Разработка внеклассного мероприятия для 5 класса по УМК "Английский в фокусе" Spotlight
методическая разработка (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка внеклассного мероприятия в 5-м классе Spotlight
Цель: закрепление пройденного лексического и грамматического материала.
- приблизить речевую деятельность учащихся к естественным нормам;
- помощь учащимся развивать навык общения;
-способствовать формированию дальнейшего интереса к предмету;
-способствовать развитию мыслительных способностей учащихся
Форма внеклассной работы: массовая, эпизодическая.
Материал: ТСО, 10 кубиков (на каждой стороне кубика - английские буквы, больше встречаются гласные a, e, i, o, u.....); около 40 штук звездочек (из картона), 30 штук указателей (большие полоски из картона с цифрами от 1 до 7); картинки с изображением заданий.
Ход мероприятия
T: Good morning boys and girls, teachers and guests! Welcome to the competition “Spotlight”. Today we are having it among the 5th forms pupils.
Our contest has 4 rounds. A pupil, who gives the right answer, will get a star. Pupil who will get more stars go to the next round.
Now I give the word to our participants. Let them introduce themselves. (участники представляются)
I round. (6-7 участников)
Now I tell about the rules of the first round. You will see pictures on different themes I will ask you questions, you must raise the card with the number of the right variant. ( ученики поднимают карточки с вариантом ответа)
- Flags.
1. the USA 2. Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3. Turkey 4. Brazil 5. Australia 6. Canada
- Which is the flag of Australia? (5)
- Flag of which country is called Junion Jack? (2)
- Flag of which country shows its symbol? (6)
- Flag of which country shows its history? (1)
2. Holidays.
1. Christmas. 2. St. Valentine’s Day 3. Mother’s Day 4. Halloween.
- This day people send cards to the people they love. (2)
- This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February as a day of love and friendship. (2)
- People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into socks. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. (1)
3. Animals.
1. the kangaroo 2. the tiger 3. the fox 4. the wolf 5. the bear 6. the lion
- His animal lives in the forest. It is large, brown. In winter it likes to sleep. It’s favourite food is honey. (5)
- This animal is very strong. It’s usually light brown with a lot of hear on his head. (6)
- It lives in Australia. It runs and jumps very well. It has got a long body, s little head with little ears, a long strong tail and a bag on its stomach. (1)
- This animal has stripes on its body. This animal is usually brown, but they can be white. (2)
4. Rooms.
1. the dining room 2. the bedroom 3. the living room 4. the kitchen 5. the bathroom 6.the garage
- In this room there is a table, a mirror, a chest and beds. We sleep here. (2)
- There is a table, a sofa in this room. In this room all family meets. (3)
- There is a table, chairs, a refrigerator, a stove here. We cook and have our meals
here. (4)
- You can see a table, a computer, bookshelves in this room. Father usually works there. (6)
5. 1. there is 2. there are 3. it is 4. they are
- We use it with singular nouns when we want to say that something is somewhere. (1)
6. 1. B 673145 2. B 673205 3. B 691440 4. B 671054
- What number is Tom’s car? It’s B 673205.
7. 1. Sorry, I don’t know. 2. It’s amazing. 3. It’s awful. 4. See you later.
- Translate me, please.
1. Извините, я не знаю.(1)
2. Увидимся. (4)
3. Это ужасно. (3)
8. 1.the bag 2. the boy 3. the girl 4. they
When do we use the question:
- What is this?(1)
- Who are they? (4)
- Who is he? (2)
- Who is she? (3)
Now we say good bye to our two participants. … and wish them good luck! Go to the round II.
II round. ( 5 участников)
Участникам необходимо из десяти предложенных букв составить самое длинное слово. Здесь также могут играть зрители.
I have 10 cubes with the letters on their sides. I throw them down. OK. We have 10 letters (for example,…) . You must make the words from these letters. The pupil who will make the longest word will get a prize. The pupil who will make the shortest word will leave our competition. One, two, three, you have 1 minute. (ученики пишут) (после проверки правильности написания и количества букв в словах, ведущий подводит итог)
… has the longest word. It is … She (he) gets the prize.
… has the shortest word. We say her (him) good bye and wish every success.
III round. (3-4 участника).
In this round you will see logical chains. You must raise your cards with the wrong variant or two cards with numbers which need to be changed with places.
- Animals.
1. the pig 2. the horse 3. the hare 4. the duck
-All these animals are domestic animals. Am I right? (3)
2. Names.
1. Jane 2. Carol 3. Alice 4. Mark
- All these names are girl’s names. Is it so? (4)
3. Clothes
1. dress 2 T-shirt 3. socks 4. jumper
- Boys wear all these clothes. Is it right? (1)
4. Fruits.
1. the apple 2. the banana 3. the orange 4. the pear
- All these fruits grow in Russia. Am I right? (2)
5. Grammar.
Tom …. at 7 o’clock.
1. get up 2. gets up 3. got up 4. will get up
- We may use all these forms in this sentence. Is it so? (1)
6. Grammar.
1. swam 2. went 3. sang 4. taken
-All these the second forms of verbs. Is it so? (4)
7. Articles.
1. the 2. a 3. an 4. they
-Here you can see articles. Is it so? (4)
8. Картинки:
1. Кошка около коробки.
2. Кошка на коробке.
3. Кошка в коробке.
4. Кошка под коробкой.
- There is a cat near the box.
- There is a cat on the box.
- There is a cat under the box
- There is a cat in the box.
-Have I told in the right order? (3,4)
(подведение итогов)
We farewell with…
And now we come to the final 4 round.
IV round. (2 участника)
You must make as many words as you can form the word
SPORTSMAN (ex. Sport, port, or, men, sort, to , ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most, on, no, not, pet, more, rest, pen, note, top,… etc.)
You have… minutes.
(проверка слов)
The winner is…
We congratulate… She (he) gets the prize.
The other finalist we say you’ll be the winner next time. Well, now we give the word to our winner. Tell us, please, what do you fell about the game, who helped you to win. (слово победителя)
I want to say thank you to all participants and audience.
Good bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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