Крым в жизни и творчестве М.Волошина
проект по английскому языку (7 класс)
материал к проекту о жизни и творчестве М.Волошина
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 14 имени Б.И. Хохлова»
муниципального образования
городской округ Симферополь Республики Крым
Крым в жизни и творчестве М.А.Волошина
Литература и искусство
Работу выполнила:
Безуглая Мария Александровна
ученица 7 - А класса
Научный руководитель:
Гадырка Ольга Викторовна,
учитель английского языка,
МБОУ «СОШ № 14 им. Б.И. Хохлова»
г. Симферополь, 2022
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER I. Early life....................................4
CHAPTER II. Life in Crimea…………………………………… 6
2.1. Poems and paintings..................................................................................6
2.2. House museum…………………………………………………………..9
2.3. Interesting facts about M.Voloshin……………………………………..10
LIST OF LITERATURE …….........................................................................12
The actuality of research. A country that does not remember its past has no future. According to the Year of Cultural Heritage in the Russian Federation, it will be relevant to study the life and work of Maximilian Voloshin, a poet and an artist who lived and created masterpieces on the Crimean land.
The object of study is the study of poems and paintings of Maximilian Voloshin, which were created in Crimea.
The subject of the research is the role of Crimea in life and creative way of M.Voloshin.
The purpose of the research work is to study the value and significance of Crimea in the formation of life way and cultural heritage of M.Voloshin
To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:
1. Describe biographical facts from the life of the poet and artist M.Voloshin
2. Analyze what impact did Crimea have on the formation of cultural heritage of M.Voloshin.
3. To sum up in which works of the author there is a Crimean theme
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that there are not many . researches about how the Crimean peninsula influenced the life and work of the famous Russian poet M. Voloshin
The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the overall contribution of M.Voloshin to Crimean literature and art is studied in a comprehensive way.
The practical significance of the study is that its results can be used in the creation of special literature about M.Voloshin, as well as in the media. The following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, deduction.The material for writing the research work was biographical literature and internet resources .
Structure of the work: the study consists of two sections, where each in turn is divided into subsections, conclusion, list of used sources and applications. The first section examines the period of Voloshin`s early life. The second section examines M.Voloshin`s life and work in Crimea.
CHAPTER I. Early life
Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin (Kiriyenko-Voloshin) was born on May 16, 1877 in Kiev in the family of a lawyer. Kiriyenko-Voloshyns are Cossacks from Zaporozhye, and on the maternal side - Germans, Russified since the 18th century. Soon his parents separated, and the boy stayed with his mother, Elena Ottobaldovna (nee Glazer, 1850-1923). His father died in 1881.
He spent his childhood in Moscow, where the boy entered the 1st Moscow Gymnasium.
In 1893, Elena Ottobaldovna, together with her common-law husband Pavel von Tesch, bought a plot of land in the Crimea in the Koktebel Valley and built a dacha that the poet's son would open to the world and make famous.
When Max moved with his mother to the Crimea, there was a Bulgarian village of Koktebel next to the deserted and almost deserted Koktebel Valley. The boy went to the Feodosiya gymnasium.
The distance from Koktebel to Feodosia by road was 20 kilometers, and the hiking trail through the mountainous desert area, although shorter, was more dangerous to travel, and the high school student lived in rented apartments in Feodosia.
Voloshin "found Feodosia as a tiny town nestled in the shadow of huge Genoese towers that still retained their own names - Juliana, Klimentina, Constanta ... on the shore of a magnificent arc of a wide bay… The sidewalks of the Italian street ran in arcades, as in Padua and Pisa, Italian dialect was heard in the port and Italian signs of zucchini came across. Beyond the city, hills began, blurred, peeling, without a sign of ruins, but saturated with some great historical longing." The poet draws attention to the fountains, "magnificent, marble"; there are thirty-six of them, but they are "without water— - fresh water was brought by steamers from Yalta.
The boy went to the Feodosiya gymnasium. Voloshin recalled that when his mother presented reviews of his Moscow "successes" to the Feodosiya gymnasium, the director spread his hands and said: "Madam, of course we will accept your son, but I must warn you that we cannot change silly boy."
When the future poet and artist Maximilian Alexandrovich Kiriyenko-Voloshin became a student of the Feodosiya men's gymnasium, he immediately felt himself in his environment, made friends among high school students and teachers (which, by the way, contrasted with his impressions of the years of study at the Moscow gymnasium).
