thumbelina: (cries) What shall I do? Dear butterfly, help me, please!
Butterfly: Yes, yes, dear Thumbelina, I want to help you
Toad`s son: STOP!!! It`s impossible! Where are you going? Come back! (Уходит со сцены. Ревет: I want to eat! I want to sleep!)
Scene 4
Thumbelina: Thank you, dear Butterfly, good-bye! ( выходит на сцену, прощаясь с бабочкой)
Beetle: Hello, my fairy lady! What’s your name?
Thumbelina: Good morning! My name is Thumbelina, I’m a girl. But who are you?
Beetle: I’m Mr Beetle. I love dancing. Let`s dance together! I love you! ( Танцуют вместе) (Выходят бабочки, смеются)
Beetles: Who is she? She is so ugly! She has only two legs! She has no feelers! She can’t fly and hop!
Beetle: Yes, you are very ugly! Go away! Now we can`t be together! Good bye! (Уходит с бабочками)
Thumbelina: Bye! (cries and goes away)
Scene 5
Thumbelina: It’s very cold and rainy. I’m cold. And I’m wet. I’m very hungry too. I can’t live in the field in winter. What shall I do? Where shall I go?
Mouse: Who are you?
Thumbelina: I’m a poor little girl. My name is Thumbelina. In summer I lived in the field, but now it’s very cold!
Mouse: I live in the nice warm house. You may come into my warm room and share my dinner. If you want, you may stay with me all winter, but you must keep my room tidy, and tell me stories, for I am very fond of them." Can you help me with my housework?
Thumbelina: Yes, I can help you with your housework, and I can tell you stories.
Mouse: "Soon we shall have a visitor. Once a week my neighbor comes to see me. His rooms are large, and he wears such a beautiful black velvet coat. If only you could get him for a husband you would be taken care well, but he can't see anything. You must tell him the best stories you know.
(The Mole appears)
Thumbelina: Good day, Mr. Mole, nice to meet you!
Mole: I’m blind, but I can hear well. You are a nice girl with a lovely voice.
Thumbelina: Thank you, Mr. Mole. Thank you, dear Mouse.
Scene 6
Thumbelina: It’s winter now. It’s cold and there is a lot of snow. I live in the house of the Mouse. I work from morning till night. I’m very unhappy. Mr. Mole wants to be my husband. I don’t like him. He’s old. He’s blind. Poor me!
Thumbelina: Oh! The poor bird! She can die of the cold. I am so sorry for her. I love how little birds sang and sweetly twittered to me the whole summer.
Swallow: Help me! Help me, dear girl!
Thumbelina: What’s wrong with you, dear Swallow?
Swallow: I hurt my wing. I’m cold. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty.
Thumbelina: Oh? I can help you. Here are some seeds for you. Then I have some water in this jar. And you can have my scarf to warm yourself.
Swallow: Thank you, pretty little child. I have been wonderfully warmed. Soon I shall get stronger, and be able to fly again in the warm countries. And what is your name?
Thumbelina: My name is Thumbelina. Nice to meet you!
Mouse: Thumbelina, Thumbelina! Where are you?
Thumbelina: I’m here!
Mouse: Mr. Mole has come! He wants to marry you! You are a very happy little girl!
Thumbelina: No! No! I’m very unhappy! I don’t want to marry old blind Mole!
Swallow: I can help you! Now the cold winter is coming. I will fly far away to the warm countries. Won't you come along with me?
Thumbelina: Yes, I will
Mouse: No, you can’t do it! You must clean the house, cook the dinner, and you must become the mole's wife."
Thumbelina: NO!. Thank you, dear Swallow. Bye, Mrs Mouse! Bye, Mr Mole!
Scene 7
Swallow: Here we are, dear Thumbelina. We live on this beautiful palace, look!
If you choose one of those beautiful flowers, I will put you in it, and you will have all that your heart desires.
Thumbelina: That will be lovely!
Flower: Hello! Hello! Welcome! But who are you?
Thumbelina: Hello! My name is Thumbelina. My friend, Swallow, brought me to your country. May I live here?
Prince: Nice to meet you, Thumbelina. I’m the Prince of the Flower spirits. I loved you from the first sight! Would you marry me and be the Princess of the Flower Spirits?
Thumbelina: Yes, I would!
Prince: And here is my present – your wings!
Thumbelina: Oh, Thank you! I’m the happiest girl in the world!
Swallow: Soon, the Prince and Thumbelina got married and lived happily ever after.
The song
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