Контрольная работа по английскому языку Spotlight 9
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Старцева Ангелина Николаевна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 классов, представленная в 2-х вариантах (УМК Spotlight 9)


Предварительный просмотр:

Test 6

Variant 1

1. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements 1-4 True (T), False (F), Not stated (NS).

1. At the moment, Alex’s Wednesday afternoons are free.

2. Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.

3. Ben’s mother is a doctor.

4. Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.

2. Match and fill in.


care of animals




a charity event


a full recovery



1. The doctors say she's ________.

2. He used to _______ to raise money for children in Colombia.

3. The people, Dr. Coe said, often ____ better ______ than they do of themselves.

4. They _______ and love to an abandoned pure dog.

5. I try my best in _______to the local animal shelter.

3. Match letters with places.










Black Barn



Fiddy House


1. The scarecrow you can see in the car park in the corner, beside the main path.

2. If you look ahead of you, you’ll see a maze. It’s opposite the New Barn, beside the side path that branches off to the right just over there.

3. If you want to go to the café, go towards the bridge and turn right just before it. Walk down the side path and take the first road on your left.

4. If you continue walking down the side path, here, just by the New Barn, on the corner you’ll come to the Black Barn.

5. And the last thing to mention is Fiddy House itself. Walk along the footpath through the field.That goes to the house, and it’ll give you a lovely view of it.

4. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the words in brackets.

1. Romeo and Juliet _____ probably ______ between 1591 and 1595. (write)

2. ‘______ these glasses ________?’ ‘No, they haven’t.’ (wash)

3. He told me that the show _______two days before. (cancel)

4. I’m sharing my sister’s bedroom because mine _______ at the moment. (decorate)

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The car broke down, so we (have) it (repair) by a mechanic yesterday.

2. I (have) my teeth (clean) by a dentist every six months.

3. My mum (have) her hair (cut) by a hairdresser right now.

6. Fill in the gaps with questions words + ever and reflexive or emphatic pronouns with ‘self’.

1. At ______ stage of life I am, I always try to find _____.

2. _______ her son goes, he always behaves _______.

3. ______ the project is, we will do it _____.

7. Choose the correct preposition.

in/ up on/ with/ of/ off

1. Excuse me, where is the reception desk? I need to check _____.

2. Lieutenant Mendoza was involved ____ a kidnapping.

3. Oh, by the way, what do you think ___ the name “George”?

4. I go and check _____ my little cousin. He’s alone in the nursery.

5. The only thing not checked _____on this shopping list is waffles.

8. Form nouns from the words in brackets.

1. Access to technology played a crucial role in (develop).

2. "What (national) is she?"

3. The old man was disappointed by the (marry) of his daughter.

4. Susan had little (imagine) but she had great energy.

5. Their fear will be their (weak).

9. Guess the job.

Someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them.

10. Draw a cat to get an extra point.

Test 6

Variant 2

1. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements 1-4 True (T), False (F), Not stated (NS).

1. At the moment, Alex’s Wednesday afternoons are free.

2. Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.

3. Ben’s mother is a doctor.

4. Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.

2. Match and fill in.


out with friends


senior citizens


a helping hand




after pet properly

1. We are doing everything to find this dog a _____ as soon as possible.

2. If you want to do a good deed, ______ at least once a month.

3. Judy asked her neighbor to _____ her _____ for her leave.

4. I used to ______ at coffee shop every day in week.

5. It is extremely difficult situation and thank you to everyone who has shown up today to____.

3. Match letters with places.

Bus stop



Train station



Tube entrance


Transport ticket office


Taxi rank


1. We’re here at the information office. Now next to us on the corner of the High Street and Sweet street is the bus stop opposite the bank.

2. If you want to take the train, walk down the High Street towards the city, go past the bank and on your left is the station just before you get to the post office.

3. Opposite the post office on the corner of hotline is the tube entrance.

4. To get to the ticket office you got out of here on to the High Street then turn into South Street and the ticket office is on your right opposite the cinema.

5. Of course you may decide it's quicker to take a taxi, but it's a long way so how I think it'll be very expensive. If you do want to get a cab then the rank is outside here just opposite the information office.

4. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the words in brackets.

1.  I walked into the office while a job applicant ______ . (interview)

2. The exam results _______ by post next week. (send)

3. ‘What language _______ in Hong Kong?’ ‘Cantonese.’ (speak)

4. How many Hunger Games films _______so far? (make)

5. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Let’s (have) a pizza (deliver) before the film starts.

2. Did you (have) your book (sign) by the author?

3. Garry is going to (have) his face (paint) blue for the party!

6. Fill in the gaps with questions words + ever and reflexive or emphatic pronouns with ‘self’.

1. ______happens to us, we believe in _______.

2. ______ you say now, I'll do it ______ anyway.

3. _______ in America he is, he can translate almost everything _____.

7. Choose the correct preposition.

out/ out of/ from/ into/ about/

1. These two weeks in Boston are wonderful. Let's check _____ the hotel and we'll have a couple of hours to take a walk around the city.

2. Lenore burst ____ tears and kissed everybody she could reach.

3. Let's think ____ the fate of our company.

4. You have to check ____ the chocolate cake.

5. Several other passengers were rescued _____ the frigid water.

8. Form nouns from the words in brackets.

1. Maude Abernethie had borne no child and she was a woman built for (mother).

2. She looked for motive on his face and found nothing but (friendly).

3. Is there better way to avoid (repeat) of these words in the text?

4. Your (leader) isn’t wise at all.

5. She could hear the (disappoint) in his voice.

9. Guess the job.

A person who is elected or chosen to lead the group who governs a town or city.

10. Draw a cat to get an extra point.

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