Задания ШЭ ВСош по английскому языку 5-6 класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс)
Задания ШЭ ВСош по английскому языку 5-6 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Time : 10 minutes
Task 1. Listen to Sonia and Dan talking about shopping. What did Sonia buy in each shop? For questions 1–5, write the letter A–H next to each shop. You will hear the conversation twice.
Shops 1 clothes shop 2 bookshop 3 supermarket 4 sports shop 5 market | Things A bag B cake C flowers D shampoo E socks F towel G trainers H trousers |
Task2. You will hear a radio programme about a house. Listen and complete each question.You will hear the information twice.
Matt Jackson’s house
Age: 100 years old
Number of floors (6) ________________________________
Hall: Photos of children and (7) ________________________
Living room: Long, green (8) __________________________
An old wooden (9) ___________________________________
Garden: colourful flowers and (10) ___________________trees
Transfer your answers into the answer sheet!
Time: 15 minutes
Task 1. complete the conversation between two friends. What does Sofia say to Zoe? For questions 1–5, choose the correct letter A–H.
Zoe: Hi Sofia. Have you got any plans for the weekend?
Sofia: No, nothing special.
Zoe: Oh. Well, shall we do something together?
Sofia: 1______________________
Zoe: Why don’t you come to my house to watch a film on Saturday evening?
Sofia: 2______________________
Zoe: Thanks. Shall we ask some other people too?
Sofia: 3_____________________
Zoe: And I think Ada might be able to come too. I’ll ask her.
Sofia: 4_____________________
Zoe: Why don’t you come earlier than that?
Sofia: 5_______________________
Zoe: I’m sure it will be! See you on Saturday then.
A So we can chat before the film? Is an hour enough?
B That’s a good idea. See you at 8 o’clock?
C Doesn’t she usually work at that time?
D There’s a book I need to read for college, but nothing else.
E Yeah, I’d like that. Any ideas?
F I don’t think we are.
G Sure. My sister’s probably free.
H OK. I’ll bring some snacks and drinks.
Task 2. Read the article about three people who are interested in nature.
Answer the questions. For questions 6–12, choose A, B or C.
My love of nature
A Sarah
When I was a child at school, I collected books about nature. My classmates and friends all spent their free time playing computer games, so to them I was a bit strange. I loved learning about animals from other countries, but as I got older I found out that my own country has interesting nature too, and that’s what I like studying now. I do lots of drawings of nature, and I put them on my blog.
B Pilar
I love birds and animals because of all the visits to forests and lakes we made when I was at school. It’s a shame that things have changed now. Children these days don’t learn enough about nature, so lots of them are afraid of insects, for example. I have a great job because of my love of nature. I’m a naturephotographer. It’s brilliant, except for the early mornings!
C Lia
A few years ago I read a blog with beautiful photos of animals, birds and plants, which made me start really looking at what lives around us. It was just a hobby at first, but now it’s my job as I visit schools and give talks about nature. I love it. The only problem is if I am asked to draw a picture. I enjoy it, but I’m terrible at drawing! I’m going to take some lessons to try to get better.
6. Who became interested in nature from seeing someone else’s blog?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
7. Who says there is something about her job that she doesn’t like?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
8. Whose friends thought that her hobby was unusual?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
9. Who became interested in nature because of school trips?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
10. Who says that the type of nature she is interested in has changed?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
11. Who wants to improve her pictures of nature?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
12. Who thinks that young people should learn more about nature at school?
A Sarah B Pilar C Lia
Transfer your answers into the answer sheet!
Time: 20 minutes
Task 1. Read the article about London’s Tower Bridge. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 1–9, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.
London’s Tower Bridge
Many tourists (1) ………… visited Tower Bridge. It is the only Bridge over the river Thames that can open and (2) ………… ships pass under it. Tower Bridge was built in 1894 and (3) ………… uses the same machines to lift up the two halves of the bridge. In earlier times, the river was (4) ………… buisier than now and the bridge (5) ………… to open over a thousand times a year. Today it only opens twice a week.In 1952, a big red bus was (6) ………… the middle of the bridge (7) ………… it started to open. The driver only just got to the other side in time! Of course, now (8) ………… are lights at (9) ………… end and the traffic must wait for them to go green.
1.Ahave Bdid Care
2.Alets Blet Cletting
3.Aever Byet Cstill
4.Amuch Btoo Cvery
5.Ashould Bhad Cwas
6.Ato Bbetween Cin
7.Abecause Bwhen Cif
8.Athere B here C they
9.Aevery Beach Call
Task 2. Complete the email. Write ONE word for each space (10-20).
Hi Gabriela,
You’re(10) ______ the island of Sicily, aren’t you (11) _______ help me with my homework!I went to the library yesterday to(12) ______ for a book because I need some information (13) _____ Sicily. I couldn’t find(14) _______good books there, just an old map! Can I ask you(15) ______ few questions?
