Сценарий для постановки "Колумб открывает Америку"
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс)
Данный сценарий позволит поставить мини-сценку на уроках английского языка по страоведческому курсу. В сценке показывается история того, как Христофор Колумб в 1492 случайным образом обнаружил новые земли.
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Сценарий для постановки
“ Christopher Columbus Discovering America”
(идет видео, начало, на фоне видео автор говорит слова)1 слайд
Author: Five hundred years ago there were people on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean but neither knew about the others . On the western side -
the people had reddish brown skins and lived in hot or wigwams . On the eastern side in Europe
the people were white skinned , they have learned how to build houses and large
sailing ships.
But they still didn't know much about the rest of the world. In fact most of them believed that the earth was flap.
Then one day a mapmaker named Christopher Columbus had an idea. Слайд 2
Columbus: Do you know that I think the world isn't flat at all , I think it`s round like a ball.
Three men: did you hear what he said, did you hear what he said , he said that the world is round !!! He`s crazy, he`s mad, he`s crazy, he`s mad !!!
Columbus: I think the world isn`t flat at all , I think it`s round like a ball. I know that I`m right , I know that I'm right when I say that the world is round.
Слайд 3 (Кастилия, XV в ,дворец)
Author: But it did take long seven years before Columbus could convince a king or queen to let him try out his idea.
Then Queen Isabella agreed to supply the ships and men for his trip.
(Король и королева сидят и кивают головами.) слайд 4
Columbus: I will discover a shortcut to India and bring back some of the great wells by finding there and I could do it as I know the world is round.
( Показывает на шарике , что Земля круглая)
And instead of going east to India I shall sail west to reach India around the other way.
It will be a shorter and cheaper way and I'll do it all by sea.
Слайд 5
Author: Queen Isabella provided Columbus with three ships: ships- the “Santa Maria”, the “Pinta”, the “Nine”
On the third of August 1492 they set to sail.
Поют песню про Колумба, и плывет корабль с моряками по сцене. Слайд 6 (видео плывущих кораблей)
Columbus: We will not turn back until we find India. I`m the Man of a Word!
Слайд 7
Author: In October one man on the ship saw a flank and the ship has reached the flank. Columbus and his crew saw over people with reddish brown skins who lived there .
Columbus: Well I think it is rather surprising that they should have reddish-brown skin but now since we have landed in India then these people must be Indian.
the people Columbus called Indians were very friendly and they gave Columbus and his men many gifts but not the Rich jewels and gold for which they had come. Columbus really wasn't in India at all, he was on one of the islands off the coast of America.
But because of the Columbus`s mistake the natives of America have been called
indians ever since.
Остальные слайды
Each year on the 12 th of October Americans celebrate Columbus Day. The anniversary of this day is 1492, when Columbus first landed on the new world America.
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