The importance of Critical and Creative Thinking
статья по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс)
Статья говорит о важности, о развитии критического и творческого мышления учащихся. В наш век новых технологий необходимо умения: анализировать, аргументировать, классифицировать, сравнивать, оценивать, принимать решения и т.д. Следует обратить внимание на раздел "GUESTION GENERATOR", где даны вопросы для развития этих умений.
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This article is devoted critical and creative thinking in teaching students for the development of creative skills.
The English teacher A. Ahkalinskaya
The importance of Critical and Creative Thinking.
The way we work and live today is much different than in the recent past. Increasingly we are an information- based, high-tech society.
Our knowledge base is increasing at a mind- boggling speed.
We entered a new millennium. Marked by enormous changes: new discoveries, new inventions, new technologies, new jobs. Many of our students will be employed in position we can only dimly imagine. How do we best prepare our students for this uncertain future- a future in which the only constant will be change? In information explosion, information becomes more and more prized. Developing our students critical and creative thinking skills prepares them for the future. The capacity to analyze, apply, associate, evaluate, experiment, make decisions. predict, prioritize, problem solve , sequence, substitute, synthesize are indispensable skills. Thinking sklls are a gift for a lifetime .
Questions Develop Thinking Skills.
Research revels as teachers we ask hundreds of guestions everyday.
Questions are one of the best strategies we have to develop students thinking skills. However the overwhelming majority of questions teachers ask stimulate lower level thinking skills. This is unfortunate. By focusing mainly on knowledge comprehension, memorization, and understanding guestion we are missing a wonderful opportunity to foster the full development of students’ thinking skills. In our classrooms, we can include higher order critical and creative questions to develop the full range of students ’thinking skills.
The guestion Generator.
Develop different types of Critical and Creative Thinking
How could you break down….?
What are the parts of….?
Augumenting / Elaborating
What ideas might you add to…?
What more can you say about…?
How could you improve…?
How might you classify__belong to? Why?
What else could you add to this category?
How else could you organize…?
Comparing /Contrasting
How would you compare…?
What similarities…?
What are the differences Between…?
How is____ like____?
How is____different from____?
Decision Making
What are the pluses and minuses of choosing…?
What would be a better decision…? Why?
How would you define…?
In your own words, what is …?
How could you summarize…?
If you were a reporter, how would you describe…?
Determining Cause/Effect
What are the causes of…?
How does_____effect_____?
What impact might…?
What part of____might you eliminate?
How could you get rid of…?
What is your openion about…?
Why did you like or dislike…?
How would you rate/grade..? Why?
Would you prefer/rather…?
What is your favourite…? Why?
Do you agree or disagree with…? Why?
Is it better or worse…? Why?
What are the positive and negative aspects of…?
What general rule can…?
What is common to all…?
How could you find out more about…?
If you wanted to know about…?
What did you notice about…?
What observations did you make about…?
What changes…?
What preparations would you…?
How would you plan to…?
What would you predict…?
If you were going to guess…?
Problem solving
How would you approach the problem?
What are some possible ways to solve…?
What… were you thinking whan…?
How has your thinking changed on…?
How could you describe what you thought about…?
Role- Taking /Empathizing
If you were ( someone/something else ) …?
What would it feel like to be…?
How could you express it with a drawing/symbol/song/ movement/poems?
How could you combine/put together…?
What could you make using…?
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