Урок "Beauty and make up"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Линкевич Анастасия Васильевна

Английский язык. 10 класс. Вербицкая. Презентация к уроку "Типы текстов"


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Слайд 1

Beauty and make up The aim of the lesson is to learn to describe the text. The goals are thinking about the purpose of the text, identifying text type, thinking about style of the text.

Слайд 2

remedy средство skin кожа b ald лысый s hiny блестящий v ain т щеславный trendy модный f lattering лестный s tunning потрясающий s mart красивый p osh шикарный

Слайд 3

to give orders or instructions to persuade the reader to give (non-personal information) personal, informal writing literature guidebook instructions note/message recipe rules advert catalogue essay guidebook invitation letter of application newspaper article note/message advert biography catalogue dictionary encyclopaedia essay guidebook instructions letter of application newspaper article note/message recipe rules diary email to a friend friendly letter greeting card invitation note/message poem postcard biography novel poem

Слайд 4

Text Purpose Type Style A - mentions dietary problems to give orders or instructions medical encyclopaedia or instructions literary/formal style B – d escribes s omebody’s appearance literature novel?? literary/formal style C – mentions a way to make you feel less tired; mentions ways to stay young-looking to give orders or instructions instructions informal style D – talks about changes in people’s behaviour ; mentions ways to stay young-looking to persuade the reader newspaper article informal style E - d escribes s omebody’s appearance; mentions people who look older than they really are personal, informal writing email to a friend informal style

Слайд 5

Are men more vain than women? Why? Why not? Is it right that people have to dress formally in certain situations? (e.g. to a ball or an interview) Why? Why not? What ‘folk remedies’ for common illnesses or improving your appearance do you know?

Слайд 6

SO-SO H.T. описать текст по плану в тетради What types of text did you learn? Is it easy or difficult to describe the text?

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