Cockney rhyming slang
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс)
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Let’s start with history
What is cockney rhyming slang? Cockney rhyming slang is not a language but a collection of phrases used by Cockneys and other Londoners .
WHAT’S A COCKNEY? A true Cockney is someone born within the sound of Bow Bells . ( St Mary-le-Bow Church in Cheapside , London ). But Сockney rhyming slang has uncertain roots .
Cockney Accent
Cockney Rhyming Slang Examples: "apples and pears" – stairs "plates of meat" – feet There are others, however, that become established with the changing culture. Example: "John Cleese " – cheese "John Major" - pager
F eatures of words` changing Schwa Sounds ( reduced vowel of unstressed syllables) are more strongly pronounced: Strong er Fast er Hard er
Don’t pronounce the [h] sound in the beginning of words: H ome H ave H ouse E.g “That’s h is h ouse!” [L] sounds like [w]: Pi ll I ll He ll
Glottal T Sounds in the middle of “Uh-Oh” [t] stops in the throat: Water Wa’er Lighter E.g “My head! It hurts!”
“TH” sounds Voiced [ð] Unvoiced [ θ ] (make a vibration ( no vibration, in the throat) just breath) [v] sound [f] sound Brother Thank you Mother Nothing Them Everything
[ ai ] sounds like [ ɔɪ ]: Pie Like Tight
Monophthongization This affects the lexical set mouth vowel. MOUTH vowel Example: mouth = mauf [ mæ:f ] rather than mouth [ mæʊf ] Vowel lowering Examples : dinner = dinna marrow = marra
Cockney has been occasionally described as replacing /r/ with /w/. For example, thwee (or fwee ) instead of three , fwasty instead of frosty . An unstressed final - ow may be pronounced [ ə ]. In broad cockney this can be lowered to [ ɐ ].
Vowel differences /æ/ may be [ ɛ ] or [ ɛɪ ], with the latter occurring before voiced consonants, particularly before /d/: [ bɛk ] "back", [ bɛːɪd ] "bad" /ɛ/ may be [ eə ], [ eɪ ], or [ ɛɪ ] before certain voiced consonants, particularly before /d/:[ beɪd ] "bed" /ɒ/ may be a somewhat less open [ ɔ ]:[ kʰɔʔ ] "cot" /ɔː/ → [ oː ] or a closing diphthong of the type [ oʊ~ɔo ] when in non-final position, with the latter variants being more common in broad cockney:[ soʊs ] "sauce"-"source", [ loʊd ] "lord", [ˈ woʊʔə ] "water" /ɔː/ → [ ɔː ] or a centring diphthong/ triphthong of the type [ ɔə~ɔuə ] when in final position, with the latter variants being more common in broad cockney; thus [ sɔə ] "saw"-"sore"-"soar", [ lɔə ] "law"-"lore", [ wɔə ] "war"-"wore". Grammatical features : Use of me instead of my , for example, " At's me book you got 'ere". Cannot be used when "my" is emphasised ; e.g., " At's my book you got 'ere" (and not "his"). Use of ain't Use of double negatives , for example "I didn't see nuffink ".
Cockney in popular culture
Why you should know cockney If you want to understand these films.
If you want to read this bible. If you wan t to listen some albums of band “Street”
Let's watch a scene of the film "My fair lady"
Can You Speak Cockney Rhyming Slang?
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