Презентация "Проблемы экологии"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Завадская Марина Владимировна

Проблемы экологии


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Слайд 1

The ecological problem

Слайд 2

It is not the first generation in a row that humanity has lived with the constant and obsessive fear of ecological disasters. Deforestation, ocean pollution, destruction of the ozone layer - we have heard these phrases hundreds or even thousands of times in our lives. But where is the real danger and where is sheer speculation? Let's explore which ecological problems pose a danger to us and our descendants.

Слайд 3

The planet began to change, but we did not notice it immediately - our civilization was busy with other things: the extraction of fuel (coal, gas, shale, oil), metal and other minerals. All these substances, removed naturally by nature and taken away by man, returned to nature, but in a different form. It has turned into a global pollution of soil, water and air and has caused the ecological crisis. And the intensity of this process continues to grow at a catastrophic rate, and mankind will have to deal with the serious consequences of the ecological crisis in the near future.

Слайд 4

Types of environmental problems Global warming Pollution of the world's oceans. Depletion of the ozone Layer. Air pollution. Soil contamination. Deforestation and desertification. « A cid rain“ Reducing biodiversity.

Слайд 5

Ways to solve environmental problems 1. Legal - creation and implementation of administrative, state and international laws and legal acts on environmental protection. 2. Economic - minimization or complete elimination of negative technogenic impact on the nature by means of monetary injections, creation of funded programs and funds. 3.Technological - invention and implementation of new technologies to reduce harmful impact on the nature in metallurgical, transport and extractive industries. Development and popularization of ecologically clean sources of energy.

Слайд 6

4. Organizational - even distribution of car load in order to avoid a critical accumulation of cars in one place. 5. Architectural - design and construction of "environmentally friendly" cities, landscaping of settlements.

Слайд 7

C onclusion But in addition to these global plans, there is the responsibility of each of us - each inhabitant of the big house called "planet Earth". To preserve it for future generations, do not be lazy to follow a few simple universal rules: throw away batteries in special containers, give up disposable bags (buy a cloth bag, it is cheaper), give unnecessary things to the poor, sort waste and teach these simple recommendations to your children. It is important to realize that there is no shame in being frugal. Instead of throwing away and buying, look for new uses for old things.

Слайд 8

The End

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