Статья "Ireland's Saints"
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«Ireland’s Saints».
Today 4.500 Irish missionaries give pastoral care and aid in 85 countries. Within the previous centuries the Gospel message had been carried in Ireland and far beyond it by a greater number of devoted people some of whom eventually became the nation’s holy men and women. The most worshiped are three patron saints of Ireland – St. Patrick, St. Brigid and St. Columba.
St. Patrick (c.373/390-461) This person, whose given name was Maewyn, was born, presumably, in Wales. Far from being a saint, until he was 16, he considered himself a pagan. At this age, he was sold into slavery by a group of Irish marauders that raided his village. During his captivity, he became closer to God.
He escaped from slavery after six years and went to Gaul where he studied for a period of twelve years. His wishes were to return to Ireland, to covert the native pagans to Christianity. So, Patrick, having adopted that Christian name earlier, was appointed as second bishop to Ireland.
Patrick was quite successful at winning converts. He travelled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. His mission in Ireland lasted for thirty years. By the end of the 7th century Patrick had become a legendary figure and the legends have continued to grow since then. His feast day is March 17.
St. Brigid (c.451-500) The patron saint of infants, farmers, dairy workers, and cattle is believed to have been born in County Louth. Her mother was a Christian Pictish slave who had been baptized by St. Patrick. According to legend she prayed that her beauty be taken from her so no one would seek her hand in marriage. Her prayers were granted and she became a nun. Brigid established the famous Covent of Cill-Dara, County Kildare. Many miracles are attributed to this holy woman. Her feast day is February 1.
St. Columba (c.521-597) The patron saint of bookbinders was descended from Irish royalty and was born in County Donegal. His baptismal name was Colum which signifies a dove. Columba was the Latinizied form of his name. It also assumes another form, Columcille, the suffix meaning “of the Churches”. While training in the monastery at Moville he began performing miracles. The itinerant preacher, bard priest, and teacher, he travelled throughout Ireland. Hid feast day is June 9.
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