Past Simple
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Авдеева Антонина Викторовна

Употребление глагола to be в Past Simple. Чтение текста и упражнения. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on April 23rd, 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was an important man in the town – William didn’t come from a poor family.

When he was eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway in Stratford but he didn’t want to stay there. He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London. So, in 1587, William went to London, where he worked as an actor in a theatre called The Rose.

He began to write plays for the actors. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Richard II, Antony and Cleopatra and many more. Everyone liked his plays, and he became famous.

When James I became king in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, and performed his plays for the King and his friends. He also worked at the famous Globe Theatre. This play presented his last play, Henry VIII. There was a gun in this play, and the fire from the gun burned the theatre down.

In 1610, Shakespeare went back to Stratford. He wanted to live there with his family, but he died on April 23rd, 1610. He was only forty-six years old.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.
  1. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?


  1. What was his wife’s name?


  1. Why did Shakespeare go to London?


  1. What was the name of the first theatre he worked in?


  1. What was he famous for?                                                  


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on April 23rd, 1564. His father, John Shakespeare, was an important man in the town – William didn’t come from a poor family.

When he was eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway in Stratford but he didn’t want to stay there. He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London. So, in 1587, William went to London, where he worked as an actor in a theatre called The Rose.

He began to write plays for the actors. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Richard II, Antony and Cleopatra and many more. Everyone liked his plays, and he became famous.

When James I became king in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, and performed his plays for the King and his friends. He also worked at the famous Globe Theatre. This play presented his last play, Henry VIII. There was a gun in this play, and the fire from the gun burned the theatre down.

In 1610, Shakespeare went back to Stratford. He wanted to live there with his family, but he died on April 23rd, 1610. He was only forty-six years old.

  1. Read the text and answer the questions.
  1. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?


  1. What was his wife’s name?


  1. Why did Shakespeare go to London?


  1. What was the name of the first theatre he worked in?


  1. What was he famous for?                                                  


                                                Use  (was / were)

1.- David … very tired yesterday afternoon. 2.- Violeta……at the cinema with her parents 3.- My husband …..…….at the chemist. 4.- They ……….... happy at the theatre. 5.- The phone ..….….. on the table. 6.-Two dogs ……………..…….. barking.7.- Richard ………….. in bed at 10 pm, 8.-The red jumper ………. a bit expensive 9.- Yolanda and her mom ……… 10.- The vanilla ice cream …….delicious. 11.-Her parents ………. very strict. 12.- Miriam and you ………. clever.13.- My dad’s yatch ……. elegant.14.- Lorenzo ……….. a bad singer. 15.- The people at the party ……… funny.


1.- What …..………………………………Raul and Sonia  doing yesterday in the park at 8 o’clock?

2.- I don’t know, may  be they ………………. waiting for some friends to go to the disco.

3.- I ……………………………….…… a good girl and I do my homework at home before dinner.

4.- Tom and Katherine ……………..….… in Italy last month. They …………….on a school trip.

5.-  Alice and her niece ……….. at the beach because they ……….. on holiday. It …….. hot.

6.- Sometimes we ……………..…………………………..……… sad because we don’t pass our exams.

7.- Charles  Dickinson ………..……………………. a famous writer. He……. …….…….. from Wales.

8.- Fernando invited his friends to his birthday party. He …………..…………. 20 years old.

9-This week we ……………………………….. working on a new project at the Geography class.

10.- Walter ……..………… my uncle. He ……………… a photographer. He wins a lot of money.

11.- Emily  …………….…………………….. a teacher. She …………….…. beautiful and a good teacher.

12.- The community …………………………………….……. helping some poor people in the district.

13.- Where ………………….……you now? I ………..…….. at home doing some school exercises.

                                                              Use  (was / were)

1.- David … very tired yesterday afternoon. 2.- Violeta……at the cinema with her parents 3.- My husband …..…….at the chemist. 4.- They ……….... happy at the theatre. 5.- The phone ..….….. on the table. 6.-Two dogs ……………..…….. barking.7.- Richard ………….. in bed at 10 pm, 8.-The red jumper ………. a bit expensive 9.- Yolanda and her mom ……… 10.- The vanilla ice cream …….delicious. 11.-Her parents ………. very strict. 12.- Miriam and you ………. clever.13.- My dad’s yatch ……. elegant.14.- Lorenzo ……….. a bad singer. 15.- The people at the party ……… funny.


1.- What …..………………………………Raul and Sonia  doing yesterday in the park at 8 o’clock?

2.- I don’t know, may be  they ………………. waiting for some friends to go to the disco.

3.- I ……………………………….…… a good girl and I do my homework at home before dinner.

4.- Tom and Katherine ……………..….… in Italy last month. They …………….on a school trip.

5.-  Alice and her niece ……….. at the beach because they ……….. on holiday. It …….. hot.

6.- Sometimes we ……………..…………………………..……… sad because we don’t pass our exams.

7.- Charles  Dickinson ………..……………………. a famous writer. He……. …….…….. from Wales.

8.- Fernando invited his friends to his birthday party. He …………..…………. 20 years old.

9-This week we ……………………………….. working on a new project at the Geography class.

10.- Walter ……..………… my uncle. He ……………… a photographer. He wins a lot of money.

11.- Emily  …………….…………………….. a teacher. She …………….…. beautiful and a good teacher.

12.- The community …………………………………….……. helping some poor people in the district.

13.- Where ………………….……you now? I ………..…….. at home doing some school exercises.

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