Critical Thinking
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Олейникова Наталья Владимировна

How to be a critical thinker


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Слайд 1

Critical Thinking

Слайд 2

Fake News

Слайд 3

Story “There are some things that money can’t do,” said the young man rather sadly. “Don’t say that,” said old Anthony. “Money is successful every time. I don’t know anything you can’t buy with it. Tell me something that money can’t buy.” ( O. Henry ) “But he could never drag himself those four miles. He knew that, and was very calm about the fact. He knew that he could not travel another half a mile. And yet he wanted to live. It was unreasonable that he should die after all he had been through. Fate asked too much of him. And, dying, he could not accept death. It was madness, perhaps, but in the very grasp of death he refused to die.” ( Jack London ) “Blinded by a meaningless imperfection and an impossible goal, Aylmer had thrown away her life and with it his chance for happiness. In trying to improve his lovely wife, he had failed to realize she had been perfect all along.” ( Nathaniel Hawthorne )

Слайд 4

Song Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world Painful to me … ( Depeche Mode ) Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please. ( ABBA )

Слайд 5

Proverb / Saying

Слайд 6


Слайд 7

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