Презентация к уроку иностранного языка "История празднования Хеллоуина"
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Методическая разработка для урока иностранного языка в виде презентации "История празднования Хеллоуина"
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for every Halloween, it is customary to make a "Jack's lamp" from a pumpkin, but not everyone knows its history...
The tradition of making pumpkin lamps came from the Celtic custom of creating lanterns that help souls find their way to purgatory, the first "Jack lamps" appeared in the UK, rutabaga or turnips were used for their manufacture
The history of the holiday The appearance of this symbol is most often associated with the Irish legend about a man named Jack, an old farmer, a lover of gambling and strong drinks.He deceived the devil twice, and after his death he did not go to heaven — because of his vicious life, nor to hell - because the devil swore not to take his soul during Jack's lifetime. He was doomed to wander the world with a pumpkin head with a smoldering ember inside it.Orange and black are the main colors of Halloween.
Costumes Everyone's favorite element of Halloween is a costume. It appeared relatively recently, only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Initially, everything was limited to creepy masks, later there was an evolution of costumes. Now children and adults dress up in a variety of attire, which can only be imagined. These can be costumes of pumpkins, zombies, witches, snakes, monsters, vampires and so on. It is noteworthy that nowadays children and adults dress up not only with evil spirits, preferring costumes of fairies, superheroes, cartoon characters, kings, princesses, celebrities.
Sweets or misfortunes According to established traditions, every year on Halloween night children walk through the streets of their neighborhood and collect sweets from neighbors. At the same time, the characteristic phrase "sweets or misfortunes" is pronounced. Accordingly, people buy off misfortunes by giving sweets to children. In addition to the above phrase, "sweetness or nastiness", "purse or life" can be pronounced. It is worth noting that these phrases are exclusively comic in nature and do not carry direct threats and extortion.
Home Interior decoration It is especially interesting to decorate the interior of the house with different themed things. It can be a spider web, a lot of spiders, ghosts made of gauze, zombies made of mannequins, bats made of cardboard suspended from the ceiling. Rubber rats can be placed on the floor and on the table, and small spiders can be placed wherever they will stay.
Street decor Americans pay great attention to street decor for Halloween. Various inflatable figures of zombies and vampires are purchased, stuffed animals are installed, and pumpkins with sinister faces are placed everywhere. In general, there are no clear rules here, the main thing is that it should be scary and even creepy. That is why everyone uses their creativity to the fullest. From year to year, collecting more and more frightening decorative things in his collection.
Festive table Caramel apples, pumpkin dishes – pies, cakes, soups - are always prepared for the holiday. Sweets in the form of corn, pumpkins, teeth, worms, eyes are very popular. Well, in Ireland they bake a special bread – barmbreak. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that when cooking, peas, a wooden chip, a coin, a ring and a piece of cloth are put into the dough. Accordingly, who gets what, then the future will promise. Peas say that you should not wait for an early wedding, a sliver promises untidy moments in marriage, fabric – lack of money, a coin – prosperity, a ring – a wedding. Such bread is sold on the eve of the holiday, and all the items described above are really put in it, but the ring is plastic!
Postcards Of the new traditions, it is possible to note the exchange of postcards, and not paper copies, but electronic, virtual analogues. Images of witches, pumpkins, black cats, dark night, vampires, zombies and so on are relevant. Postcards are sent to each other by e-mail, Viber, Whatsapp and other messengers.
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