First,(16) _____ big is the island? When did(17) ______ become part of Italy?I(18) ______ like to know one more thing. Farmers grow lemons there, but (19) _____ they grow other fruit too?
Please email me your answers as(20) _____ as possible!
Transfer your answers into the answer sheet!
Time: 15 minutes
Write an answer to one of the following questions. Write your answer in 50-60 words.
1. Read the email from your English friends, Jo.
Hello! You said in your last email that you went to the city. Who did you go with? What did you do there? How long did you spend there? Was it fun?
Write a message to Joe and answer the questions.
2. Read the email from уоur friend, Alex.
From Alex:
Hi! Let’s go to the sports centre tomorrow. What time can you get there?Where shall we meet at the sports centre? What would you like to do there?
Write аn email to Alex and аnswеr the questions.
Participant’s ID number
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Предварительный просмотр:
(Recording Script)
Task 1 (3 min 45 sec) (The recording will be played twice)
Narrator: Listen to Sonia and Dan talking aboutshopping. What did Sonia buy in each shop?
For questions 1–5 write the letter A–H next to each shop.You will hear the conversation twice.
Dan: Hello Sonia. How are you?
Sonia: Tired! I’ve just been to the shopping centre.
Dan: You have a lot of bags! Let me help you.What did you buy?
Sonia: Lots of things! First of all I went to thechemists and bought some more ofthe shampoo that I like. Then I went toFashion World.
Dan: Of course! Your favourite shop. What clothes did you buy today?
Sonia: Actually, I bought these trainers. I want to wear them with the black trousersthat I bought last week.
Dan: Very nice!
Sonia: Then I went to the bookshop. I had a drink and I bought some cake. I wanted to buy a diary for my holiday,but I forgot!
Dan: Oh dear. Did you buy anything else for your holiday?
Sonia: Yes. I went to the supermarket to lookfor a towel for the beach, but I didn’t buy one. I bought this bag instead. Do you like it?
Dan: Yes, it’s cool! Did you remember to buy something for your dad’s birthday?
Sonia: Yes, I did. I bought him a present from the sports shop. He really likes footballsocks, so I bought him five pairs!
Dan: (laughs) Wow! Did you buy anything from the market for dinner tomorrow?
Sonia: No, I didn’t. But I bought some flowers for Mum; she loves the pink onesthat they sell there. I’ll buy some fishtomorrow morning.
Dan: You’ve had a busy day!
Sonia: I know. My feet hurt and I’ve spent lots of money, but I’ve had a great time!
Narrator: Now listen again.
Task 2 (3 min. 06 sec)
You will hear a radio programme about a house.Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice.
Presenter: Welcome to Who lives here?, the radio show which explores famouspeople’s houses. Today we are visitingthe footballer Matt Jackson’s house,which was built over one hundredyears ago. It’s got six bedrooms andthree bathrooms. Matt’s family mustbe very fit because this house hasgot three floors! At the moment, I’mstanding in the hall and I can see lots
of photographs. Most of them are of Matt’s children but there are somephotos of his pets too. OK, let’s go intothe living room, Matt’s favourite room.Wow! It’s a beautiful space, with a darkgreen carpet and long, green curtainsat the windows. There’s a comfortablebrown sofa and a lamp near thewindow. There’s an old, woodenbookshelf too. If I look out of thewindow, I can see the garden. Matt’sfamily must enjoy spending time there!It’s full of colourful flowers and he’sgot some apple trees and a swimmingpool_too … (fading out) … at the endof_the garden ...
Narrator: Now listen again.(The recording is repeated)
Предварительный просмотр:
Ключи и транскрипция текстов для аудирования
1 | G |
2 | B |
3 | A |
4 | E |
5 | C |
6 | three / 3 |
7 | (his) pets |
8 | curtains |
9 | book case / book shelf |
10 | (some) apple |
1 | E |
2 | H |
3 | G |
4 | B |
5 | A |
6 | C |
7 | B |
8 | A |
9 | B |
10 | A |
11 | C |
12 | B |
1 | А |
2 | B |
3 | C |
4 | A |
5 | B |
6 | C |
7 | B |
8 | A |
9 | B |
10 | from |
11 | to |
12 | look/search/ask |
13 | on/about |
14 | any |
15 | a/these |
16 | how |
17 | it/Sicily/you |
18 | would/should |
19 | do/can |
20 | soon/fast/quickly |
Критерии оценивания и подсчет баллов
Listening –максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание проверяется по ключам.
Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Reading - максимальное количество баллов 12. Задание проверяется по ключам.
Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Use of English - максимальное количество баллов20. Задание проверяется по ключам.
Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. За неверный ответ или отсутствие
ответа выставляется 0 баллов.
Writing - максимальное количество баллов 10. Задание оценивается по Критериям оценивания.
При подведении итогов баллы за все конкурсы суммируются.
Максимальное количество баллов за все конкурсы – 52 баллов.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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