New Year Eve Worksheet
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Белау Татьяна Адиковна

Полезные идеи для проведения предновогоднего урока английского языка для старшеклассников.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Полезные идеи для проведения урока английского языка в преддверии Нового года.

1. Warm-up

В качестве warm-up можно обсудить с учеником несколько вопросов о Christmas и New Year

Answer the questions:

  1. What does New Year’s Day mean for you? Do you enjoy Christmas time?
  2. Have you already finished your Christmas shopping?
  3. Do you have a Christmas tree? Who decorated it?
  4. How long do you usually keep your Christmas tree after Christmas?
  5. Have you ever celebrated Christmas / New Year in a foreign country?

2. Looking back

Was 2019 a good year for you? Was this year better or worse than last year?

Tell your teacher more about the events of the year 2019. Use the mind map below to help you. 

3. New Year’s resolutions

Do people make New Year’s resolutions in your country? Have you ever made any of them? 

Talk about the resolutions you’d like to make. Use the templates below:

  1. Exercise: do more / join a gym / take up a sport / your own answer.
  2. Health: lose some weight / eat less chocolate / stop smoking / your own answer.
  3. Hobbies: start a new hobby / join a club / learn a new skill (how to cook, paint, play.
  4. Friends: make new friends / write to friends more / spend more (less) time with friends / your own answer.
  5. Studies: study more / do more homework / read more / your own answer.
  6. Money: get a Saturday or holiday job / save more money / spend less / your own answer.
  7. Stress: worry less / relax more at the weekends / go to bed earlier / your own answer.
  8. Work: find a job / find a better job / work more (less) / your own answer.
  9. Travel: plan a trip to … / spend vacation in … / visit …/ your own answer.
  10. Any other resolutions.

*Составляя свои обещания, учащиеся имеют возможность еще раз отработать структуры в Future Simple.

4. Answer the questions

В качестве дополнительного задания более ученикам с более уверенным владением английского языка можно предложить ответить на следующие вопросы:

  1. How do people in your culture celebrate the New Year? Is it usually a family celebration or more of a party with friends?
  2. Does your family have any traditions to celebrate New Year’s Eve? 
  3. What is usually on television on New Year’s Eve? On New Year’s Day? Do you enjoy watching TV around this time of year?
  4. In your culture, do people give cards or gifts at the New Year? If so, to whom do you send cards or give gifts?
  5. Do you associate any special foods with the end of the year? What are they?
  6. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? Who will you spend the time with?
  7. What do you intend on doing differently in the next year?
  8. Which year has been the best of your life so far? What made it so good?
  9. Can you make any predictions about 2020? What significant events will happen? What products or companies will be successful? What trends or fashions will be popular?
  10. What two things would you like to see or do this year?
  11. Are you good at choosing presents? Do you look forward to receiving presents? Which gives you the most pleasure — giving presents or receiving them?
  12. Some people who feel that Christmas is too commercial donate their Christmas present money to charity and, instead of sending presents, send their friends a card telling them how much has been donated to charity on their behalf. What do you think of this idea? How would you feel if you received such a card?
  13. Do you tell people what you want for Christmas or do you prefer it to be a surprise?
  14. If you could ask Santa for a gift, what would you ask for?
  15. What are the things you are looking forward to this year?

The end of the year is the time to look back and plan ahead! Discuss your progress in English learning with your teacher and make plans for next year. Use the headings below to help you.

  1. My greatest achievement.
  2. Areas where I feel confident.
  3. Areas where I need to improve.
  4. Topics I enjoyed most.
  5. Topics I particularly want to study.

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