Методическая разработка " Сравнение времен PAST SIMPLE / PAST PERFECT / PAST CONTINUOUS / PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS в английском языке" с интерактивными играми на сервере
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Методическая разработка " Сравнение времен PAST SIMPLE / PAST PERFECT / PAST CONTINUOUS / PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS в английском языке" с интерактивными играми на сервере
Прошедшие времена в английском языке
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect. Видеоурок по английскому языку 7 - 8 класс
Особенности использования Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect
Learn the PAST TENSE in 4 minutes (на английском)
How To Use Past Perfect Tenses | SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS (на английском)
Вложение | Размер |
tablitsa_sravnenie_vremen_proshedshee_vremya_7-11.docx | 21.42 КБ |
rfhnjxrb_open_the_brackets_and_use_the_right_form_of_the_verb8b.docx | 13.03 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Рast Simple Tense | Past Continuous Tense | Past Perfect Tense | Past Perfect ContinuousTense |
используется для описания единичного действия, последовательно повторяющие действия или событий, которые начались и закончились в прошлом, состояние погоды, человека… Yesterday, last week, the day before yesterday, five minutes ago, an hour ago, the other day, a long time ago (давно) | обозначают действия и описывают события, происходившие в определённый момент времени between 5 p.m and dinner time all night long (day) — целую ночь, день while – пока this morning at 6.20 (сегодня утром в 6:20), at noon (в полдень), at midnight (в полночь) between 2 to 3 this evening(сегодня вечером), this time last year (в это время в прошлом году), during some time (в течение какого-то времени) | используется для описания действий или событий, чтобы дать фоновую информацию и описать события, которые случились раньше других событий by... (к какому-то времени/моменту), after (после того как), before (перед тем как, до того как), when (когда), earlier (раньше), first (сперва, сначала). наречия just (только что), +already (уже), -?yet (уже, еще). в конструкциях hardly ... when и no sooner ... than. up to then – до тех пор up to that year – до того года Глаголы,выражающие надежду, намерение,желание:hope надеяться,expect ожидать, think думать, want хотеть и др.когда подразумевается, что они не осуществились. | указывает на действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжалось в течение некоторого времени и либо закончилось непосредственно перед неким моментом в прошлом или все еще не закончилось к некоему моменту в прошлом
Утр.предл. V2+- ed Отриц. и вопрос. предл. V1Вспом.глагол did | Во всех предложениях V4 +- ing Вспом. глагол was- ед ч. Were –мн.ч. | Во всех предложениях V3+- ed Вспом.глагол had | Во всех предложениях V4 +- ing Вспом. глагол had been |
Mike had been typing this text yesterday. Майк набирал этот текст вчера. | Mike was typing this text at 2 hour yesterday. | Mike had typing this text and then found it on the Internet. | Mike had been typing this text for 2 hours and then found it on the Internet. I saw many puddles. Had it been raining? |
He did. He did not do. Did he do? Who played? | He was doing. He was not doing. Was he doing? Who was playing? | He had done. He had not done. Had he done? Who had played? | He had been doing. He had not been doing. Had he been doing? Who had been playing? |
Предварительный просмотр:
Open the brackets and use the right form of the verb.
- He (to drive) a car for three hours when he (reach) the airport.
- We (to pack) already all our bags when they (to phone) us.
- It (to snow) for hours and no plane was able to take off.
- Our guide (to organize) our trip before we (to talk ) to him.
- She (to wash up) after her mother (to come ) home.
- They (to look) forward to this holiday for many years before they (to manage) to find it.
- Mark already (to be) to Africa twice before he (to get) married.
- We (to book) our flights weeks before we (to leave).
- The scientist (to prepare) the article for two hours before midnight.
- I (to cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.
Open the brackets and use the right form of the verb.
- He (to drive) a car for three hours when he (reach) the airport.
- We (to pack) already all our bags when they (to phone) us.
- It (to snow) for hours and no plane was able to take off.
- Our guide (to organize) our trip before we (to talk ) to him.
- She (to wash up) after her mother (to come ) home.
- They (to look) forward to this holiday for many years before they (to manage) to find it.
- Mark already (to be) to Africa twice before he (to get) married.
- We (to book) our flights weeks before we (to leave).
- The scientist (to prepare) the article for two hours before midnight.
- I (to cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.
Open the brackets and use the right form of the verb.
- He (to drive) a car for three hours when he (reach) the airport.
- We (to pack) already all our bags when they (to phone) us.
- It (to snow) for hours and no plane was able to take off.
- Our guide (to organize) our trip before we (to talk ) to him.
- She (to wash up) after her mother (to come ) home.
- They (to look) forward to this holiday for many years before they (to manage) to find it.
- Mark already (to be) to Africa twice before he (to get) married.
- We (to book) our flights weeks before we (to leave).
- The scientist (to prepare) the article for two hours before midnight.
- I (to cook) breakfast by 5 o’clock.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Past Simple/Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous
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