In Voloshin's "Autobiography" there is an entry: "Feodosiya gymnasium… They like my poems, and I get the first inoculation of literary "fame”, which later turned out to be useful in all respects: there is a demand for myself. The historical richness of Cimmeria and the strict landscape of Koktebel educate the spirit and thought."
He often reads his poems and extracts from the works of Russian writers at gymnasium evenings, acts as an artist, travels with friends to those places in the Crimea, which he will later call Cimmeria. He is getting closer to the teacher of Russian literature Yuri Andreevich Galabutsky, an interesting, extraordinary man, a brilliant expert in his subject, a talented teacher.
For many years Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was an honorary trustee of the men's gymnasium, his house and art gallery were open to high school students.
The artist Aivazovsky spoke approvingly about the drawings of the high school student Voloshin. But in the gymnasium years, books become the main passion of the young man.
After graduating from the gymnasium, Voloshin entered Moscow University, where he studied from 1897 to 1899 and was expelled for participating in student riots with the right of restoration. But Maximilian decides to engage in self-education with the help of "mental" journeys that open up the world.
Voloshin participates in a scientific expedition to Central Asia, and then travels a lot in Europe (France with Corsica, Germany, Spain, including the Balearic Islands, Italy with Rome and Sardinia), meets cultural figures, visits and works in famous libraries, listens to lectures at the Sorbonne, the Higher Russian School and takes drawing lessons.
CHAPTER II. Life in Crimea
2.1.Poems and paintings
Right after the 1917 Revolution, Voloshin settled in Koktebel, a small place in Crimea, a breathtakingly beautiful spot on the southern coast of the peninsula. "I am not trying to escape from anyone, am not emigrating anywhere," he said
In Crimea Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin discovered his artistic gift. He was self-taught, quite talented watercolorist. He did not write Cimmeria from nature, but used his own personal method. Сrimean landscapes came out perfect in color and shape. Voloshin wanted any person looking at his picture that, wanted to walk on this earth and breathe in the air.
The poet also released a cycle of poems "Cimmerian Spring", where he praised the beauty of the Crimea, Koktebel. Studying his famous works we can single out "My land keeps peace ...", "The soul is drawn to the foothills of the mountains ...", "It catches with a gray and low cloud". Maximilian wrote these and many other poems in the Crimea.
He was visited by inspirations in the southern regions, and in he wanted to create in Koktebel . Each verse of Voloshin reflects the poet's connection with his beloved peninsula. The man has always believed that he is closely connected with Koktebel, and he is destined to live there his whole life.
Voloshin remembered : "Koktebel did not immediately enter my soul: I gradually realized it as the true homeland of my spirit. And it tooks me many years of wandering along the shores of the Mediterranean to understand its beauty and uniqueness."
Voloshin loved Eastern Crimea for its deserted shores, hills, and centuries-old history. He wrote not only poems about the peninsula, but also created magnificent paintings. They depict the sea, hills, and sky. Maximilian Voloshin's paintings delight many people and make them look at the peninsula differently.
Voloshin talked a lot with his friend, Konstantin Bogaevsky, who also depicted Crimea in paintings. A friend lived in Feodosia and loved this city dearly. Maximilian Voloshin was in Koktebel, and he regularly met with his friend in life. Moreover, K. Bogaevsky made illustrations for the poet's book "The Years of Wandering".
Writer Vikenty Veresaev, who lived in Koktebel at his dacha in 1918-1921, wrote: "On the right, the steep cliffs of Kara-Dag rise; on the slope of its ledges of rocks form a very definitely human profile, somewhat resembling the profile of Pushkin. However, the poet Voloshin, who constantly lived in Koktebel, claims that this is his profile."
Marina Tsvetaeva, who visited Koktebel in 1911, will share her impressions: "The top of the mountain. I write and see: on the right, bounding the huge Koktebel Bay, a spill rather than a bay, a stone profile going into the sea… Maxim`s profile".
Maximilian Voloshin
Cimmerian Spring
My land keeps silence, calm as if
An emaciated icon’s seen in it.
Here any track is burnt with grief,
Here any hill is a hindered fit.
I came again to thy feet
To put the gifts of my sorrow here,
To walk along the beaches, to meet,
To ask sea distance that’s so near.
The severe sunset glows bright,
The void of the Black Sea is the same,
The same horizon’s distant light
Is seen like lilac fluid flame.
2.2. House museum
Voloshin's house in Koktebel, which the poet began to build in 1903, was conceived by him in the form of a ship: platforms and stairs depicted decks connected by ladders, and there was an art workshop in the tower. This "ship" actually became the first house of creativity in Russia – Voloshin hosted 500-600 people in it over the summer.
