Урок для 5 класса " Natural world"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Ольга Сергеевна Неклега-Таран

Оригинальная разработка урока для 5 класса на тему "Natural world"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок в 5 классе

Topic: The natural world

Aim: - to teach talking about animals and how they live;

  • to work grammar skills (Present Simple Tense, questions);
  • to use lexical material in pupils` speech;
  • to develop pupils` imagination;
  • to provide culture of communication;
  • to bring up love to the nature and animals.

Equipment: CD, a tape – recorder, pictures, toy animals.

                                           The course

I Greetings

T: - Good morning, children!

P: - Good morning, dear teacher,

       Good morning, how are you?

T: - I am very happy

       To say hello to you.

II Warming up

T: - Children, listen to some animals` sounds. Which animals are they? Say a number in each picture. Tell  the class your ideas. For example, what`s number 2?

P1: - I think, it`s a horse.

P2: - I don`t think so. I think it`s a cow.

III Interaction.


How many hours

do they sleep?

How long do they live?

What do they eat?


4 hours at night

60 years

fruit, leaves, grass


4 hours at night

20 years



5 hours at night and

during the day

50 years



5 hours at night

25 years



6 hours at night

20 years



11 hours at night and during the day

20 years



13 hours at night and during the day

15 years

meat, fish


19 hours during the day

5 years

insects, fruit

T: - Look through the information on the table and find animal that: a) sleeps six hours at night (a cow); b) lives for 25 years (a horse); c) eats insects and fruit (a bat).

T: - Look, ask and answer. Work in pairs.

P1: - How long do elephants live?

P2: - They live for 60 years.

IV Language work

T: - Let`s remember grammar. Present Simple Tense (questions).


V(play, run, write)

I(you, we, they)    ?


V(sleep, swim, jump)

He( she, it)             ?

T: - Here some questions about elephants. Joint them to the right answers

  1. How long do elephants live?
  2. What do they eat?
  3. What do they look like?
  4. Where do they live?
  5. How many hours do they sleep?

a)They`ve got big ears, thick skin and a long trunk.

b)They live in Africa and India.

c)Elephants live for 60 years.

d)They eat leaves, grass and fruit.

e)Elephants sleep about 4 hours.

T: - Let`s play a game about some animals. We have a magic box with some toy animals. One person thinks of an animal. And you ask questions to guess the name of the animal. The person can say “ Yes, it is / does. or No, it is /does.

P1: - Is it big?

P2: - Yes, it is.

P3: - Does it live in the forest?

P2: - No, it does.

P4: - Does it live on the farm?

P2: - Yes, it does.

P5: - Does it live for 25 years?

P2: - Yes, it is.

P6: - Is it a horse?

P2: - Yes, it is. ( show the toy horse from the magic box)

V Listening and writing

T: - Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

Ann : - They are very beautiful

Pat: - Yes, they are.

Ann: - Where do they live?

Pat: - They live in trees, of course.

Ann: - I know that! I ask where in the world do they live?

Pat: - Oh, sorry! They live in America.

Ann : - What do they eat?

Pat: - They eat nectar from flowers.

Ann: How do they fly like that?

Pat: - They move their wings very fast.

T : - Answer the questions, please.

1. Which animals are the girls talking about? (birds)

2. Where do they live? (in America)

3. What do they eat? (nectar from flowers)

4. Do they live in the trees or in cages? (in the trees)

VI Reflection

T: - Look for the text about dolphins and write down about some other animals.

These are dolphins. They live in different seas and oceans. They live about 50 years old. They eat fish. They are big, kind and beautiful. I like dolphins very much.

VII Summarizing

T: - You work very hard. Your marks are…

VIII Homework

T: - Prepare a radio interview. You can use the questions to help you and act out your interview for the class

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