Of the 22 rooms in the house, more than 15 were reserved for guests. No fee was charged for accommodation, but the guests participated in the management of the common household. In those years, when there were a lot of visitors, Voloshin placed them even on the second floor, often ceding his possessions. The owner could even give up his workshop to the guests, and the attic did not remain empty. Maxim Gorky, Alexey Tolstoy, the Tsvetaeva sisters, Valery Bryusov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Osip Mandelstam, Vsevolod Vishnevsky, Konstantin Trenev, Ilya Ehrenburg, Heinrich Neuhaus, Nadezhda Obukhova, Maya Plisetskaya, Joseph Brodsky and many others visited the poet's house over the years.
Officially, the Voloshin House Museum was opened on August 1, 1984. The stock collection has almost 55 thousand units, of which 9255 are books of the poet's personal library, as well as more than 5 thousand books (many with gift inscriptions) of the scientific library, which is constantly replenished.
The museum's collections contain more than 1,500 graphic and 150 paintings by Voloshin, his personal documents are presented: manuscripts and typewritten texts with author's edits, translations, letters to relatives and friends, notebooks. Of particular value are the negatives and positives made by the poet himself. Exclusive homemade pieces of furniture decorated with painting, inlay, burning: Maximilian Alexandrovich made some himself.
2.3. Interesting facts about M.Voloshin
1) On Mount Klementyevo, which is rightfully called the cradle of Russian aviation, a comic monument to Maximilian Alexandrovich's wide-brimmed hat is installed. According to one version, with the help of this headdress in the 1920s, the legendary test pilot and grandson of Ivan Aivazovsky, Konstantin Artseulov, during a walk from Koktebel to Feodosia, explained to Voloshin the principle of operation of updrafts.
To do this, he invited the poet to climb the Uzun-Syrt ridge and throw his straw hat up there. He obeyed, after which, as Artseulov wrote in his memoirs, "invisible jets of air picked her up and lifted her up." And Voloshin "childishly was happy to this discovery."
2) Being in Koktebel, many tourists tend to visit Voloshin's grave, which is located on the top of Kuchuk-Yenishar Mountain, at an altitude of almost 193 meters above sea level. It offers stunning views of the picturesque Koktebel Bay, the majestic Cape Chameleon and the famous Karadag Nature Reserve. However, the climb is worth a lot of effort.
During his lifetime, Voloshin often climbed here to enjoy the unique landscapes of his Cimmeria, and it was here that he bequeathed himself to be buried. Moreover, he asked to wear stones to the grave, not flowers: Alexander Green pushed him to this idea, who once, after passing from the Old Crimea to Koktebel, brought the poet a stone as a gift – it is kept in the Voloshin House Museum with an inscription in a chemical pencil.
Today, near the tombstone there are whole placers of various stones brought by locals and tourists. Many people write their wishes on them and believe that the creative spirit of the poet will help to fulfill them.
The famous Russian poet, literary critic and artist Maximilian Voloshin spent most of his life on the Crimean peninsula. There were the Crimean landscapes that inspired Voloshin to create talanted works and paintings. The house in Koktebel, where Maximilian lived, became a poetic mecca that attracts creative people from all over Russia to this day. Hospitably opened to everything new, the soul of the poet has forever remained in Crimea .2022 in the Russian Federation has been declared the Year of Cultural heritage, so it is very important that our descendants preserve a huge plat of creative heritage.
Hypothesis of research work: the cultural memory of famous Russian poet will not be lost if students in the course of research activities will acquire knowledge about well-known people which live and create on our native land.
Working on the study, we came to the following conclusions:
1. Biographical facts from the life of the poet and artist M.Voloshin were described in the research.
2. Crimea has had a huge impact on the formation of Voloshin's cultural heritage
3 M.Voloshin mentioned Crimea in such poems as "My land keeps peace ...", "The soul is drawn to the foothills of the mountains ...", "It catches with a gray and low cloud», «Koktebel».
M.Voloshin's beautiful poems and magnificent paintings are always in our hearts, they will inspire our children and great-grandchildren and instill a special sense of pride for their country.
4.V.Kupchenko. The journey of M.Voloshin. K. Logos,1997
5. https://manfinnar.livejournal.com/60086.html
The addition I. Feodosiya gymnasium.
The addition II. M.Voloshin, his face in the mountain and stones with wishes.
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